
[DC] Keep your head down!

It was an innocent survey on Heylel's phone. It asked 'Would you like to make a character to reincarnate into DC?' And he replied with an innocent answer, 'I would not.' Well, whoever made that survey did not seem to like that, which brought him—now her—here, a gun in hand staring down at an angry Batman, as she kicked away the body of Joker's girlfriend who was at the moment very dead. He was glaring at her. She cowered but still spat out, "It was self-defence." [Sociopathic MC] [Cover's mine] [With recent reviews I think I need to clarify something, this is not an OP/cheat fic. The MC is a child and it will take time for her to get stronger or to make any impact whatsoever(would you listen to a child?)]

SthUnlimted · Anime et bandes dessinées
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49 Chs

Meet the family

It was a surprise to most when the news came on the back of the family's most trusted butler, there was a new Wayne.

"Tim, bring the teddy! Quick!" Barbra commanded from her wheelchair, she was a slender girl, with brown hair reaching down to her shoulders and blue eyes sitting atop a pretty and delicate face.

"Yeah! On it!" Tim was frantic, he had just been returning from patrol when he had been told Bruce had adopted a little angel and so a quick stop at a slightly surprised shop owner and here he was rushing to down from his room carrying a big fluffy teddy.

Damian was just the usual, sitting on the sofa, his legs crossed and a scowl marking his face which was just like a miniature version of his father. He was browsing his tablet, and as usual, nothing was interesting. The first one even was, [Batman puts the Joker behind bars in Arkham. Harley Quinn is still on the loose.]

Barbara looked at him and gestures Alfred over to him, Damian listened to few people outside 'work', his father, mother, Ra's al Ghul, and surprisingly Alfred, though for the last one—he would never admit it.

"Master Damian," Alfred said as he walked over to him, "Yes Pennyworth?"

"I believe it would be prudent if you were to prepare a gift for your new sister, it will help create a favourable impression."

He smirked not at Alfred but at Barbara, he knew who sent him over, "What makes you think I haven't?"

"Wait you did?" Tim interjected, "Seriously?"

"Of course, it's a tradition in the league to always welcome family someone with a gift."

[A/N: League of Shadows not the Justice League.]

Tim scoffed, last time Batman went there he was welcomed with shurikens.

"What about Dick?" Barbara interrupted, she needed to stop them before they devolved into a leg-pulling contest.

Damian shrugged, "No idea. Said he'd dropped off by Starfire."

Tim pulled out his phone, "Lemme ask," but he didn't get the time, one of the double doors nudged open, and from the gap between, a small head peaked in. Her black tassel dangled to the side as her large ruby-red eyes scanned the room. For a moment all of them were silent as they exchanged looks with her, it was broken only when the little girl said in a sing-song voice, "Hello."


"Awww! So cute!" Barbara said as she pinched Heylel's cheeks, "What's your name?" The girl struggled to push away the wheelchair girl from her, away from her cheeks.

"She'd tell if you'd let her," Damian said from his seat, seeing the girl getting teary she let her go, she had suffered under exactly what she was putting the girl through but that won't stop her from squishing her cheeks another day.

Just as she was let go Heylel bolted and steered behind Bruce's legs, mock hiding from Barbra.

"Now, now don't scare her Barbara," Bruce said as he pulled up the girl from behind her into his arms and shuffled down onto one of the side chairs of the sofa, "Go on, introduce yourself," He said.

Collecting herself, Heylel spoke up, "My name is Heyl—Mira, nice to meet you all." She had almost let out the name she most used in her day-to-day life.

"Heyl-Mira?" Tim asked from beside the door, he smiled thinking that she had fumbled her name.

"It's Mira. Heylel is. It's my street name," She replied, there were many raised brows at her statement, but it was quite simple, anything you don't have to reveal in Gotham's streets you don't.

"Street name?"

"I was on the streets for a long time before I got stumbled into the orphanage. I hid everything I could," She even used her mom's scarf to wrap her head when she tried to survive on the streets by herself.

"Oh, so, it is some wisdom from the streets?" Damien asked from beside her if he was only amused by a new sister before, he was defiantly very interested now.

"Hide everything, any mistake you make can. It can have consequences. It is what those prostitutes taught me. Said that's how you survive the streets. I believed them," She wasn't lying, though she was spicing things up a bit to win a little more sympathy.

She had indeed been stubborn and tried to survive the streets on her own, only giving up when she had a very close call. Mostly driven by fears of how horrible she had assumed orphanages to be, which turned out to be false, though it mostly had to do with it being a Wayne-owned one.

"Prostitutes?" Bruce furrowed his burrows, a kid definitely shouldn't know those words, "Why didn't you go to the police or an orphanage?"

She shrugged, "I didn't know any better."

"So, what else did you do on the streets?" Damian asked, his eyes locked on her, "Nothing much, I ran around as a courier, cops don't suspect a child, neither do those heroes. At one point I had cards from every big gang and family, they kept me safe."

""Cards?"" Asked both father and son simultaneously, "Cards showing you are not to be harmed."

"Then how did you get out? Why for that matter?"

"I was delivering a courier one day, and saw a girl walking away with a Gotham Academy uniform, I wanted to be like her, go to school...so I jumped out. As for how those aunties at the strip club told me to leave it to them. I owe them a lot."

"Wow...you have lived a life..." Barbara said, her mind running over what the child told her, those strippers had helped her a lot, probably laid down with many high ranks to save this girl.

"I see," Bruce said, he too was thinking but in a very different direction, kids were running couriers, and that's why Gordon was having trouble catching them. He put her to the side and sent a meaningful glance to Barbra, "I am going to make a call."


[A/N: This was a very simple chapter. Right, time to discuss my plans, our MC will not be very OP and be a very selfish person.

And in this fic, I have decided on the portrayal of many characters of the bat family very differently from others. The reason is simple, many of them are functionally similar. Like Tim can kick ass, Batgirl can kick ass, Jason can kick ass but with guns etc. All of them fight similarly and so to differentiate themselves.

Barbara is Oracle.

I will show the rest as we get into the super phase of this superhero(villain) fanfic.

Anyway, I just wanna say, according to the wiki the entire bat family is a bunch of super-geniuses, which is like man, if all of them can do everything (and they can according to the wiki—Damian is a hacker, so is Barbara) then they all would feel bland.

So this is my answer.

Anyway, I have further tried to flesh out the City, this time with the criminal underbelly of it with the card system. How do you guys like it?]