

Auteur: dimpi67
Magical Realism
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What is मैं??

Lisez le roman मैं?? écrit par l'auteur dimpi67 publié sur WebNovel. ...


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Monster Of Dracosilk

Hey you, Yes you, the reader! Are you tired of your boring and miserable life? Want to just let go and escape from it all? Do we have the perfect game for you! It's far better than actually living! No joke! Can't find a date? Future, looking too bleak? Then hop right in. All the hot men and ladies are waiting just for you. Too young for that? No worries, we have plenty of the tastiest candy you've ever tried, just waiting for you! Parental supervision is not suggested. Let's give Mom and Dad a big surprise! Interested? Hold on for just a bit. You need this neural implant chip, free of charge of course. We inject it beneath the skin on the nape of your neck. > There you go! Now it's connected to that noggin of yours. Isn't that wonderful? Take the game wherever you go! Want it removed? Sure thing! That will just be $10,000 Smackeroos! Don't have that kind of cash? Well, we now accept kidney donations! And facilities are coming close to a neighborhood near you. Now, why don't you forget about all that? Just relax, and let go of reality. Food? Water? Shelter? Those basic needs your cavemen parents craved? It's not needed here! So just let it all go. Here at Psycorp, we got you covered. Enjoy, player! — Side effects may include but are not limited to: Loss of reality, loss of memories, loss of personality, loss of bodily functions, loss of kidneys, and loss of life. P.O.I. does not assume any responsibility but is entitled to everything, including but not limited to you and your loved ones. || Feedback & Support > This is a highly experimental story in many ways. Please bear with us as we hammer it out. You can support us directly by reviewing, rating, and sharing your feedback. In doing so, you can contribute by helping us in improving the story. > Our links can be found at the bottom of this page. Your support means we can spend more time and drop out new chapters faster. || Story Progression Rate & Expectations > Minimum of at least two weekly chapters. Prologue and Interludes are excluded and might be at a faster or slower pace. > More chapters are possible depending on our speed. We like to have some extra chapters in our storage bank to drop steadily. > Chapters will be around 2k - 4k words each. Prologues are generally twice to thrice that length, while interludes might be shorter. > Patreon for advanced chapters per week available. > Discord is open to all. From time to time, bonus or side content will be posted there. || Viewer discretion is advised. The depictions and acts of experimentation and violence might be disturbing for some. --- || Disclaimer Most pictures used in this story are A.I generated unless explicitly stated, such as the Cover Art. As funds are available, the focus is to commission more of these scenes. Gore and violence will be kept to a minimum for pictures. No pictures will contain nudity, sexual content, or sexually suggestive themes. This story is intended for an audience of at least 15+ years of age. If you are younger, parental supervision is advised. — https://www.patreon.com/MonsterOfDracosilk

Rise_Of_Bread · Romance
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5 Chs


【宠文、无虐、双强、1V1】 秦家小姐时隔十几年回到本家,首富秦老放言称谁娶他孙女谁能平分家产,惊动了全国,世家子弟纷纷来应征孙女婿! 众子弟:家产不家产的无所谓,主要是我爱惨了秦小姐! 病秧子:选我,我贤惠!会管钱! 众子弟:无耻啊! —— 众所周知,徐爷是个谪仙人物!可惜是个病秧子,天天灌着药续命! 秦家孙女选中他,肯定是眼瞎了! 大佬1问秦夜霜:“这样的病鬼,你要来干什么?收废品吗?” 秦夜霜:“病了才好拿捏!” 大佬2嫌弃的道:“你想要男人,我给你送一个团!小奶狗各种有!” 秦夜霜:“不,我就喜欢这一款,能折腾!” 大佬3惊恐不已:“不得了,那吊命鬼在算计你!大佬!反击!” 秦夜霜:“没关系,我选的男人,跪着也要宠下去!” 各界大佬:“……” —— 听说徐爷要娶个二手女人回家,各路好友纷纷跳出来劝告。 好友1:“徐三啊,娶妻要娶贤,不能只看外表。” 好友2:“虽有亿万家产,还得帮人家养孩子,亏本了啊!” 徐爷面不改色:“爱她所爱,人娶了娃就是我的;不贤没关系,我贤就行!” 众损友:“这货莫不是忘吃药了?” —— PS:1.孩子不是女主的!2.男主是真有病!3.女主多重马甲,主医!

陆天舒 · Général
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