
The day they met ( Part 1 )

A sound of a silver fork hitting the white plate. On that fork was a brown piece of chocolate cake. Suddenly, that piece of cake was being removed into a girl's mouth.

Jody Connelly was sitting on a café's chair. In front of her was a slice of chocolate cake with a strawberry on the top. Jody's finger was sliding her phone's pad, Surfing the internet as usual.

Looking at the time, it was 6 a.m. in the morning, first day on semester 2, year 2.

Jody glanced up and glared her red eyes around her circumstances, she noticed that people were increasing, they entered the café more and more as time goes on. Most people are students like her, Jody quickly finished the dish and walked out of the café. Because she hates the place with many people. Actually, She prefers to be alone but don't get it wrong. Jody isn't some anti-socialism. she just likes to stay with herself.

In addition, Jody isn't a talkative girl since she has moved to high school. However, if to cooperate with a group project she could talk to people properly, but it just is.

While Jody was on her way getting out of the Café, many students automatically moved away from Jody's way. Why? Because they're frightened of her, everyone at school knows well how powerful Jody is.

Oasis is a school in which scores are the most important thing. It's influential so much that it is allowed to decide one's social status. And with Jody, her status at school is like The Queen.

For the entire 2 years, no one has surpassed Jody, she always sits on the top of the year.

And another thing is her "Ability" that is scared by everyone.

Her "Ability " to control the " movement of the air" to move as she wants.

This Ability is being scared that even the "Student Council" doesn't dare to interrupt her.

Jody has developed this Ability 4 years ago, she knows it well that it is dangerous. However, while studying in Oasis, Jody doesn't use her ability with no reasons. She's smart and grows enough to realize that she's being scared by everyone around her. So the way she lives at school is pretty boring, but it also set her free. Jody relationship with everybody at the school is kind of "Leave me alone, let me be."

She minds her own business, others mind their own business. Only cooperate if need be. She doesn't put herself involved with the others, only greet them when walked pass by. That's the way Jody deal with the society in this Utopia.

Only reason Jody came to this school is that when she graduated, she could easily get a fine job, she could get a chance in her life easier than the others who're not graduated from Oasis.

(So boring…)

Jody brings out the earbuds, she connects it to her phone and plays music in her playlist.

However, nothing in the world is perfect. Despite her Ability, her strength, her intellectual, Jody has something which she tried to hide it from everyone.

As she brought out the earbuds, her vision started to blur. Suddenly, a white "Pellicle" forms up inside her eyes. it covered all the red pupils so much that her eyes become entirely white like a ghost in the grade B horror film.

Jody immediately slipped to the right. Luckily, she's outside the cafe, so she wasn't a focus. Jody lolloped along the path. Not only this strange "Disease" affect her vision, but it also made her head feel a pain. It feels like her head is drilled. Jody tried to walk normally, but she can't. Every time this happens Jody feels like she's been dragged to hell. It's painful and very irritating. Finally, Jody found a public chair in front of her like 3 meters. Although the chair was in front of Jody, it felt like it was 3 km. far away.

In the end, Jody has managed to carry herself along and sit on the chair. She covered her eyes with her hand and moaned.

"Shit.... it happens again... fuck!" Jody yelled.

This Unknown "disease" will occur in a temporary moment. Even Docter can't explain what it is.

For 10 minute, A 10 minute of torturing. The blur finally faded away. The white Pellicle faded away from Jody's pupil.

Everything has come back to normal.

This is what Jody has to bear since "That Day". This is the incurable disease, No medicine or any surgery technique, or even technology on earth that could help Jody.

On the other hand, the disease is getting worse and worse as Jody keeps aging.

From the record that Jody has made, when she came back to normal, it will let Jody has approximately 4-5 hours before the next wave comes.

Trying to find a way to cure this disease by herself for 2 years, Jody has already given up. So what she can do right now is to bear with it and live with it forever.

Without knowing, this day would be the last day of her hopeless life. Because this day was the day that Jody's " New hope" will appear among the dark clouds of Jody's desperation.

Zooming out of Jody from the bird's-eye view, Now we moved from a park near a Cafe inside the school ( which Jody was sitting on a public chair ) to the outside of the school, at the front gate.

In front of the school.

A young boy stepped in front of the gate. he just arrived at this school and this was his first day.

You may be expected that the boy should be excited on his first day at this popular school, or doing some clumsy things around like accidentally hitting people on the street because of his over-excited like the other Novel's protagonists. But you're wrong. Because the boy did not feel any excitement, Instead, he was looking around the school entrance like he was collecting the information.

And it seems like the boy was talking with someone on his phone.

" 'Roxy' my Blueberry ice, I've already entered in front of the school. Seems like we have to cancel our communication for now" the boy said.

" Brother... stop calling me like that, Focus on the 'plan'. Remember, you are alone out there"

A voice of a girl replied to the boy from the phone.

" Umu, I understand," the boy said.

