
[DC] The Flash: Silver Lightning

In a whirlwind of mishaps and electrifying heroics, Dr. Wells recounts the fateful day with a disregard for Elon's bewilderment. "The particle accelerator... then it exploded, unleashing a tempestuous storm. Tragically, lightning struck you and Barry Allen. In the aftermath, you both were rushed to the hospital. Due to a series of unfortunate events, including misdiagnosis and power failures, I had no choice but to transfer you and Barry to the Star Labs for recovery." "Particle accelerator explosion!" "Barry Allen!" Elon's mind buzzed with a deafening ring. The events that unfolded and the mention of that name were almost too incredulous to believe.

Thomassl · Films
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58 Chs

The Power of a God

The man emerging from the fog sported flaxen hair and a trace of a beard, adding a touch of rugged charm to his disheveled appearance. His eyes gleamed with defiance, his demeanor exuded arrogance, and he looked upon everything with utter disdain. Clyde Mardon was his name, and his presence sent a surge of fury through Elon's veins, igniting an inner inferno that threatened to consume him.

Barry lay grievously wounded upon the hood of the car, his condition teetering between life and death. To Elon, Barry represented more than just a friend; he was the embodiment of hope, the key to returning home, a symbol of the future. Barry's safety was paramount, surpassing the lives of everyone else in this world. Elon had just sworn to protect him, and within moments, Barry had been struck down, fueling Elon's rage.

Barry's life hung in the balance, and with it, Elon's vow remained unfulfilled. The possibility that he might never find another path home, the thought of enduring an eternity in this world without Barry, was unbearable.

The anger within Elon boiled like a tempest, his face contorted with bulging veins that shimmered with a silver glow. His body shook with unbridled fury as Mardon stepped forward, looking upon them with contempt.

"Quake in fear at the power of a god!" Mardon sneered, delighting in the terror he inspired. His cruelty was evident as he gestured downward with his hand, condensing the fog into a blade of pressurized air, a deadly weapon that he wielded with divine arrogance.

"NO..." Cisco's scream pierced the air, a mixture of fear and disbelief as he witnessed Mardon's attack. The weather wizard's air blade was swift and unforgiving, aimed to finish Barry once and for all, to eliminate any rival to his perceived divinity.

But before the blade could reach its target, Elon stepped forward, intercepting the deadly strike with his chest. His body radiated an intense heat, a biofield formed by the vigorous activity of his cells, creating a protective barrier driven by his sheer will.

The air blade met Elon's biofield, tearing through his clothes and leaving a crimson gash across his chest. Despite the severity of the attack, his bones remained unbroken, a testament to his extraordinary resilience.

Elon's grimace of pain was overshadowed by determination. He had to withstand the assault, to shield Cisco and Barry from any further harm.

Mardon's eyes widened in shock. He hadn't expected Elon to intervene, to take a hit meant for another. He believed himself the only god among mortals, and the thought of another possessing such strength was unbearable.

Mardon prepared to strike again, gathering the air around him into another blade. But Elon was ready; with a swift punch, he split the incoming blade, using his body to absorb the blow. His biofield, still recovering from the first attack, was not as strong, yet it held, sparing Barry and Cisco from certain death.

The impact left a cross-shaped wound on Elon's chest, a grisly sight that only fueled his fury. His blood, tinged with silver, flowed backward, defying gravity as he controlled it with his mind. The pain drove him to the brink of madness.

"What are you..." Mardon gasped, his voice tinged with fear. He couldn't fathom how Elon survived two strikes from his air blade. Elon's physical prowess was beyond comprehension, his blood unlike any he had seen before.

Elon didn't answer. Instead, he seized the brief lull following Mardon's attack to launch a counterstrike, his fist crackling with electricity. Mardon's eyes narrowed as he realized the threat, but it was too late.

A thunderous explosion erupted from Elon's fist, the shockwave tearing through the dense fog. Mardon was cast into the mist, his silhouette disappearing from view.

Elon was thrown back, landing in front of Barry, his eyes fixed on the aftermath of the blast. Everything had happened so fast—Mardon's retreat into the fog, Elon's forceful return to his starting point.

"I am a god in my domain, I AM THE GOD!" Mardon's voice echoed from within the fog, his self-proclaimed divinity unchallenged since he gained his powers. The explosion hadn't harmed him significantly, his control over the air cushioning the blow and bolstering his confidence.

Elon stood, the silver veins on his face making him look more demon than human, his eyes ablaze with a fury that no longer showed any pupil—a visage of a creature born from the heart of a thunderstorm.

His voice, now a magnetic growl from the depths of his throat, reached Cisco, "Watch Barry, call Caitlin, tell her to come here, but be careful. Stay behind me."