

Auteur: Anika_Habiba
Actuel · 994 Affichage
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What is Łøúsíķà

Lisez le roman Łøúsíķà écrit par l'auteur Anika_Habiba publié sur WebNovel. ...


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This is absolutely discontinuous nonsense

This is a story of the Wannabe Webnovelist Team (aka WW) who slaved over writing for five years and did not receive a single reader, only to discover that the person responsible for the final edit and publishing in the Wannabe Webnovelist writing team never actually published anything. He had only uploaded everything to the drafts. Sit back and relax (or not) as you try to figure out which character has written which paragraph or chapter. Not to mention working out how many people are actually in this team - this may fluctuate. The WW team's rules in this novel are that once a chapter has been published, no one in the team can edit it. (NB: all the characters in this work are fictional and while any resemblance to real life people are not entirely coincidental - no insults are meant. This is a completely tongue in cheek, rubbish piece of nothing. Yes, you read that right. If you find this as nonsensical as the author, then 'high five!' You are on the right page.) Also, has this story really been discontinued? Wait and see... because if it really has been discontinued, we hope the readers enjoy being left hanging on the cliff edge - or just hanging, cos there's nothing wrong with just hanging about. Addit Oct 2023: WW is on a long break. Who knows if they'll ever get back together or come back (in fact, I doubt they will ever return - I think they've given up). Therefore, you will receive random short stories instead.

Tonukurio · Politique et sciences sociales
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33 Chs


Setelah enam bulan mengunci diri lantaran berduka, akhirnya El putuskan untuk membuka pintu dan kembali menjalani kehidupan normalnya. Ia berharap sekolah bisa menjadi tempat mengaburkan pilu yang selama ini dipeluknya seorang diri. Tapi seluruh angan-angan indahnya seketika lenyap setelah menghadapi kenyataan di hari pertama sekolah. Tak ada kedamaian, pandangan memusuhi tersirat dimanapun ia berpijak, musuh-musuh baru berkeliaran mengincar. Ancaman, cemooh, tuduhan ... sekolah bukan lagi tempat berwarna baginya. Mereka salah paham. El bukan pelaku dari apapun! Bahkan ia tidak mengerti apa alasan mereka membencinya tanpa celah. Tetap menghindar dan bungkam. El sama sekali tak berkutik terhadap semua orang yang terus berusaha menghancurkannya. Tentu si manis itu bisa menghabisi mereka begitu saja, tapi ia bukanlah gadis gegabah yang senang membuang waktu untuk hal tak berguna. Lagipula ia bukan sang pelaku. Tapi El sudah menyadari apa alasannya. Hari-harinya penuh lamunan dan rasa bersalah. Tidak ada secercah senyuman meski hanya palsu, ia tak mau. Di tengah ramai pertempuran balas dendam itu, munculah satu tokoh anonim dalam kehidupan El. Laki-laki asing yang tiba-tiba menghampirinya dan memberi sebungkus obat luka. Aneh. Tidak banyak yang berubah setelah kedatangan dia, tapi ... gadis itu sekarang tertawa lebar karena ocehannya? "Tenanglah sebentar saat kupeluk, tidak masalah menangis sekarang ... hanya ada aku di sini."

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1 Chs
Table des matières
Latest Update
Volume 1


  • Tarif global
  • Qualité de l’écriture
  • Mise à jour de la stabilité
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte mondial


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