
[DC x Overlord] Bloodbound

Daily life weighs heavy on her shoulders, this burnout yearns for an early retirement. Seeking solace in a diversion, she immerses herself in a DMMO-RPG, unaware of its true nature. 12 years later she's in a strange world. Now, she stands beyond the edge of power that will forever alter the perception of what is possible. "I'll show you true magic," she declares. Additional Tags: Major Character Death, Minor Canon Divergence (Overlord), Mild Gore, No Harem

Zerviil · Anime et bandes dessinées
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24 Chs


In the heart of a grand colosseum, bathed in the reddish weather of Muspelheim, the World Championship Finals was about to begin. 

The very air was charged with anticipation as the crowd roared in excitement, the cheers of thousands melding into a deafening cacophony. 

In the shadows of the colosseum, Valaine stood, her heart pounding like a maddened drum. Clutched in her hands were her peculiar weapons, blades that looked as if they were made from glistening, living flesh. 

Her mind clung to Touch-me's wisdom, his words echoing in her memory.

"There is no need to be nervous" he would often say in his calm, reassuring tone. "Remember our training, trust your instincts, and seize the moment when it arrives."

The World Champion Festival was an annual event. It was an elimination-type tournament where thousands of players from all corners of the world of Yggdrasill would compete, each vying for the chance to challenge the current titleholder.

Valaine had fought her way through the ranks, overcoming fierce adversaries and proving her mettle with each victory.

In the heart of the colosseum, under the watchful eyes of thousands, Valaine would face her greatest challenge yet.

Across the arena, the current champion, Houlong, stood tall and proud. 

He was a sight to behold, an Ivory furred humanoid monkey with a loose, flowing outfit that shimmered like liquid gold. On his powerful hands gleamed golden gauntlets, and atop his head rested a magnificent crown.

Houlong exuded charisma and confidence as he greeted Valaine, his voice booming over the crowd. 

"Welcome, challenger!" he declared, his words carrying to every corner of the colosseum. 

"I am Houlong! They also call me the Sun Dragon." His name rolled off his tongue like a promise of glory, and the crowd responded with thunderous applause.

"Houlong! Houlong! Houlong!" 

The crowd knew how to play their part in this spectacle. They chanted his name in unison, their voices rising to a deafening crescendo,

"Sun Dragon?" she inquired, her words dripping with curiosity. "With all due respect, you look like a monkey, not a dragon."

Houlong's eyes sparkled with amusement, and he grinned "the title 'Sun Monkey' lacks the grandeur that 'Sun Dragon' carries. Dragons are revered across the realms, while monkeys are seen as clever and mischievous. I, however, embody the might and majesty of both."

The crowd erupted in applause once more, as if Houlong's explanation had only solidified his claim to the title.

Valaine felt the weight of the guild's expectation pressing down upon her, threatening to crush her spirit before the battle had even begun.

Houlong, never one to pass up an opportunity to bask in adoration, broke into a flamboyant dance.

His lithe form moved gracefully, a whirlwind of energy and skill. He twirled and leaped across the sand, his loose garments billowing. 

With a flourish, he brought his golden gauntlets to his lips and pressed a passionate kiss upon them, sending the crowd into an even greater frenzy.

Houlong had won over the crowd before the first drop of blood was shed, and the pressure was on her to match his charisma and confidence.

As the cheers continued to reverberate through the colosseum, Valaine steeled herself.

She couldn't help but study her opponent. 

She knew that Houlong was a hand-to-hand fighter, a master of close combat, but the details of his fighting style remained a mystery. His loose outfit and golden gauntlets hinted at agility and strength, but she needed more information. 

The crowd's roars and cheers seemed to drown out her thoughts, but Valaine's instincts were sharp. She watched the way he moved, the subtle shifts in his posture, and the glint in his eyes. Every detail mattered, for in this arena, one misstep could mean the difference between victory and defeat.

She wished she had more time to prepare, to gather intelligence on her opponent's techniques and weaknesses. She was too focused on her swordplay training.

If Momonga, was here. He would reprimand her for not prepping enough. She is risking the reputation of Ainz Ooal Gown.

Houlong, seemingly unfazed by Valaine's intense scrutiny, flashed a roguish smile. 

"You have a pretty avatar" he complimented, his words dripping with charm, "I hope you're just as pretty in real life."

Valaine's brow furrowed, a vein popping on her forehead. 

"What is that supposed to mean?" she demanded, her tone laced with irritation. 