" And don't try to do anything you always do like trolling people or being cocky Brother... Don't even roast them okay?"

" Hey, Roxy... listen, I'm not like those hot-headed characters in anime we've watched when we were kids alright? I won't do that! I'm careful enough not to do anything that makes me a focus or---"

" that's what I'm worrying the most, Brother. Instead of you being hot-headed, you will make the others angry"

" Roxy...Roxy..my sweetie Blueberry. Haven't I told you that----"

" Anger your enemies to lure them into mistakes." The girls on the line immediately cut him off,

" Right? Brother? Is that what you're going to say?"

" Yes....., it is." the boy replied.

" sigh... I'm really worried about you. A little mistake from your move can make those "People" be able to 'exposed' you at any time, Brother.... and what father do to send you there will worth nothing if you failed at the first day."

" I understand your worries, Roxy. Brother will keep that remind all the time." The boy changed his voice from cocky into the soft and serious voice.

" Be careful. Brother, take care" the girl's voice also being soft and full of caring. showing that these 2 siblings are caring for each other so much.

the boy put his phone back into his pocket and walked into school.

Finally, a day has started.

In the class, A sound of people interacting was quite loud. But not that much. Because technically, The students have met with each other every day.

Here's a quick explanation. As it mentioned that OASIS is a school settle on the separated continent, So that means in order to travel to school, you need to travel here by plane, or by a ship.

but doing that will be such a waste of time and money, so the Government has already prepared many things like Hotels, Resthouse, and much more facilities on this continent.

Saying in short, Living here is no different from living in LA, NEWYORK, OSAKA or SOUL. Everything around this continent is modernly generated.

it is truly a place of civilization.

However, there're also some students who fly back to their homeland when it is a holiday. The school didn't prohibit that.

Jody was sitting on her desk, still focusing on her smartphone. It's been passed for a while since morning and the first period is about to start now.

The teacher walks in the room,

" Sup, everyone? we meet again. What was your holiday?"

he asked and interacted with students at the front row. But Jody was at the middle row, so she didn't care what he said.

She noticed that the teacher has carried a lot of paper sheets and placed it on a teacher desk.

No doubt, Jody and everyone in the class knows what that thing is.

It was a ' Pre-test ', A test which everyone has to do according to the principal's order.

However, this was not a joke for students in OASIS.

To them, Exam is everything. It will tell one's value if he is worthy of studying here or not. It's very influential.

But what was a little suspicious for Jody today was the teacher didn't pass everyone the test. Instead, he was like he had something to say before giving everyone a sheet of paper.

" Everyone. It's a little bit..uh.., shocking and unexpected (at least for me). I just got the words from high authorities about 2-3 days ago guys, and what I'm going to tell you is...."

Teacher breathes in,

" We're...going to have a transfer student. he'll be with us until we graduated"

As he declared that, An entire room immediately fell in chaos. Everybody was excited. Jody heard a group of girls gossiping about this from her back too. The boys in front of her were shouting in excitement.

In fact, Jody was also shocked by his words too. Because this never happens before.

( What?? A new student?? how? this room is the top class in the second year. why didn't he start at a fresh man's year first??? ..He skipped it?? That's impossible! Even If he was moved here because of a 'special' relationship his parents have with the principle, but there's no way he could be moved to this class... or else he'll be ripped apart with the test results )

Striking with confusion, Jody doubts that. However, She finally let go of her doubt. Because it's not her business after all. Knowing How he was moved into this greatest room in the second year doesn't make Jody's grade get better. So she doesn't care.

" Well, now. it's time to welcome our new student." The teacher turned his face to the outside of the classroom. A boy nodded as the teacher sent him a signal that he should get in the class.

A boy stepped in the class. As everyone finally spotted his face, an excitement in the room got intense even more, especially the girls behind Jody.

" OHHHH!!! Jesus! look at him! So cute!"

" Damn man, where did you find this boy?"

" His eyes are gorgeous.... for real"

and so on.

" Wait a minute! Are you Asian?" A Chinese girl behind Jody asked him.

" HM-MPH? how did ya know?" The American boy next to her asked.

" I don't know.... my inner instinct tells me," She said, " Some kind of Asian detector I guess?"

" Please, Introduce yourself to the class?" The teacher asked the boy. The boy nodded.

" My name is SYD BARRETT, I'm a transfer student from Thailand. My father was from Naples, Italy. and my mother was from Bangkok, Thailand. So..technically I'm half Europian. Nice to meet you all. I hope we can get along together." He said.

" WOW! Thailand?! that's amazing! I've been there once! the food there is so good!"

" See? I told ya." The Chinese girl said to her friend.

" Why aren't your skin tanned?"

" Yo, Not all thais are tanned. You know?" Syd replied.

" Alright, Syd, Feel free to ask me anytime when you have a problem here. You should get used to it soon" The teacher said.

" Thanks, sir."

" Now, go sit over there Syd. We've prepared a seat for you. If you don't like it, you can ask for changing anytime."

