
[HP X DXD] Master of a Universe

[A Harry Potter X Highschool DXD Fanfic] A child beaten, broken, and abused arrives unexpectedly in the Underworld and gets a new chance at life. Death wasn't the end of his Journey. Where will his new life take him? Will he rise from the ashes and conquer these new challenges? How will Harry Potters life turn out after such major Changes? — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — For more advanced Chapters visit www.Patr*eon.com/Ashmodai Or just buy me a Coffee if you enjoy my work on k*o-fi.com/ashmodai Thank you for your Support — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — Disclaimer: The Wizarding World and the Universe of Highschool DXD are the property of their Creators. I only own my Original Plots and Characters.

Ashmodai · Livres et littérature
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134 Chs

Chapter 7: Education is starting out

In the week after his surprise Birthday Party, he joined Rias and Akeno in their Lessons. He had to cover a lot of topics since he was already behind them by quite a bit, his holding back during his regular Schoolyears while living with the Dursleys, to prevent them from punishing him more, didn't help him now and had quite the impact on his level of education compared to his age class.

Holding back was no longer a possibility for him, it was quickly discovered by Sona an aspiring educator herself, during one of their shared lessons. It earned him quite the scolding and disappointed look, especially from Lady Gremory and Greyfia. Not wanting to disappoint People who are so nice to him, he tried his best from now on, and was able with personal tutoring and a lot of private reading and studying, to close the gap between him and the others.

Besides regular lessons like Math, Science, Geography, History, and so on (both of the Human world and the Supernatural world, they even got him books about the History of the Wizarding world) and his Social Lessons like etiquette and Politics, he also began to learn the basics of Magic.

Different from Human Magician a Devil didn't need calculations to perform Magic, but it made Magic much easier and more powerful. The most prominent example is the magical expertise of Adjuka Beelzebub, who is able to enhance his demonic Magic to such a ridiculous level with calculations, that he was able to create magic so unique that only he can perform it similar to a Bloodline like the Power of Destruction.

While Rias was already so advanced that she began to study her unique Bloodline the Power of Destruction more thoroughly, and Akeno who learned Magic from her parents as a Child already began to study more advanced elemental Spells, Harry was still learning the Basics.

For now, he focused on small-scale elemental spells like a Fireball or Wind Gust while also enhancing them with Calculations, which he was studying in Synch with his Math lessons.

As for his Physical Training, he had no problem keeping up with them, since he is always quite fit. Being Fit and fast was the best way to handle Dudley and his Gang, so Harry always made sure he was in top shape. Especially with the regular boost from turning into a Devil.

And so months passed and Harry Potter kept living with the Gremorys and advanced rapidly in all areas of his education. Not only were his health Problems fixed, but he also become stronger and healthier.

During this time he learned a lot about his Sacred Gear, Innovate Clear. Unfortunately, the Underworld didn't have much information about that particular Longinus besides the basics since it was never in Possession of a Devil, and the previous Users always kept a low profile and never really made large waves like the two Heavenly Dragons or the Wielder of the True Longinus.

But with the Guidance of Sirzechs Bishop MacGregor Mathers a powerful and knowledgable Magician and one of the founders of Golden Dawn, one of the most famous Magician Organizations in the World, who become one of his Tutors from time to time, especially in Magic and his Sacred Gear, Harry was able to figure quite a lot out about Innovate Clear.

He was able to truly create anything but the more complex the thing was like a Computer for example, or powerful like a divine weapon, or both like some living being the more stamina and demonic energy it would cost him to create it.

Anything he created inside his the Universe of his Sacred Gear would remain there like the cat living inside, of course, he could erase it if he wanted. It could also act as his personal Inventory Space, anything he put from the Outside World could be taken out again. But anything he created inside had to remain there.

The more he understood the Object he created like its chemical composition, or how Physics affects it, the less energy he needed to create the Object. This also works with emotional attachment, like in the case of his Cat, for now, he had still to succeed in creating any other living animal even an insect. Every time he tried it he felt his reserves massively draining. He focused on studying and understanding the Objects and things he wanted to create in his Universe.

