
A long time ago

It has been 3 years and they were very fruitful, I have not trained my body because that harms my growth, until now I have only trained in magical control and magical sense, I also began to meditate and create a mental palace that helped me to have a memory almost perfect and improve my processing capacity, reaching level 20 magical sense helped me feel the creatures that are around me about 20 meters, since everything in this world has mana but only living beings have nuclei and when I reached level 30 in a magical sense a new skill was created that allows me to observe the mana density around me and my range increased by a lot, reaching 300 meters

Now from my magical control that gave me better control of the mana I can do more spells of different elements but I do not have enough control for the skills that the original Shin uses, due to the level of control I guess I would have to reach at least a level 60 to not have problems

The magic that I can handle at the moment are not very different from causing climatic effects like tornadoes or tremors, I still can not combine magic but with enough control and hard work I'm getting closer

apart, as my magical control increases, the level of elemental magic I can use increases

besides the control over the space that is the dream of many people, that for example having a box of objects to store your belongings

in order this is my state

Shin Walford

Passive skills

Human language Max

Regeneration of mana Lv 13

Perfect memory Max

Active skills

Magic control Lv 30

Magical sense Lv 30

Meditation Lv 16

Magic eye Lv 3

Elemental magic (fire, wind, earth, water, space) Lv 30

Magical enchantment

Granny Melinda had already visited me several times and as I thought they taught me magical enchantment, with my level of magical control I could do incantations and since I knew many languages ​​because I saw a lot of anime and I was interested in reading the fresh sleeves I learned it very fast , had already created different enchantment since magic is restricted to the number of symbols on a material that depends how much mana you have, for example a skin of a low level monster, can hold up to 9 symbols but the highest quality can have up to 21 symbols

Today is going to be my first day of training with Michel

"Hi Shin, I'm Michel and I'm going to train you in martial arts"

"It's a pleasure, Mr. Michel, I'm looking forward to it, my grandfather has already told me a lot about you"

so we start our training

We started by stretching and he showed me how it should be done

[Skill acquired "Stretching"]

fanfare rang in my head and a new skill was created

then we started with lizards, squats and sit-ups, each time I completed one of each action the skill was created

[Ability acquired "push op"]

[Skill acquired "Sentadillas"]

[Skill acquired "Abdominals"]

and I kept up the skills that gave me advantages, with each level I could do more and more, my body began to improve and get stronger and stronger

When I had enough resistance, Michel told me that it was enough and he started training in real martial arts, at first it was hard but thanks to this skill

[Skill acquired "Martial Arts"]

I started to improve much faster, Michel said I learned fast but I still could not hit him one blow, my skill in martial arts went up very fast because I had an opponent and above all that Michael was an expert master, I did not I would be surprised if his level was more than 70

That's how the time went by, fighting with Michel, studying magic with Grandpa Merlin and learning how to infuse magic better with my grandmother Melinda

Time skip no jutsu 4 years

Now I was 10 years old and my skills increased exponentially due to my teachers, the only thing that slowed down was my martial arts skills, acquiring new skills

[Skill acquired "Regeneration"]

[Skill acquired "Regeneration of stamina"]

[Skill acquired "Resistance to blows"]

[Acquired ability "Resistance to pain"]

[Skill acquired "Kenjutsu"]

[Skill acquired "Archery"]

[Skill acquired "Sharp senses"]

[Skill acquired "Sensation of danger"]

The regeneration I learned it when I recovered after my first beating, the more damage it receives the more tired I was so after a certain time I could not stop, then I heard the fanfare and I recovered faster, when I got up from the floor I had a lot hunger and sleep, the other skills I learned long after innumerable beatings that Michel gave me

Another thing that I loved is that I could already love my team with OP skills, like breathing underwater and seeing in the dark, I wanted to learn those skills but with my magic eye I could see the world without the need of light, but I found a weak point, because when I used my magic eye it made it shine slightly, and that would expose me in a dark place

I also went with my grandfather on my first monster hunt and he was very satisfactory he taught me search, of course, I did not need it but he was welcome, with my level skills I had nothing to fear, so when I found the bear monster I did not care, first use my bow I was happy with Weight gain, the use is simple, when I find a large monster will cause its weight to triple and can not move and just in case you also love paralysis, which creates a lightning discharge that slows down the strongest and electrocutes the weakest to kill them

I shot my arrow and hit the monstrous bear on the back, the moment the arrow hits, the bear falls to the ground dead

my grandfather was shocked with the result of my magical enchantments and he asked me what it meant and what its effects were, so I told him how in this world there is a force that prevents things from levitating called gravity

I was amazed and kept asking and asking and so I finished my first monster hunt