
Chapter 12 : Mahsam school

At the gate of the castle Vriksha was standing with Chetanya and the three ministers who were absent during the ceremony.

"Sorry My lord , An important task came this morning so I'm not able to come to the ceremony , Please forgive me , My lord."

An Vanar Adipuru said that who had transparent brown furr/hairs wearing green colored dhoti and on the upper half of the body an black garment , a single cloth wrapped around the whole body and draped over the shoulder (this garment was called uttariya) And he was bowning again and again in front of Vriksha .

Vriksha while sharpening his eyes and an awkward smile on his face he said ,

"Enough , Abhiru , You...."

"We are sorry too sir we couldn't make it in time , ..."

Standing beside Abhiru , A woman said that while bowing  , she had brown long hairs , as lower garments she was wearing ,(A woman wear called Antariya)  A red colored cloth that was covered in lehnga style around the hips to form a tubular skirt. Made of cotton and decorated with gemstone , It is fastened at the centre of the waist tied in a looped knot , An embellished long piece of cloth, hanging at the front, wrapped around the waist is pleated into the antariya is called patka. ,And on the upper half of her body a tight shirt like wear in black color.

And with her , An Vanar Adipuru was standing who had brown furr , Wearing a white colored dhoti as the lower garments and a purple colored uttariya as upper garments.

Vriksha while showing a dull expression was going to say something but ,

"Sunanda and Vedant you too ..."

Chetanya from inside the castle came running  behind Sugreev, Bali and others were coming too , Sugreev was almost grabbing his white colored uttariya .

Sugreev while grabbing Chetanya's uttariya with his little eyes said ,

"Hehe.... Please Chetanya take us to school ."

Chetanya while trying to let go of his uttariya from Sugreev ,

"But , Prince, I have to take The king and everyone to the Kosala kingdom."

Chetanya looked at Vriksha with an face that was asking for assistance ,

"My lord , Please tell them that I can't take them there and also tell them that they should not leave the castle now."

Vriksha came forward while looking at both Bali and Sugreev in a stern expression ,

"Bali , Sugreev ... First of all , I'm sorry that I will not be able to go with you on your admission ... But I'll be back soon , Don't you worry ."

Bali smiled a bit ,

"It's okay father we understand... but for now! we want to  visit the school with our friends so please let us go."

Lifting his eyebrows a little Vriksha placed his fingers on his chin and after some time thinking over something he said ,

"So .... You two want to go to school now ,  ummm..... With Apoorva gone from the castle upon that, me and the other ministers are also going outside of the kingdom and the commanders are going back to their forts , In that case I think the school will be a safer place than this castle ... So I think you should stay there until I come back .... Chetanya send them to the school with your shakti."

Chetanya shocked to hear that bit than he bowed and said ,

"Wha --- Yea--- yes sir."

Bali looked at Vriksha with confused eyes and a curious face , 

'What .... School is , more safer than the castle .'

Chetanya moved a little and stomped his foot on the ground with all his might .


Where's Chetanya stomped his feet a white colored light appeared from under his feet , The light started to expanding on the ground and after a while an circle appeared with some triangle snapped  type pattern within it , 

Chetanya stepped back from that circle and pointing at it he said to Bali and the other ,

"Okay .. all of you stand inside this circle ."

Keisha and Shakshi making a surprised expression shouted ,

"What ... what is that.."

Tikshana replied in a firm tone ,

"It's Chetanya's shakti he will teleport us at an high speed to the school."

Keshav looked at Bali with his glowing eyes 

"What ?! ... Really ... That's awesome."

Chetanya looked at Tikshana , Who was standing behind Bali and the other kids.

"Tikshana , You are going too right ?."

While chuckling she replied ,

"Well , it's the King's order. I have to stay with the princes ."

Everyone stood upon the circle one by one, When all of them were on it.  Chetanya asked ,

"Are you all ready?"


"So here we go ..."

Chetanya extended his both arms in the air and as if he was pushing someone , he put force in his arms and with that the white light from the circle surrounded Bali and others completely.


Before they were going to completely vanished in that white light Vriksha with making a conceded  ,

"Take good care of them Tikshana"

Looking back at Vriksha , Tikshana smiled ,

"Absolutely sir!"


With that All of them disappeared along with the circle and it looked as if they all were shot in the air just like an arrow from a bow .

Vriksha with a light smile on his face sighed then changed his expression to stern.

"Shall we go too?"

"Yes sir ."