For one of the experiments with his Sacred Gear suggested by Mr.MacGregor Mathers. Harry put a potted flower inside and let it grow to see what would happen with it, in the end, he could take all parts of the Flower out even the ones that grew inside. But the most amazing discovery of that test is that his demonic energy reserves would develop a very tiny bit faster while the flower was inside.

It was only detectable because his reserves were still small as a low-class devil. Mr. MacGregor Mathers theorized that his Personal Universe was directly connected to his demonic Power Reserves and his Soul, and the Lifeforce generated through the potted Plants cycle of Life added to the energy of the Universe, helping expand Harry's energy reserves.

From then on one of the things he focused on was to create a small ecosystem in his Universe, by creating nutritious earth and Water inside of it and planting many plants and seeds he brought from the outside to accelerate his demonic power growth. But also allowing himself to have a Hobby with a nice garden.

Often Rias and Akeno would join him and help him out with his Garden during their free time. From time to time Sona and Tsubaki would also join.

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"Finally the Classes for the day are over!" cried Rias happily out as they entered her personal living area in the Gremory Mansion after a long day of Classes and sat down in the comfortable Armchairs.

"Yes, they are quite tiring." Agreed Akeno who had currently a fake smile on her face, that she wore from time to time if something that Harry was unaware of bothered her. Today she wore it after a dancing class during which she had to partner up with him. Although Harry couldn't figure the reason behind it out yet, but he knew her well enough already that he realized she hadn't a Problem with him in particular but with the male gender. Someone must have hurt her before he met her.

As Harry was thinking about that Problem, a knock on the Door interrupted his thoughts.

"Rias-chan, I wanted to talk with you about something." Said Sirzechs as he entered the living Room.

"What is it, onii-sama?" Rias questioned, having also started to use Japanese honorifics in preparation for their time in Japan, and stood up to face her brother while Akeno and Harry bowed their heads down in respect for one of the four Satans. Having learned more about the Underworld and Devil Society, Harry knew who he should be treating respectfully.

"I have a new peerage member for you," Sirzechs replied with a smile and everyone gained a look of confusion while Harry thought he saw a sad and angry glint in his eyes for a small moment.

"A new peerage member?" Rias asked as she looked at her brother with excitement.

"Yes, here she is." Sirzechs stepped to the side revealing a tiny little petite cute girl with short white hair cut in a bob cut with bangs going over her forehead, her eyes were golden, her most notable feature being a pair of white kitty ears sticking out from the top of her head and a white cat tail from her bottom. She looked rather nervous and frightened like a kitten being taken to a new home. "She has some special circumstances so she can't really stay anywhere else. If you wish to know more about these circumstances you will have to ask her yourself." Once he said his part he decided to leave since his little Sister had to learn to handle such situations herself.

"M-My name is… Sh-Shirone…" The girl muttered her name in a little voice as she avoided eye contact with anyone in the room.

"Shirone, nice to meet you." Rias greeted the little petite girl with a warm welcoming smile trying to make the girl feel more at ease, but to no avail. Shirone didn't seem to like being called by her name and they all seemed to take notice of that, Rias, Akeno, and Harry exchanged looks with one another trying to figure out what to do.

Harry felt like the small Girl like him and Akeno had a troubled past, and they had to be careful in their approach with her. "Do you want to sit down?" asked Harry with a warm smile.

After the little girl took a place in the living room she didn't really interact with anyone even when they tried to include her in their discussions. Once it became dark outside and the stars shined in a bright purple, they showed Shirone her room before leaving her for the night.

Before Rias and Harry parted ways to their own Rooms, Harry grabbed the sill troubled-looking Rias by her arm, "It might be best to let her sort out her own feelings before we try and open up to her. Whatever she's going through I doubt we can do anything to comfort her. Maybe we should give her some space." He explained.

"But-" Rias tried to find a good reason, but she couldn't find any way to argue against Harry on this and decided to stay silent before she nodded and also headed to her room. "You are right. Thank you, Harry. Sleep well."

"You too Rias."

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AN: And here is another Chapter for you guys, the third today. There will be at least another additional one tomorrow. I hope you all enjoy it. Leave your Power stones if you do, its a great help and motivator. Thank you for your Support everyone.

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