She wasn't here for banter or compliments. She was here to prove herself, to claim the title of World Champion.

Houlong chuckled, his golden gauntlets shimmering as he raised his hands in mock surrender. "I'm just joking." 

He replied, "I meant no offense. After all, appearances can be deceiving, can't they?"

Valaine's crimson eyes narrowed, her patience waning. She knew she couldn't allow herself to be drawn into a war of words. Her focus needed to remain on the battle that loomed ahead. 

With a curt nod, she took a step back, her blades at the ready.

Valaine knew she had to focus, to trust in her own abilities, and to adapt quickly to whatever challenges Houlong would throw her way. The crowd's adoration might be on his side, but Valaine was determined to make them witness a spectacle they would never forget.

The announcer's voice boomed across the colosseum, signaling the imminent start of the battle.

Valaine made the first move. She darted forward, her fleshy blades slicing through the air like whispers. The crowd held its collective breath as Valaine's swift strikes closed in on Houlong.

But the Sun Dragon was no ordinary opponent. With a speed that defied belief, he blocked Valaine's attacks with his golden gauntlets, their metallic clash echoing throughout the arena. 

"Nice reflexes," he complimented, his voice carrying over the clash of their weapons.

Valaine couldn't help but smirk in response. "I've been training with a World Champion" she retorted, her eyes narrowing as she pushed against him.

Houlong's eyes sparkled with amusement. "Oh? but I practice martial arts in real life" he replied, his words dripping with arrogance. 

In a swift, fluid motion, he spun around and delivered a powerful kick that sent Valaine sprawling across the sandy arena floor.

The crowd erupted in cheers at Houlong's impressive display of skill. 

He moved like a phantom, zipping around the arena with a blinding swiftness that left Valaine struggling to keep up. 

He had the audacity to dance and pose as he moved, his loose garments swirling around him like a golden storm. The spectators marveled at his acrobatics, the grace with which he weaved through Valaine's attacks, and the ease with which he seemed to control the flow of the battle.

Valaine, however, was not one to be easily deterred. She pushed herself up from the sand, determination burning in her crimson eyes. This was not going to be an easy fight, but she had faced greater challenges.

Valaine knew that facing an opponent like Houlong required more than just speed and finesse. 

She needed to change the game, to seize control of the battle. With a determined focus, she activated a skill she had kept hidden until this pivotal moment.

[True Strike Domain]

The colosseum shivered as an eerie crimson aura, a 10-meter(33-ft) perimeter materialized around Valaine. It shimmered with energy, promising a true 100% chance hit to anyone who dared pass through it. 

The audience watched in awe as the barrier expanded, casting a blood-red glow over the sands.

Houlong, charismatic and bold as ever, accepted the challenge with a wry grin. 

He stepped casually toward the perimeter, his golden gauntlets gleaming with confidence. With a swift, calculated movement, he blocked Valaine's attack, his gauntlets and crown creating a dazzling display of defense.

Valaine and Houlong now stood on opposite sides of the barrier, their eyes locked in an intense exchange. The crowd held its breath, knowing that this moment could determine the course of the battle.

She lunged at Houlong, her living-flesh blades gleaming with a sinister light. Houlong met her with equal ferocity, their blades clashing in a mesmerizing display of skill and determination. 

The colosseum seemed to shake with each impact as the two warriors traded blows, their strikes resonating like thunder.

But despite the fierce exchange, neither Valaine nor Houlong could gain the upper hand. It was a deadlock, a contest of strength and willpower that left the crowd on the edge of their seats. 

As the dust swirled around them and the [True Strike Domain] crackled with red energy, Valaine and Houlong knew that the battle was far from over. 

As Valaine and Houlong continued their relentless exchange of blows, the Sun Dragon's eyes gleamed with an unsettling confidence. 

Houlong, still bathed in the adulation of the crowd, couldn't resist indulging in a bit of theatrics. He took a moment to do a dramatic monologue. 

"You see" he declared, "I don't need flashy attack moves or a well-defined strategy."

"My fighting style is very simple: Left, Right, Goodnight!" his voice ringing out with supreme confidence.

Houlong wasted no time and accelerated toward Valaine with a blinding burst of speed. He had been biding his time, waiting for the perfect moment to unleash his ultimate technique.

"[World Impact]!"

With a sudden surge of power, Houlong released the full force of his attack. The colosseum quaked as a thunderous impact radiated with divine energy, a force that was particularly dangerous to creatures like Valaine. 