Six transparent brown furr colored Vanar Adipuru were guarding a very tall gate and at the upper side of the gate written 'Mahsam school' in Sanskrit language , The six Adipuru was chatting around , Then suddenly one of them looked at the white light that was glowing in the sky and it seemed as if the white light was coming in there way .

"Hey ... look .. What is that?



When that white light fell in front of the gate because of its force the ground shuddered a bit and the entire area where it fell was covered in the dust smoke for a while .

"Oh I thought we would be slammed on the ground pretty hard , But it seems it was a smooth landing ."

"Brother ..... Look, the school had tall walls and gates as the castle ."

"Yeah !! ... I think they give equal importance to the king's palace and the school."

When the smoke cleared the six guards saw the prince and their company.

"Hey ... isn't that Prakriti and her two friends and .... looks like she came with some new friends of hers."

Prakriti, clearing the smoke dust from her face , waved her hand while showing her teeth.

"Hello ... How are you doing."

Prakriti and all of them started approaching near the gate , But the guards stopped them.

"Prakriti ... You just couldn't take in the school anyone you want to  , We must take permission from the headmaster ."

Keshav moving the hands of the guards from his way, he said, making an awkward face and pointing his fingers at Bali and Sugreev.

"Hey .... Do you even know who they are ?"

The guard looked at Bali and Sugreev for a while than showing a disdainful look to Keshav they said ,

"Who are these kids ? some kind of prince or something ?"

Tikshana while giggling came forward and she showed a symbol that looked like two long red eyes , that was carved on her ornament that she was wearing on her forearm.

"Haha ... You are funny , here... I'm minister Tikshana . I came here to visit the school , Please let us through ."

After seeing the symbol the guards faces became pale , Seat covered their faces , Try all fell on there knees immediately.

"Please forgive us ma'am... we didn't know it was you ."

Tikshana laughed loudly and then sarcastically she said ,

"Haha... well you should , Ask for forgiveness from the princes too."

The guards who were on there knees shifted there gazes to  Bali and Sugreev,

"HuH ?  ... Princes ... Don't tell me .."

casually passing by the guards Bali reached near the gate.

"Forget it Tikshana we should get in."

"As you wish, prince."

The guards stood up in a hurry and opened the gates .

"Forgive... us sir..."

Sugreev smiled at the guards ,

"Its okay , its okay"

The gate were opened and as soon as Bali stepped inside the school , he saw gardens and greenery all around , long and wide grounds where some kid Vanar Adipuru which everyone had brown or transparent brown furr but some of them were also were of a different colored furr , They were doing some kind of exercise , Some very old Banyan Trees were planted in line by the side of the road ,And that road was leading its way to a building , The building was made out of red and black stones with carvings of structures of gods and deities all around , The building had only three stories but it was built in a very wide area , Bali and all of them greeted by some students, who were wearing same uniform as Prakriti , Keshav And Shakshi , A grey colored dhoti and grey colored loose shirt like dress with a symbol of a giant tree , that was carved on the pocket side of the shirt , Then suddenly from midst of these student an elder Vanar Adipuru  , Who had brown furr but the furr around his chin seemed to be  turned white from old age , Came running toward Bali and other .

"Oh oh oh .... look at that , Our two princes are here ... And Tikshana ... how long has it been ... I guess after your graduation it first , Right?!"

Tikshana greeted the old Adipuru.

"haha Sorry , Sir Dharendra , How are you ?"

"Oh it's okay I'm happy you are here now at least"

looking at Tikshana with a confused face Bali asked her ,

"umm .... Tikshana , Who is he?"

"Well he is ...."

Before Tikshana could say any further , A bunch of long creepers fastened Bali and Sugreev and pulled them from where they were standing , Tikshana widened her eyes for a while to see what was happening but then she looked at Dharendra and sighed.

Dharendra was laughing ,

"Hahaha ... Prince I will tell who I am , But for that you have to get out of here Hahahahaha."

The long creepers came out from Dharendra's hands and it seemed that his both hands were transformed into the creepers ,  The creepers from his hands were chaining Bali and Sugreev's body completely and only there mouth could be seen outside, And from these creepers Dharendra was holding both of the princes in midair .

Bali tried to free himself but he was failed to do anything ,

'What the .... What's the problem with this old dude? Does he want to strangle us here or something? These creepers are pretty tough and sturdy. How can someone come out from here?'

Immediately running toward the chained princes , Tikshana tried to free Bali and Sugreev , And along with that with a conceded face she looked at Dharendra ,

"But sir , they..."

Dharendra looked at Tikshana with sharp eyes ,

"Don't , Tikshana , I want to see how bright our future is right now!!"

<   Chapter 12  >Ends.

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