
Spiraling Into The Supernatural.

After finishing my first ever PvP , I went out to train again. I realized during that battle that I'm nowhere near strong enough to protect myself in this supernatural world. So I went to a dojo in town. It looks like there's a bit of cultural history left and people still train in martial arts here. It's called Shogai School ,I need to train my Body Strengthening ,but in order for that to happen ,I need to be damaged. So I signed up to work as a sparring partner in the dojo. I get paid and I get stronger. I also was able to enroll in the school for free as a worker scholarship.


After finishing my first day of work and training ,I started to go to my training spot. I spent the rest of the day training my fist skills. After training until midnight ,I notice something wrong. I was headed home and then the sky turned red. I looked around and remembered where I am. I seemed to have accidentally walked into a barrier of some kind. I seem to be at an event that is part of the show ,but which event?! After looking around I heard a scream. It sounded like Issei. It came from a nearby house. This should be the first appearance of Freed Sellzen. I run towards the house and hear another scream. A distinct high pitched voice. It should be Asia. I don't know if I'm a match for Freed by myself ,but Issei should have learned how to use his Sacred Gear by now. I should be able to hold Freed back if Issei helps me. I just have to get there before Issei gets wounded.

After busting through the door ,I saw Freed attacking Issei. After blocking his sword Issei was about to get shot in the leg and then I punched Freed in the face. Being slammed into the wall ,he fell to the ground and I spoke to Issei.

Kurai - Are you alright?

Issei - H-Huh?! Y-Yeah ,I'm okay now.

After confirming Issei wasn't hurt ,I turned to freed. It seems that Exorcists aren't much stronger than Humans. At least Low level ones like Freed right now. I forgot he was just a Low-Level Exorcist right now. Looking at him struggling to stand up ,I noticed something weird. I could see some kind of bar above his head. It had a sliver filled up. I went over and kicked him in the knee and he fell back down. I remember how much of a pain in the ass he is in the future and I decided to finish him now. After spending a bit of extra DP than normal for my skill I used Spiraling Punch and I punched a hole through his heart. Killing him here should prevent Diadora Astaroth from reviving him. He should only come around during the church event. After killing him the other two looked at me in fear for a second until they realized that I just saved them. Suddenly a red magic circle appeared in the room.


Code Name: Entropy

Code User: Kurai Aoi

Code Level: 2

Data Power: 76/204

Attack Power: 10(+2)

Code Skills: Entropy(Lv.Max) | Entropy Infection(Lv.Max) | Spiraling Punch(Lv.4) | Body Strengthening(Lv.2) | Fist Arts(Lv.4)


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