The shockwave sent her hurtling through the air, her form tumbling end over end until she crashed into the sandy ground nearly a hundred meters away.

Valaine struggled to her feet, her body aching and her energy waning. She had underestimated Houlong's strength and power, and now she paid the price.

But before she could fully recover, a barrage of attacks rained down upon her from all directions. Houlong's speed and agility were unmatched, and he used it to his advantage. 

He darted around her, striking with precision from every angle. Each attack was accompanied by an audacious pose, a display of his martial prowess and showmanship.

Valaine's reflexes allowed her to block and dodge some of the attacks, but many found their mark. Her skin now bore painful cuts and bruises, and her crimson eyes blazed with a mix of anger and determination.

"Houlong! Houlong! Houlong!"

The crowd's chants for Houlong grew louder with each devastating blow, their adoration for the Sun Dragon reaching a fevered pitch.

Houlong sped toward Valaine, his golden gauntlets poised for another blistering assault.

"Catch these hands" he jeered, a confident grin on his face.

Just as Houlong launched another bold attack, her body seemed to dissolve into mist, an illusion that left the Sun Dragon striking at thin air.

Houlong's eyes widened in surprise, and for a moment, he was vulnerable. It was all Valaine needed.

From seemingly nowhere, a rift manifested, a rift that could slash through reality itself. 

"[Maximize Magic: Reality Slash]!"

The rift, tearing the very fabric of space, struck Houlong with unerring precision. 

The colosseum shuddered as the space surrounding him was torn asunder. The slash cut deep into his form, causing him to stagger backward.

The crowd fell silent, the chants for Houlong abruptly ceasing as they watched in awe and disbelief. 

Valaine's [Reality Slash] had not only struck true, but it had also shattered the illusion of invincibility that Houlong had carefully cultivated.

Valaine stood tall, her living-flesh blades still glowing with an eerie light. Her crimson eyes bore into her wounded opponent, a mix of determination and triumph gleaming within them.

Valaine wasted no time in following up her initial success. She unleashed a flurry of Reality Slashes, each one a deadly arc of power aimed at her wounded opponent. 

But to her astonishment, these attacks no longer seemed to have the same devastating effect. 

"Impressive, right?" he taunted, his voice strained but defiant. "You'll find that I am not so easily defeated."

Houlong's defenses had adapted reactively, preventing the Reality Slashes from delivering a devastating blow. Houlong, panting but unbroken, managed a wry smile amidst the chaos of battle.

Valaine narrowed her eyes, her mind racing as she considered her next move.

Houlong, sensing her hesitation, took a moment to explain his secret, a trump card that he was rewarded as the World Champion. 

"You see," he began, his voice carrying across the arena, "I possess a World Champion Ability that came with my armour, [Divine Blessing of Hanuman]. It grants me the power to defensively adapt reactively to attacks, to the point of nullifying them."

Valaine clenched her jaw, realizing that she needed to rethink her strategy. 

She couldn't help but voice her complaint. "That's cheating!" she exclaimed, her voice carrying over the din of battle.

Houlong, unfazed and still wearing his confident grin, retorted, "Cheating? I earned this ability through effort and victory. It's not cheating when you've proven yourself time and time again."

He then flexed his right arm and kissed his bicep, a theatrical display that drew cheers and applause for the Sun Dragon, drowning out Valaine's protest.

She couldn't rely solely on brute force to defeat Houlong. She would need to outwit him, to find a weakness in his defenses, and exploit it with precision.

Valaine knew that her current approach wouldn't work against Houlong and his adaptive defenses.

With a flick of her fingers, she summoned a new weapon, Bronte, a sword made of pure lightning. It crackled with energy and unleashed a dazzling display of arcs of lightning that illuminated the arena.

Valaine distanced herself from Houlong, creating a buffer of space between them. She unleashed Bronte's power, sending jagged bolts of lightning lancing toward him. 

The dazzling arcs of energy illuminated the colosseum, creating a spectacle of light and sound that left the crowd in awe.

Houlong, his eyes wide with surprise, was forced to dodge and parry the electrifying onslaught. Valaine's new strategy seemed to be working, at least for a while. 

She pressed her advantage, driving Houlong back with relentless barrages of lightning arcs with every swing of her Bronte.

Houlong taunted her with a triumphant grin. "Think you can outpace me?" he taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance. "I am faster than lightning itself!"

Houlong was not one to be outmaneuvered so easily. 

With blinding speed, Houlong transformed into a blur of motion, closing the distance between them in the blink of an eye.

