

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime et bandes dessinées
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27 Chs


|Fate Standards|

Name:Kuroko Shiruhanten

Titles: [little dumpling(mother), the Walking breathing paradox, Aleph, Contradiction, Duality,The Entity from the beyond,?]

Sex: Male

Height/Weight: 184cm 73kg

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Possible Class: Foreigner(Possible grand servant), Avenger

Origin: Ultima realis

Region: The OverVoid

(Note that these stats are only when he is summoned as a servant)




LUK:NULL(is not bound by karma,fate and destiny)


Noble Phantasm:EX(Immeasurable)(?)


[Mystic eyes of infinity/ The eyes that have seen the beginning and the end]


NP type:(Anti self~~Anti universe)

Range: Infinite

Maximum targets: Infinite

- Mystic eyes special only to Shiruhanten

due to his nature as a being from the beyond

and passing through akasha, his soul adapted to how the world works

as such it birth his own set of mystic eyes

the mystic eyes are capable of the following:

- can zoom in and out and even capable of seeing beyond the planck length

- X-ray vision

- Matter manipulation

- Quantum manipulation(probability)

- Night vision

[ALEPH/I Am who I Am]*Hidden*


NP type:[n*llErr]


Maximum targets:[null]

-(His origin which he has little knowledge of#$ERROR h*_s _ue f_m _h__ is __e ∞ incalculable _a__e the '| |' i_eff__l_ self *_o__sh__d_h__e*)


-Indeterminant growth

- ?

- ?



Np type:(anti-self)

Range: O meters

Maximum targets: 1

- a special existence as you are the only existing self which means parallel versions of your self do not exist



NP type: (anti-self)

Range: 0 meters

Maximum targets: 1

- This signifies Shiruhanten's very desire

he can do things that would be otherwise imposible twisting the logic of reality to make sure that the imposibility will be turned into a posibility



NP type: (anti-self)

Range: 0 meters

Maximum targets: 1

- Does not need to eat, sleep

and other types of activities that the living partakes to survive

(summoned as a servant)

Does not need magical energy to survive as he can use radiation and other energy instead.

[Celestial Forger]

Rank: EX

NP Type: (Anti-world~~ Anti universe)

Range: Infinite

Maximum Targets: Infinite

- It comes from Hanten's legend when he created and destroyed planets and stars

It was discovered by a foreign inhabitant of The biggest gas Giant when he sees light flickering in and out of the sky and then past on to its descendants

it seems to be recorded on the system and turned as a NOBLE PHANTASM


Make it so that Celestial body will be Neutral to the user of this ability

[He can now visit other planets without getting deemed as a foreign entity]

[Corona/The face that shines as bright as the stars]


NP type: (Anti-population)

Range: (How much a person can see)

Maximum targets: Infinite

- Hanten got this After awakening in the sun

A mystic face that could spark wars just to get to see his handsomeness.

[Very effective against persons with the [Female] trait]


- Charm

- Charisma

- Lust inducement[Curse](Can Make someones inner desire to get the user for themselves)

[The King/ruler of the cosmos]

Rank: EX

NP type: (Anti-world~~~~Anti-Universe)

Range: Infinite

Maximum targets: Infinite

-User of this possessed an unparallelled control over the forces that govern the cosmos to the point that someone with divinity cannot stop the user from the changes that he do.


Fundamental Force manipulation

[Dimensional Phase Shift/Spatial transcendence]


NP type: (anti-self)

Maximum targets: 1

- The ability to transcend one's dimension to a higher one


- Dimensional Ascension

•[4th dimension]

•[5th dimension]

•[6th dimension]*locked

•[7th dimension]*locked

•[8th dimension]*locked

•[9th dimension]*locked

•[10th dimension]*locked

•[11th dimension]*locked


|Void Body/the Gift of The [..]|

Rank: Unknown

NP type: (anti-environment)

Range: 0 meters

Maximum target: none

- There was once a drifting soul in a vast empty void..

that wisp was filled with only one desire.


Yet its cries cannot be heard by anyone

sadness and hate was shed

emotions was broken down

yet it held on to hope..

It then disappeared in the vast empty sea of nonexistence.


- Absolute adaptation

- ?

- ?

|Porcelain Face mask|


NP type: (Anti-self)

Range: Face

Maximum targets: 1

A porcelain mask hanten created to Protect the world from his Ohh! so Handsome face.

it was inspired by the statue(?) he sees in the void.

(when summoned as a servant)

It can hides his stats with the least being C

additional noble phantasms will be added as the story goes on.