A random guy gets the chance to travel through the multiverse, with an incredible power. {A/N : I will try my best to either re-watch or re-read any of the stories I am writing. Though, I can't promise anything. There will be inconsistencies, and usually I will write from what I remember of the movie or comic. If I have forgotten something, or it was not included, you might as well remind me. Majority of the worlds will be AU, as I will write them in a way that will suit me. One more thing, I am not great, not even good at writing fights, but I will try best. So don't be an a-hole if I wrote a bad fight.} {WARNING : Anything that is not originally written by me is not my property, be it from a TV show, movie, comic, anime, book, and etc. is not owned by me. They are owned by their respective possessor. As well as any art displayed on the cover or within the fan-fiction is not my own. If you own the art and want it removed, just contact me, with proof that it is yours, and I will remove it.}
In the void, where without a primordial interference, no light shall shine, and no life shall thrive. The beginning and the end, the everything and the nothing. An unknown and incomprehensible place.
"So… let me get this straight… No matter how cliché this sounds… you're telling me, I died and now you are giving me a single wish and the ability to travel the multiverse." asks a wisp of grayish ethereal smoke.
A voice that is unfathomable answers, "Yes, like I simply said before. Although, no omnipotent powers."
"Well… that is indeed simple. Then, I would like to have Superpower Manipulation." asks the wisp of smoke. The Primordial Being answers, "No."
"Why? That isn't even omnipotent, it nigh-omnipotent." Says the wisp with sadness apparent in its voice.
"And that is exactly why I won't give you said power." Says the Primordial. Then, it continues by saying "I could however give you a power, which with time and effort, extreme effort, you can eventually have a power even greater than Superpower Manipulation."
The wisp asks the Primordial with an excited voice, but cautious one at that, "What is it?". The Primordial answers by saying "Ability Creation, it is quite a unique power. Now, it with this power you will eventually achieve a power that is omnipotent, which is similar to Superpower Manipulation. But let me tell you this now, it will never, and I mean it, never be easy to achieve it."
"As long as it is possible, as you have said, then I can achieve it." Says the wisp, enthusiastically.
The Primordial then answers by saying, "Alright. Now, I will tell you this once, and only once. Ability Creation can evolve into three latter stages. The stage after Ability Creation is firstly Superpower Manipulation, secondly Meta Ability Creation, and lastly Meta Power Manipulation."
The wisp asks, "Why are there only three stages to its evolution?", the Primordial answers, "That is a stupid, but also a good question. The reason is simple… if you lived for half a millennium with ability creation and didn't have the modification, I will add to it. You won't even reach 50% of achieving Superpower Manipulation."
The wisp asks with a surprised and worried voice "Why?", The Primordial answers "The number of powers and abilities you must have and the body and mind conditioning you need to go through. That is the reason."
The Primordial pauses and continues, "The more complex and versatile your powers and abilities are, the more you understand what power/ability you're trying to make, the more efficient you become at using Ability Creation and the more powerful it becomes; thus, you can have more powers. Even with the added modifications, it will have its limitations. And don't forget, that your body and mind, must also be strong."
"So, the more I strengthen my body and mind, the more I understand what power or ability I am trying to make, the more knowledge I have allows me to use Ability Creation efficiently. Added with the complex and versatile array of powers and abilities, the more powerful it becomes and the closer I am to evolving it into Superpower Manipulation. Did I get that right?" asks the wisp.
"Yes… surprisingly you understood well." Answers the Primordial, it then continues by saying "Now, let us get done with it. You will have the ability to travel to different universes. Although, this ability will only work, when you are relaxed. Simply meaning, it won't work if you are in danger or in a fight. You will always be able to return to any of the previous universes you have been to. Also, sometimes you might not be in the timeline you hoped you would be in, you might be one to five thousand years before the timeline, but you don't have to worry about that, the more you travel, the more efficient you are at being precise with it. Now, the first time you'll use it, I especially made it to be, what you call… wonky."
"I am okay with that. As long as I get to travel. Now I get to choose the first universe?" asks the wisp. The Primordial answers "Yes, although I would suggest you go to a universe, where you can build your foundation.", and the wisp tells the Primordial where it wants to go for its first adventure.
"I'll give you a little gift when you arrive there. One more thing before I send you off, I have added sort of a book in your soul. No one, and I mean NO one can view or see it. It will document all your powers and abilities for you. You're the only one who can view it. Now, you may go." The Primordial finishes with its speech, and the wisp vanishes, without it even being able to say anything.
"This will be fun to watch." Says the Primordial, excitedly.
[Unknown POV]
In a big room, with Asian interior, you can see a young woman with a hint of Asian Ancestry and long lush brown hair laying on a hospital bed. Two female nurses, and a female doctor, helping to aid her.
The hospital bed is facing a wall, and right behind the bed, is a sliding double door (Shoji). There are four men in in suits, facing the door.
"You must push ma'am!" says the female doctor, hurriedly.
"I AM!" screams the woman and pushes, and as soon as she says that the doctor pulls the infant out safely. But no scream is heard.
"Give me my infant!" says the woman in a demanding voice.
The doctor stands up and delivers the infant carefully to its mother. As she holds her infant, the mother says joyfully and somewhat angrily. "My boy… just like your damned father. Won't even cry or scream through all that pain."
Outside the shoji door, you can hear shots being fired and painful screams. As the sounds gets closer, the door is completely obliterated, the shadowy figure quickly snaps the necks of the four guards, before they can even draw their guns.
The two nurses, and the doctor, cower in the corner of the room as the figure of a giant 190cm(6'3") man approaches the bed, looking at the mother, and then the infant, snatching it from its mother.
A spit hits the face of the man, he simply looks at the mother and grins, wiping his face from the spit with his left hand, as he is holding the infant with his right hand. "Feisty as ever." The man says, as he holds the baby right to his face, the infant opens its eyes, the man grins seeing the black sclera, the red iris and black pupil, and then says "I can see the intelligence in your eyes, the strength, YOU ARE THE ONE! HAHAHAHAHA! I will be waiting for you, do not disappoint me!", he then gives the infant back to its mother and proceeds to leave, stopping midway, he looks back and says to the mother, in an aggressive grin "Make sure he is ready." And then leaves.
[MC Pov]
Looking back at my mother's eyes, pitch black sclera and white irises and pupils… and the red-haired juggernaut that just grabbed me… all I have to say is 'FUCK!'
{A/N : I hope you liked this, cause if you didn't… you don't belong here, whoever you are. As for the long explanation of the power and its evolution and so on, it's so no one says they didn't understand how it works and blah blah blah... so if you didn't understand, sorry, but not, it isn't my problem. I explained more than 90% of what I wanted to portray, at least. If I haven't explained something thoroughly, then I will answer your question if you have any. With that done, have great day.}
P.S. Can you guess which world(s) he is in?