He moved like a ballet dancer, striking Valaine repeatedly with a flurry of punches and kicks, treating her like his personal punching bag. Valaine struggled to keep up with his incredible speed, her reflexes barely allowing her to block and dodge his lightning-fast attacks.

In the blink of an eye. His golden gauntlet shot upward, connecting with a thunderous uppercut that sent Valaine soaring into the air.

The crowd gasped as Valaine's form sailed through the arena skyward before crashing back to the ground. 

"That's no way to treat a lady" She lay there for a moment, her body aching and her nerves fraying. 

Houlong's relentless pursuit was getting under her skin, and she could feel her patience wearing thin. She needed to find a way to counter his speed and adaptability. 

Valaine, her body still aching from Houlong's relentless attacks, couldn't help but smirk at his words. 

"Since you've shown your trump card to me," she said, her voice dripping with sly confidence, "I'll return the favor and show you mine."

With a flick of her hand, Valaine conjured hundreds of shimmering portals in the air above her. These gateways crackled with dark energy, and from each one emerged a different weapon: blades, spears, hammers, and more, each gleaming with killing intent. 

The colosseum seemed to vibrate with the power of Valaine's magic as the weapons swirled around her like a deadly storm. 

The crowd watched in awe and trepidation, for they knew that Houlong was about to face a challenge unlike any he had encountered before.

"Impressive…" he whispered out over the cacophony of clashing blades and shimmering portals. "This is truly remarkable!"

Valaine wasted no time and unleashed the full fury of her Billion Blades upon her opponent. The weapons shot toward Houlong like a barrage of meteors, their deadly edges aimed with deadly precision. 

It was a relentless onslaught, an attempt to overwhelm him with sheer numbers and ferocity.

But to Valaine's surprise, Houlong's speed was beyond anything she had imagined. With a blur of motion, he zipped through the air, narrowly dodging the incoming weapons. 

He weaved and darted, his acrobatics more dazzling than ever as he effortlessly avoided the onslaught.

As Houlong closed in for another attack, her form seemed to shimmer and vanish, leaving him to strike at thin air.

But this time, Valaine had set a trap. A deadly, obsidian spear, waiting for him, just where Houlong's attack was meant to land.

Houlong's instincts kicked in, and he managed to dodge at the last possible moment. However, the obsidian spear, with uncanny accuracy, sliced across his side, leaving a deep gash on his shoulder that began to bleed.

Valaine saw her opportunity and seized it. She knew that to perform her favorite spell, [Bloodbane], all she need is a single cut. 

The cut on Houlong's side was just the opening she needed. 

Thousands of deep slashes manifested on Houlong's skin, a webwork of fresh scars that covered him from head to toe. Gallons of blood sprouted like a fountain wherever the wound spreads. 

The Sun Dragon staggered, for the first time in his history, someone had dealt this amount of damage to him.

Despite the blood covering him, Houlong couldn't help but smile. 

Valaine couldn't help but wonder why Houlong wasn't healing himself. His injuries were severe, and any wise player would seek to mend their wounds, especially one with the title of World Champion. 

Yet, the Sun Dragon remained defiant, perhaps driven by a desire to face his challenger head-on.

With a determined glint in her crimson eyes, Valaine decided to exploit this opening. 

She summoned a dagger she is familiar with, Kirugetsu, a now upgraded weapon, imbued with a potent slowness debuff. This enchantment would hinder Houlong's incredible speed, leveling the playing field and allowing for a toe-to-toe fight.

Valaine hurled Kirugetsu toward Houlong with precision, the dagger glinting as it sailed through the air. 

It struck its target with a burst of dark energy, and suddenly, the Sun Dragon's movements became sluggish. 

"A debuff huh" the Sun Dragon felt the weight of the slowness debuff take hold.

His once-blinding speed was now hampered.

The colosseum buzzed with anticipation as Valaine and Houlong engaged in a close-quarters battle. The crowd watched in awe as the two warriors clashed. 

The Sun Dragon's charismatic flair was replaced by a focused intensity as he fought to overcome the slowness debuff. Valaine, for the first time in the battle, found herself on equal footing with her opponent.

Houlong's speed had now been severely slowed, and Valaine capitalized on the advantage. She kept forward, her living-flesh blade poised to strike.

Evenly matched in their relentless duel, the Sun Dragon unleashed another devastating attack. 

"[World Impact]!"

Another thunderous shockwave of divine energy, a force that sent another shockwave throughout the colosseum.

