
[DC] The Flash: Silver Lightning

In a whirlwind of mishaps and electrifying heroics, Dr. Wells recounts the fateful day with a disregard for Elon's bewilderment. "The particle accelerator... then it exploded, unleashing a tempestuous storm. Tragically, lightning struck you and Barry Allen. In the aftermath, you both were rushed to the hospital. Due to a series of unfortunate events, including misdiagnosis and power failures, I had no choice but to transfer you and Barry to the Star Labs for recovery." "Particle accelerator explosion!" "Barry Allen!" Elon's mind buzzed with a deafening ring. The events that unfolded and the mention of that name were almost too incredulous to believe.

Thomassl · Films
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The Flash Begins

In the shower, the steaming hot water cascaded down from the showerhead, enveloping the room in a mist that clung to Elon's god-like form. With his eyes closed and arms wide open, his strong, lithe body was a blur within the steam, emitting sparks that danced and dissipated in an instant.

For a radius of three kilometers around him, a chaotic dance of light and shadow, of ripples and lines, vibrated at frequencies both high and low. All of this was captured by Elon.

Electromagnetic fields, where electricity generates magnetism and magnetism begets electricity, an endless causal loop. Just the previous night, after feasting on electricity, Elon had effortlessly devised a method to sense Reverse-Flash. Within his electromagnetic field, he wouldn't be blinded by Reverse-Flash's super speed.

Electromagnetic frequencies travel at the speed of light; if Reverse-Flash entered his field, Elon would 'see' him, for Reverse-Flash wasn't as fast as light. This meant any move by Reverse-Flash would be foreseen by Elon—a crucial advantage, as speed was the essence for any speedster. Predicting his adversary's moves would at least allow Elon to brace for impact.

He 'watched' countless magnetic fields, sensing them all. In his mind, he constructed a colorless three-dimensional model of the entire S.T.A.R. Labs.

Within the model, Elon marked three red dots.

Upon closer inspection, each dot bore a human silhouette.

In the control room, two tiny red dots represented the magnetic fields of Cisco and Caitlin. The third dot, far larger than the other two combined, pulsed with a strong biomagnetic field.

Gorilla Grodd.

This was the gorilla that Dr. Wells and the military had experimented on five years prior. After the particle accelerator explosion, Grodd mutated, gaining telepathic and mind-control abilities. He had been lurking in the sewers of S.T.A.R. Labs, under Wells' care and taming.

With a flash of lightning, Elon opened his eyes, turned off the shower, and activated the exhaust fan, which sucked the steam out like a vortex.

He grabbed a white towel and dried off, his hyper-speed thinking giving him a chilling clarity. He pondered how Grodd's existence could be of use to him and how to extract 25th-century technology from Wells' mind—knowledge that might be his ticket home.

He longed to return to his reality on Earth, to resume the marriage proposal he never got to finish. Coming to this world was not his wish, let alone engaging in a disastrous fight like the previous night.

No more reckless actions, he learned his lesson.

He didn't keep his electromagnetic field on continuously; it was too taxing mentally. Building a three-dimensional model in his head and parsing every frequency was exhausting. Only when he could effortlessly recall what each frequency represented would this skill be truly effective. For now, he had a long way to go.

Dressed in S.T.A.R. Labs' athletic wear, he halted his super-speed thinking and left the room for the control room.

There, Cisco and Caitlin were ready with their gear, prepared to leave. 

"Strange, why is Dr. Wells so late today?" Caitlin glanced at her delicate watch, puzzled. Wells had never been late before; this was unusual.

"Who knows? Maybe he's having a rich breakfast before coming. Hey, Elon, I still think your street performance outfit looked better. If you run around the block in that getup, I might not ask for the seven dollars back for the cab fare," Cisco joked, seeing Elon emerge.

Elon frowned, "Please, let that be a dark chapter in my history."

Suddenly, a gust of wind swept through the room, trailing yellow sparks, as Barry appeared in a backward-leaning stop pose in the control room.

"Sorry, I'm late. The traffic lights took forever..."

Barry offered a weak excuse.

Fifteen minutes later, Dr. Wells arrived in his wheelchair.

"Apologies, everyone. Overslept a bit," he said, his expression usual, as if the punch from the previous day hadn't been directed at him.

Elon remained impassive, not planning to expose Wells as an enemy. Instead, he plotted in his mind.

For Elon, who knew the future progression, defeating Wells might not be as important as extracting as much knowledge as possible from him.

"Let's go, Elon, Barry, you both have quite the performance to give today," Cisco clapped, signaling the departure.


Ferris Air Testing Grounds.

A long runway in the suburbs, slightly damp from the morning dew. The morning mist was evaporating under the sun, giving off a warm and moist climate. A cool breeze brought a refreshing chill, perfect for the crisp autumn season.

S.T.A.R. Labs' research van was parked by the track, under a blue canopy where Dr. Wells, Cisco, and Caitlin were adjusting three computers and several silver cases filled with scientific equipment, soon to test Elon and Barry's powers.

Inside the van, Elon and Barry were changing into test suits provided by Cisco.

Barry, halfway into his red suit, leaned in close to Elon, his excitement palpable, "Elon, guess what I did last night?"

Elon quipped, "Did you lose your virginity? Congrats, Barry."

Barry, more excited, corrected him, "Something even more exhilarating."

Pondering a moment, Elon teased, "Twice?"

Barry ignored Elon's jest, his eyes shining, "I stopped a gang crime last night."

"Elon, do you realize how powerless ordinary people are against evil? Last night, I saw two girls nearly die under gunfire."

"If I hadn't been there, those young lives would've been lost. They didn't deserve to die."

"No one has the right to control the life of another. It's the evil in some people that causes them to harm others. When I rescued those girls, they were petrified."

"I'm grateful for my speed, for being faster than the average person."

"I have the power, and I should use it to save them."