

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime et bandes dessinées
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27 Chs

Chapter 5: Died in a goofy ahh way.

Fuyuki city*



After his enthusiastic stroll throughout the city

Even now he was still mesmerize by the beauty of this place

People talks to their acquaintances,families and friends

Laughs here and there

Dogs barking and cats meowing

Children running happily on playgrounds making new friends along the way

Some couples mak-….

Wait wtf?

I ignored what I have seen earlier and just walk to a specific road home

Winds blowing through my face along with leaves falling.

Hanten: "Haa! He smiled. "What a nice day to be alive"

As he continued to walk

Finally he reached his destination

Kuroko Household*


Hanten is now chilling in his home

Precisely in his couch watching a movie

He finished cleaning himself earlier

And now he is relaxing with a popcorn that he manifested onto reality

 Only the sound of the television and the ac can be heard

(Created the ac using his powers)

Every second his eyelids seems to be getting heavier


"Too sle_ep_y" Hanten muttered while slowly his speech becomes slow as he was about to doze off in the couch


A loud thud was heard

 He was awaken by this

 He use his eyes to see what happens

"Someone tried to break through the glass"

Instead of a cracking of glass a thud was heard instead courtesy of him changing the glasses atomic structure into diamond

 And the thud happens repeatedly.

Hanten's bangs fell down his face blocking his eyes like a certain hentai character

But instead of doing something devious

He was instead annoyed and pissed

Who would dare barge into my house

If he did not change the houses atomic structure it would have fallen by now.

 And this was his house and also his parents…

 "Who's bastard would do this"

His anger rising even more as his surrounding was getting distorted due to his sheer rage

Who made him angry like this

Poor guy…..




Unknown Apostle*

My bird familiar finally track his home so I send a mental command to my ghouls and undeads to go there when the moon was up..

 And so they started moving

Timeskip When Hanten was currently watching a movie*


I gave them the command again

"Capture the boy"

The undeads(lvl4) nodded and finally started to move the ghouls also followed up to the upcoming assault


They all circled the boys house and found a window with lights flickering presumably because of a television

They did not waste time and immediately lunge through the window expecting it to break from the force

But unexpectedly the undead(lvl4) was hit by a loud thud


What kind of glass is this for it to be durable enough to stop his attack

As the random1 undead(lvl4) muttered about his strange situation

The other undead(lvl4) laugh at him

Due to his hilarious position

He looks like a bird on a window of a car while its running

"Hahahhaha"One of the random2 undead (level 4)laugh out loud and finally said "How weak are you for you to not be able to break the glass as expected you are just a useless wimp"

"You bastard, this is not a normal window"random1 undead(lvl4) said.

"How about you try to break it"1

"Hmmp, let me show you strength then"2 said

He tried to punch the window

And yet just like the first undead he didn't even made a scratch

This made 2 dumbfounded


Even the other undead(lvl4)

Was confused at the situation

2 tried punching it again

And same thing happens

He punch and punch

Until he was slowly getting annoyed and frustrated

The punches now creates wind shockwaves due to its sheer speed



Now their jaws are opened wide

The window just now tank a continuous collisions and did no even get a scratch

 So they thought of another plan

"How about we destroy the wall instead"2

"Great idea then try it"1

He punched the wall yet the same situation happened to the window

Now all of them are getting annoyed as they wasted too much time

So they decided to split to try to pass through the inside of the house

Yet no matter where they go even the door

Is as hard as the wall and window earlier

So they finally took measures and called their sire

They told their sire about the situation

In which just enraged the unknown apostle even more

"You useless cretins, you can't even scratch a simple wall of his house just how useless can you all be"

"We apologize sire, but the house itself can take punches from 2 and you know that he is strongest in physically among us"


"Tch letting your lord, do the job that wass supposed to be yours,

Very well I will go there personally, but expect a punishwent after this farce is done"

"Yes sire" all the undeads(lvl4) answered obidiently

So now they wait.







A Sound of a door opening can be heard

So they immediately tried to go to the door

The undeads smiled and thought that the boy is stupid to open the door

"Ohh looks like the little brat finally came out of his nest" 2 mockingly said.

"It seems like we don't need sire for this,

Ghouls!!" 1 shouted

The ghouls finally started to run after him

Of course the the undeads are not stupid

They have been given information by their sire the the boy can use telekinesis and disintegrate using his mystic eyes but its limits is only a few meters(what the apostle concluded during the earlier battle)

So their tactic is to distract the boy using the ghouls then use any ranged attacks and pelt the boy from afar.


They thought their plan would work.




it did not.

Once the ghouls was close to him he crush all their limbs

What they seen was All the ghouls contorting and  then all of them transforms into a spear made of flesh and bones

After this he let the spears float around then..


One of the random undead(lvl4)Suddenly just got their torso pierce and exploded into a gory mess

"Shit" 1 said

He tried to protect himself and 2 with a magical barriers

Whistling sound was heard through the air as  they are blinded by the dust that the spears speed created.

After the dust was cleared

They can only see their undead comrades blood sprayed all over the ground along with their leftover bodies.

This time the two felt fear yet due to their sire they cannot escape unless the boy was captured

So instead of capturing they tried to buy time so that their sire can help them from this kid


A monster.

But sadly when they were about to move they felt their body not moving

So they immediately look towards their body.

The only thing they can see is their torso as all their limbs just turns into dust

"Ohh?" 1 said as he finally gave up

"H-how?" 2 said

They were protected by 1 magical barrier yet they were still hit by his attack

The two was also shocked as the boy attack them from a hundred meters away

Didn't their sire told them the boy can only use it a couple of meters away..

