

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime et bandes dessinées
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27 Chs

Chapter 11: Bro!! Stop Spamming ur NP


"Working together, Tiny Stars light the universe. thats the power of teamwork"



|5th day of the war|

|Timeskip/Before the Kings Banquet|


After the date.


We see Tiamat snuggling with her son

Happy because of their date which made her cry

After that they got home

And His mother then started cooking which made Artorias eye lit up

His mother then invite Artoria along with the little Sakura to eat

Hanten then sees Saber hilariously eating and chomping the food and Sakura giggling at her servant.

He then told saber that he will disconnect her to the grail so that she will exist after the war to which saber nodded

After eating he then hold her hands which got saber a little flustered but he ignored it or rather he did not see it as he is focused on cutting her connection to the grail..


When the connection is cut  he then told his plans to saber tonight for the Banquet to which saber complied and followed by his plan.

After its all said and done he then told his Mother that he will go somewhere to which his mother just nodded.



He then tunneled into the sky

He seems to be finding someone

And voila he found him

The Golden king

Now you wonder how is he still alive.

"Wait? Why does he have an actual body"

He then observed that he has mana

Endless amounts of it

Tch,it seems that the grail knew somethings is going on

Its obvious that the grail will do something like this

As I just took its vessel along with cutting one of its needed mana(saber)


He then stopped observing

His plan didn't change as the outcome will be the same.

After this he goes down to the streets of Fuyuki to just stroll ..




|Timeskip| The Kings Banquet|

Hanten PoV

Now let me tell you the plan

After all of them talk to each other

He then let saber fight rider to death but not before she explains about the grail

I will then fight the Golden King himself and now its more entertaining as I'm  getting bored due to not having an enemy that could fight me



Hanten watches the event unfold

He then sends Saber to the Place in which the three of them meet

He then sees rider and sees him inviting saber to drink in which she complied

Then we see Gilgamesh himself going there with his vimana due to him not being able to use spirit form.

Gilgamesh then told Iskandar that his drink is shit then summons one from his Vault.

They then enjoyed the very good Drink

After in which they explains their wishes for the Grail while trying to know what The meaning of King to each of them

They then laugh and mock saber due to her explanation of what a king is to her.

Yet she didn't mind it..


After all she is focused of Hanten's plan.

He then tried to invite rider to a fight

In which rider accepted

They then disappeared along with riders master into riders reality marble Ionia Hetairoi in which they then started battling.

Gilgamesh was then left alone drinking in his golden cup

He seems to be waiting for someone

"I have been expecting you Anomaly" the golden king said

"Ayayaya  I did not expect you to know me" he said trying to be ignorant

"Hmp, off course

after seeing and observing this world.Its fate was supposed to be the same as the other timelines but because of your interference It change

Even this king was surprise that this timelines was not pruned yet. It seems that the World itself like you to tbe point that it decided to keep you around,

This king is truly impressed by the feat that you made"

"I see" I thought about it in the fgo they solve singularities and lostbelts to solve and fix human history

And both singularity and lostbelt have something in common

If they were left unattended  they will change the history of the planet itselt.


"Sadly this king need to end your life as this king cannot stop the Grails control.

If this king met you in a different time he would have gifted you something because of your great entertainment" after which many golden ripples in space each of them manifesting different weapons.

It seems the King is not underestimating the enemy this time As he summoned the strongest prototype weapons in his arsenal

He then shit it all at Hanten which made him try to dodge each and every attacks

He was then hit in the shoulders but it only broke due to his sheer durability.

He then move faster than mach 50

After which he hit Gilgamesh with an uppercut punch in which the king tried to block by summoning a golden shield

But it just broke to Hantens sheer strength which then hit The kings golden armor and even breaking the said armor which punctured Gilgamesh's Chest.

The king was then sent flying throught the sky above even the clouds.

