

The heroes from the land of dawn was teleported to our world for a reason and its their job to go back to their hometown but they need help...luckily Rin,Misaki, and Renz Everfree decided to help them but little do the heroes know the sisters were having a trick on their sleeves all along

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9 Chs

Chapter Nine

||3rd Persons POV||

A few days has passed and they were close on where Lunox may be Claude,Dexter and Misaki decided to return home.

"Welcome back!" Rin greeted but Misaki just smiled and walked to her room closing the door behind her "What's up with her?" Renz asked walking up to his sister "Let her rest" Claude said going to the kitchen to make some coffee "Did something happened?" She asked "Nothing happened she's just tired that's all" Claude said grabbing some biscuits then placing them in a tray along with the coffee "I see well we'll be outside training ask Misaki if she wants to join" She requested "Sure thing" He carried the tray and he walked up to Misaki's room as Rin and Renz walk outside.

Dexter knocked on the door making Misaki open it "You should at least eat something" He said entering her room then placing the tray on the table "I'll eat it later..." She muttered grabbing her book and reads "By the way everyone else are training outside do you wanna join?" He asked "No thanks..." She coldly replied "If you say so..." The two thieves walked out her room closing the door to give her some privacy and space.

A few mintues has passed and Misaki's stomach growled she sighed and grabbed a biscuit from the plate and she sip a little bit of coffee she looked outside and saw everyone training really hard "Their doing their best so they could go home-" She suddenly saw Granger and Lesley talking to each other 'Are they taking a break?' She noticed her sister and Gusion glaring at the two noticing that their jealous "Wow.." she giggled then sat down on her chair and continued reading.

Meanwhile with Rin she was trying to keep her cool and not let her jealousy get the best of her "I'm just-" Her sentence was interrupted by Grangers voice "Can we fight next?" She blushed "oh um...s-sure...since my sister might be busy making some medicine...we can train.." she says with an awkward laugh "Harley what the hell?!" The two of them turned around and saw Harith grabbing Harley by his collar of his jacket "It was an accident I also didn't want to hurt her!" Rin saw Nana all bruised up "Nana!" She ran up to the little Leonin "Are you okay?!" She asked "Y-Yeah...its just a scratch" Nana replied "Would the two of you shut up?!" Rin shouted stopping the two boys from arguing and calmed down but glared at each other Rin sighed "Go and see Rin so she can take care of your wounds..." She said Nana nodded then went back into the house to see Misaki.

"And as for you two" Rin looked at Harith and Harley with her right hand placed on her hip and she pointed at a tree "You guys are not allowed to train AND talk to Nana unless you guys will make up after what happened" She scolded the two boys went under the tree and sat down then they started to mumble mean things to each other and also exchange death glares Rin sighed and saw the sight of everyone training together making her smile "Can we start training know Rin?" Granger asked "Sure let's go" Rin answered and the two started to train together.

Misaki just finished placing and wrapping bandages on Nanas' scars "There you go..can you still fight?" She asked Nana nodded "Yes I can thanks again for doing this" "Don't mention it" Nana walked out of her closing the door then she went back to train with the others. Misaki stood up then looked at the window as she now remembers the words her brother told her

||This is a one time experience so make it worth it||

She sighed

||But how? I'm not like Rin...I'm just wasting my time here...||