Hanten POV*

These bastard tried to enter my house and kidnap me

At the same time when I want to sleep


Bastards you don't deserve to exist

Then I look into the two limbless undeads

And question them

"OI! You bastards who send you?"

I Questioned the first undead

But he did not answer

I tried to look into his eyes and seen them with no life

Yet I can sense that he is still alive

"He gave up on life huh"

I then undid his atomic bonds using electromagnetism

dIsintigrating the undead

I then looked at the second one and then questioned him the same.

"Hieekk, go away you monster!!!" it tried to move its limbless body trying to escape

But I pinned him down using my foot.

"Monster? Then if I am a monster what are you then?"

Some of you kills humans with no remorse and even gain pleasure from it and you think I'm a monster?

I just laughed

Then abruptly stops

And watch him again

But this time darkness covered my face only leaving my purple glowing eyes to make a trail

"You people do not deserve to live.

You only trample on the lives of others

To  feed and devour them like a cattle

"They feel it to you know? Fear of something that is unknown, Fear of being unfulfilled due to them not living their lives because it was taken, Fear of not seeing their loved ones, all in the moment when they knew their fate all the guilt will bottle up in those minutes or seconds hoping that time will turn back so that they can fix it."

After all he knew all of it.

"So I'm going to make sure you will suffer" Hanten finally said.



Screams of help and cries echoed throughout the neighborhood though people did not care about it as a certain boy make sure that the sound waves will not travel to their homes.


Unknown Apostle POV*

"Useless cretins" he curse his servantsFor their inability to even destroy a simple window

So now he moves almost close to the boys house

But he sensed that the thread connecting himself to his servant breaking one by one.

And its not slow..

No its rapid..

That it even gave him.

An apostle anxiety

He is close until he only needs to jump a few more buildings

The only threads that he sensed now is two

And its his most strongest and most intelligent servants

The first one to Be cutted was the intelligent one

And then the strongest one's thread is also acting weird

The thread seems to be dissipating and then going back to normal

Until it finally was cut

For the first time in his apostles life

One emotion finally surfaced


If only other knew how hard it is to find a good servant

And now it is all gone

Just because of a boy with a mystic eye

For the first time in his life he felt utterly humiliated

All his hard work gone

Reduced to ashes

The only thing im his mind now is to kill the boy to appease his rage

After all of this he finally reached the boys housed

What he has seen made him gasped


All his ghouls and undeads are now meaty bits on the ground

He did not see his most intelligent servant

And the his strongest servant is now brutally mutilated

Hanten made sure to regenerate his limbs and then rip it slowly one by one(the head is no exception)


What the apostle seen enraged him and in that fit of rage he lunged at him faster than sound

The boy did not care and just continued his torture

After a certain meter close to the boy

To the apostle everything is slowed

Perks of being an apostle

So he tried to overwhelm the boy through sheer speed before his mind could think

But after he goes closer he can see the boy slowly drifting his eyes following his movements

He staggered for a moment and questioned

"how?" Before he was hit with an invisible wave and was blown away with the same speed.


He balanced himself by planting his foot on the ground


"So you are the caused behind all of this" the boy yawn not taking him seriously


He was enraged by this

"You Cocky brat!!  I will make sure to bath in your blood after this"

And lunged again this time powered by his mana and control over the texture to make sure inertia and friction will not affect him

The apostle accelerated faster than before reaching speed of mach 10

Anyone that gets hit will simply disintegrate with this much force

But his enemy is not a normal human

The boy smirk

And the apostle felt something weird

But he did not care and he just keeps on building his speed even more

It reaches mach 30

He was going to bulldoze this kid into bloody puddles for his hubris.

When he was about to hit

The kid seemingly disappear into thin air


Before he comprehended what happened

He just sees himself at the sky

Facing the moon.

He thought it was beautiful until he

Remembered that he was still on a battle but he cannot control his body

He only found out that his head was separated after seeing his body on a stopped motion on the air

"Hoo!, if that impacts the whole neighborhood would've been toast"

The boy finally manifested into the world again

"What did you do boy? What kind of ability lets you to be undetected by the world?"

"Why would I tell that to someone who is about to die?"


The apostles head was cut cleanly into three pieces

Hanten thankfully took all the kinetic energy of the body at the last second so as to not destroy the neighborhood,

 his body like a puppet cut from its string fell down like a ragdoll after he stop using his telekinesis.

He then did something

He cut the body parts cleanly

The he remembered that apostles cannot die and will just reverse their own time to recover

So he made sure to encase each of the cut parts with transparent graphene box. he also did something which he thought is funny he created pegs so that you can combine all the box making a box humanoid with body parts stuck in the center of the cubes.

After that he tried to use his mystic eyes

Specifically trying to find a location

"Found it" Hanten said

He then transported all the box with the cut dead apostle parts via quantum tunneling somewhere

Then he erase all the blood and flesh and then fix the destroyed surrounding of his backyard


Burial Agency Headquarters*



A thump sound was heard by the priest and executors


The gate opened with a blue haired beauty readying her black keys

Until she found that there was no threat

So she sigh

"Who in their right minds would prank the church nowadays! Especially when its almost midnight"

 The blue haired girl grumbled

Till something caught her eyes

It seems to be shaped like a square and wrapped tightly.

She counted that there are 27 of the same box

She then tried to opened the wrappers

And what she had seen shocked her..


A Feet?..