The king then immediately balance his footing and summons vimana he then took a key after which transform into his most strongest weapon


Sword of Rupture, Ea is the most powerful Noble Phantasm contained in the Gate of Babylon and the pinnacle of all those used by Servants. Unlike all of his other nameless weapons that were able to be passed on to other wielders throughout history, it is a sword only Gilgamesh possesses, a unique existence that can only be possessed by him, that is suited only for a ruler's use and makes him transcendent


Hanten then sense this and immediately jump to gilgamesh in the sky which cracks the ground.

He was worried on what would happen if EA hit him but he trusted himself.

Gilgamesh then summons the chains of heaven and other A Ranked Noble phantasms trying to slow him down

Hanten then dodged all the homing attacks while going straight to the King

But then the king started his Chant

Vast amounts of mana formed in the sky

Which creates clouds

Clouds so large that it can be mistaken as some kind of typhoon

"I shall perform this final blow as a parting gift to you!"

"I will tell you of the beginning. Heaven and Earth split, nothingness congratulated creation, my Sword of Rupture cleaved the world!"

"Mortar of the stars, heaven's hell is the eve of creation's celebration. Now you shall die and be silent...

The cylinder like sword rotated in three different directions making red destructive winds that seems to cut space itself.

The king then pointed it at  Hanten.

"Enuma Elish!"

Then a red beam shot through the tip of the cylinder.

A beam that threatens to destroy the world.

Hanten seeing this retaliated with his own.

"The light of the endless dead stars.

Heed the call of thy Creator.

Let the the hole threaten the cosmos

Let its Entrails Rip the backyard of everything

Let it fall to the endless void beyond,

Destroy Everything"

「Disce Libens」

Hanten then summons a blackhole that threaten to rip the planets apart.

He limited the power of this ability so that it will equalize Gilgamesh's EA

The resulting Clash  Reverberated through the whole planet along with the cosmos.

Due to Gilgamesh Having infinite mana he can multiply the strength of his Enuma Elish

He then started Making it stronger the beam becoming dark red

Hanten seeing this outputted more energy making the black hole even bigger.

He also sensed that the world cannot take it and was about to explode so he then displaced parts of the atmosphere in which he and Gilgamesh were fighting and combines it with a new star system that he created far away to the solar system

Due to the being connected and disconnected to planet earth Gilgamesh can still use his mana while not worrying about the world being destroyed.

Hanten also made sure to displaced the Vast amount of energy that is on earth to the newly made star system.

Its because he felt that something bad will happen to the planet if the energy clash is left to let loose on earths surface

Which he is right as after their clash the vast energy then exploded into a giant supernova destroying the star system that he created with both of them of the nearest part of the explosion

Gilgamesh's Armor melted into gold and pierce through his insides but he is still alive laying down in his Vimana that seems to be also melted

While Hanten clothes are the only one that disappeared but he immediately made a new one.

"I-I see, This king stood no chance, hahhaha." Gilgamesh said while choking in his laugh

"i thank you for letting me enjoy this cosmic battle" saying "I" instead of "This king"

"I also enjoyed it" Hanten smiled

Gilgamesh then thought that if Hanten was in the past

He would've been good friends with him and Enkidu.

"If you were only born in the past" The king muttered.

He then drawed his last breath.

Hanten seeing this then erase gilgamesh body and turning him into an ashes that flew in the wind.

He then observed the fight of saber and rider and it seems that the winner Is already decided.

Saber with her sword in the chest of rider while rider just smiled and look at his master who is crying.

He then tunneled to saber and she then told him that the plan was success and told the Rider and his master about the corrupted grail which made the Rider himself frown

"Its all for naught then" Iskandar said.

The rider then thank saber for fighting.

And then look at his master Waver Velvet

He then smiled and told him that they will meet again

Which the cowardly master just nodded with a snot in his nose.

After that The rider finally dissipate.

Hanten then explains more about the grail and told Waver to tell it to the Mages association

Which Waver followed and  then goes away




Hanten then Sighed. He then look at saber

He did not tunnel but instead walk slowly in the streets. With saber herself changing into the butler clothes to not get caught.

Hanten was then Worried about what would happen home.

But he was now ready for his mothers rant so he just steeled himself.






Pls review and comment and also gib stones ;-;