

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime et bandes dessinées
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27 Chs

Chapter 4: Powers? Yes.

"There is no great genius

without some touch of madness"


(Be ready for an info-dump)


Kuroko Household*

|Saturday Morning|

After the Table incident yesterday

He started fiddling with his newfound powers


 His matter control seems to have more freedom than usual

(He can be more imaginative with it now)

While in the past he needed to concentrate to control matter from vast distances

Now it feels like breathing to move things from far away

He tried to zoom in to the elementary particles

Studying how they move

How they seemingly gets transported or phase through through other matter

How one particle moves and another particle moves the same in different direction

How twin virtual particles seemingly pops in then out of existence due to their collisions.

He can also see the particles in its state of superposition.

While this would be imposible because you can only infer whether its in superposition

As once you observe or measure the particles, the universe flicks its coin on what type of change in particles it would be and you only see the changed particle.

But it seems that when he observed the particles they do not changed an is still in the superposition state.

All outcomes is possible in the superposition

Because of his advance matter manipulation

He can change the outcomes of matter and change matter that way.

Now he has two types of power to change matter:

Either by brute force using his powers

Or by changing the outcome during its superposition state making the universe changed its state by guiding it to that certain outcome

These are not the only things he can do,

Remember that he can see quarks too?

Well its not just quarks now

After studying and reading quantum physics book courtesy to his father.

Fermions and Bosons

He controls them too

For those who don't understand these particles

they are responsible for many things in the universe..

 having control over one of these two can already make you a god...

but he can control both…

Because of these he can now control the fundamental force

 Gluon which controls the strong interaction

 W and Z boson for the weak interaction

Photon and electrons which is responsible for electromagnetic force

Higgs boson which gives mass to quarks and Electron

With all these powers in hand

He then suddenly remembered a certain bald naked man that rebooted a certain verse.

He have to be careful and do not use too much or the world or even everything in the universe would be destroyed.

Hanten shivered as he thought of himself accidentally creating a strange quark.

After these

 He noticed something different in his body

 He tried to activate the magic circuits

Cracks appeared on his body again

He tried to zoom in to his circuits

And what he sees made him shocked

Circuits is supposed to convert life force into magical energy and using the said energy to change the nature of the world

His magical energy seems to be different than others.

Hanten tried to observe the magical energy of normal humans and conclude that almost all of them have the same wavelength just with different volumes and output.

As some are just more gifted than other

Now back to the magical energy he creates

While mana can be sensed by people that are more attuned to nature(maguses)

And some even had mystic eyes to see the mana directly

And Hanten is one of those people that can see

Think of it as Hanten watching particles move but its mana.


What should I call it?





-Mystery Energy



So he tried to see the mana he exudes

Mana particles exudes a unique blue color when use.

But after the use of magecraft it seems to shift into different colors

His mana is colorless

 Invisible even

 Though he can sense and control it

But one thing is weird

His mana seems to make distortions in space

Hanten: (Its stransparent but at the same time I can see that it distort space)

He controls his mana to coat upon his whole body inside and out

After this he was caught by surprise as he phase through the ground




Now confused as he slowly falls phasing throught the planet itself..


He tried to control his mana to make himself float

He then stopped floating but still blinded due to being underground

He slowly try to rise back up again

But he underestimates his speed and phase through the ceiling.

He thought that he would be caught

But no one seems to look up at the sky on where he is floating

He tried to go back down slowly

But was confused that people never seen him nor give him attention.

After that he tried to zoom in to his hands

And it answered his question.

Hanten: ( I see it seems like I also become transparent similar to my mana, I can also phased through matter in this form)

Invisibility with the ability to phase through matter

(It's as if I am on a separate dimension)

 Then something clicks on to his mind

So he did another test

He poured as much mana into his eyes then activates it…



He laughed


Because he discovered another application for his power

(I knew it)

He knew he was on a different dimension earlier

But what dimension is it

And now it was seen by him


[4th Spacial Dimension]


He was in the fourth dimension

He can see things that humans with eyes that only perceives only 2 dimension cannot and will not be able to see.

Higher dimensional geometrical shapes floating In space

These things seems to float

And some are even phasing throught the ground

Its just there….

 Even a force like  gravity cannot influence it


 He can see through 3 dimensional objects and he gets to choose to influence these things either by moving them by hand or by his telekinesis(sub-ability of matter manipulation)

Because of this he can also perceive the inside of the human body and if he ever gets the chance he can even yank out their innards like a character from a comics if a normal human tried to rip the paper

After this he return back into the third dimension

When he is back inside his home ofcourse

(Phased through the ceiling back to his living room)

He then observed his circuits again

Its also unique

Unlike the conventional glowing patterns

His seems to be glowing cracks in the skin

He suddenly then remember the statue back when he is trying to know of his origin.

While he feels a sense of completeness when he sees the light

He is confused on why or what the statue symbolizes or relates to his origin.

He did not meddle into this thoughts as he has much more important matters to take care of.

He then turn the circuits off and he sees the cracks creepily melding back together.

 He then heard his stomach growling

So by the snap of his fingers

Food pops into existence

These foods are by no means normal

As he specifically make all its atoms

He can change and make specific taste.

Due to this the food that he created might be the best food you will ever taste.

(Mama Emiya: U sure bout dat bro?)

After this he cleans himself then goes out for a walk not knowing that a bunch of ghouls and undead along with their master knew of his location and just waited until the sun disappears.