Valaine's resilience was nothing short of remarkable. Even after being struck by another devastating [World Impact], she managed to heal herself swiftly. 

Caught off guard, Valaine felt the impact of the attack like a sledgehammer to her senses. She was hurled through the air, her body twisting and turning as she was sent flying a hundred meters across the arena. 

But Houlong wasn't finished. With a flourish, he launched a barrage of attacks from all directions, his speed and precision on full display. 

He zipped around the arena, striking at Valaine from every angle.

The crowd watched in amazement as her injuries seemed to mend themselves before their very eyes.

Houlong, now visibly annoyed, couldn't fathom how she continued to recover. Despite the relentless barrage of attacks he had unleashed upon her, she showed no signs of slowing down.

He finally voiced his exasperation, his voice echoing across the arena. "How do you keep healing so quickly?" he demanded. "Is it those damned flesh sword of yours?"

Valaine, catching her breath, responded with a smirk. "My God-Flesheater Sword do have their uses" she admitted, "They radiate a constant large negative energy, giving me huge continuous regeneration."

Blades of all shapes and sizes manifested around her again, a swirling storm of weapons poised to strike.

But something was amiss. As Valaine launched her attacks, she realized that her weapons, were not having the desired effect. They seemed to bounce off Houlong's defenses harmlessly, as if he had become nullified to her attacks.

With a sly smile, Houlong finally revealed his extent of his blessing. "My boon, the [Divine Blessing of Hanuman], extends to weapons as well," he declared. "Sooner or later, every weapon you throw at me will no longer scratch my defenses."

Valaine's heart sank as she heard his words. It seemed that Houlong's adaptability had reached a level that made her attacks futile. 

She needed to find a way to break through his defenses and claim victory, or risk being defeated.

So she drew her own blood by cutting her palm and smeared it across her blades. It was a skill that enhanced her offense, her sword crackling with cursed energy.

As Valaine's cursed blade bit into Houlong's flesh, he winced but refused to back down.

With each slash and strike, Valaine's attacks became more ferocious, more relentless. Houlong, his movements slowed by the debuff, struggled to defend himself. Cuts and gashes marred his ivory fur as the negative energy seeped into his wounds.

Despite Houlong's divine blessing, his HP was now at a mere 5%. The toll of the battle was wearing on him, and even his divine blessing couldn't protect him indefinitely.

Valaine was now at full health and everything is according to plan. 

"Adapt to this" With a grin, Valaine activated a dark technique.

"[Blood Sacrifice]!"

She drove her God-Flesheater Sword deep into her chest with all her might, the pain coursing through her body as she willingly sacrificed 90% of her health to deliver a devastating blow to her opponent.

The colosseum shook as a shockwave of power radiated from the point of impact, engulfing Houlong. He let out a strangled cry as the force of the attack washed over him, his defenses unable to fully protect him from Valaine's sacrificial strike.

Valaine, weakened and panting, pulled her blades from herself and staggered back, her body trembling from the ordeal. Her crimson eyes never left Houlong as she watched for any sign of weakness in her opponent.

Houlong, his golden gauntlets battered and his crown askew, stood on unsteady legs, his once-confident expression replaced by one of shock and vulnerability. 

The crowd, silenced by the sudden turn of events, watched with rapt attention as the battle hung in the balance.

Houlong, still reeling from the effects of Valaine's [Blood Sacrifice], managed to gasp out a question amidst the lingering shock. "Why use that attack now?"

Valaine, her voice strained but determined, replied, "I needed to be at 100% health and mark you with Bloodbane."

Houlong's eyes widened in realization as the gravity of her words sank in. The [Bloodbane] and her weird sword. It was a cunning move.

With a sudden burst of light, Houlong seemed to disintegrate into a million pieces, his form shattering like glass. 

His voice echoed, "It was a good fight."

Valaine, her body still trembling from the ordeal, approached the spot where Houlong is vanishing. 

She looked to the shattering opponent and couldn't help but ask, "Were you planning never to get hit? Is that why you never brought healing items?"

If he had access to healing items, she would undoubtedly lost.

Houlong, grinned. "I'm a risk taker, I wanted to win with style"

Valaine had emerged victorious, and as she stood in the center of the colosseum, she knew that she had earned her place as the new World Champion.

The colosseum trembled with the thunderous cheers of the crowd, celebrating the end of a battle and the rise of a new Champion of Muspelheim.


DYK: Hanuman is the Hindu God of Wisdom, Strength, Courage, Devotion, and Self-Discipline

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