The teacher pointed his finger to a seat. And it was next to Jody Connelly. It was next to her.

As everyone saw that, A mood of the class drops drastically. Syd heard the students moaned in shocked, some were gossiping even more. An air around Syd started to wavering like there's something wrong with the girl Syd is going to sit next to. It was like they're gossiping to each other that Syd was going to die or something like that.

A tension rises from nowhere and Syd felt it.

( What?...) He confused.

Syd glared to the girl which he thinks the students are talking about. She is a Blonde girl with a sharp-emotionless eye, sitting over there, Not caring anything.

( I'm not sure... It may be me who is wrong but... Those Classmates instantly went silence when Teacher told me to sit next to her... what's wrong? )

Syd analyzed the girl, Jody, while he's heading to a desk next to her.

( That Blonde hair. She's White people, No doubt. There must be something with her that made the Classmates...uh, fear? yes...maybe. So this means that She's some kind of 'Special' people, eh? She may be a daughter of some politician magnate? )

Syd arrived at his desk, Jody gently moved away from him a bit. And that's the moment Syd realized something.

( Oh, wait... I just noticed it! I almost forgot but luckily I noticed it! Since I've stepped in the room. I didn't see anyone sitting next to her )

Syd glared his eyes to Jody.

( She is scared by everyone in this room [Even I don't know why]... So there's no one sitting next to her, and then I came in. So they put me in this spot. Jeez, she probably is some kind of arrogant princess bastard in Anime, If I'm going to guess. I better do not involve myself with her.) Syd thought.

" Alright, Class. We're going to have a pretest." The teacher announced.

( Pretest? Oh...Yeah... I've seen from Quora about it. But did not expect that they'll start on the first day. Well, that doesn't mean I haven't prepared for that ) Syd brought out his pen.

Finally, a sheet has arrived on Syd and Jody's table.

"?!" Syd shocked.

On the sheet was nothing but white space. An entirely white space. Syd immediately knows that this is a Subjective examination.

" What is it? "

"? "

A girl's voice asking Syd Barrett, It was Jody.

" I wonder how many subjects we need to do, " He said, in order to cover up his shocking.

" Math, Philosophy, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Literature," Jody said while writing on a paper.

( Fuck....me...) He thought.

" O-Okay, thanks.." He said.

( Syd Barrett, I do not know how you get in. But I'm sure that you'll be ripped apart from now. Seems like you did not know that this school is extremely high competition.)

Jody glanced to Syd who just started writing his name.

( Your score must be under the table, No doubt. You did not even realize your place ) Jody thought.






An hour has passed. While Jody was writing on her sheet test, She noticed that A boy next to her was about to fall sleep. But he's trying to pull himself up and writing down on his paper.

( As I expected.) She thought.

Syd almost ran out of his energy. Jody heard him complaining.

" Fuck, me. Literature is a pain in the ass... how am I supposed to know what this poem is trying to say? Shit. Why don't they just send the message directly to the readers? Fucking stupid ass donkey cunt---."

" Hey! "

Jody yelled out to be a signal that Syd was interrupting her. Syd startled and he turned to her.

" Sorry about that.." He said.





At the last 10 minutes of the exam, Jody's energy was about to run out too. She scratched her head in front of a math problem on her paper.

( Hmmp..)

Jody glanced her eyes up. She heard the breathing from everyone in this room. And most of them was a 'sighing'. that makes Jody knew that everyone in the class is dying from the test they're taking.

Because of Jody's ability to control the air movement, that allows Jody to hear the vibrating of the air particle. And that leads to a reason her ears can hear better than the average person. Because when a sound is traveling, it travels through a vibrating.

( This semester in harder than I expected...Trinomial functions and Thermodynamics... tch-- there're 2 problems I can't solve! ... shit...)

Jody glanced her eyes to the left, and she had found the unexpected things.

Syd Barrett, A new student has already fallen asleep.

Staring on his desk, there's only Literature sheet that was writing on. No... The writing was not even complete. Other subjects are under Syd's table.

Jody also heard that guys &gals behind her was laughing at Syd Barrett too. Even Jody herself wants to laugh at him.

" Kekekkek---Look at him, He's sleeping. " The guy behind said.

( He doesn't even complete the first subject...) Jody thought.

What a disappointment. Jody wasn't even trying to wake him up. It's not her business.

( This kind of person is sitting his ass in this class?... really?) She thought.





A bell rings.

A signal that time's up rang all around the building. It was the only thing that's loud enough to wake Syd up.

" Zzzzzz---ZZZzzZ---HMM?!--- uh, wha--? " The boy woke up. He quickly grabbed his Literature test and trying to fill up the answer he's stuck with.

" Time's up. Drop your pen."

A girl's voice next to Syd gently spoke to him.

" WAhh? I-- I just going to sleep about 5 minutes! "

" 5 minutes? More like half of the period. Syd Barrett." Jody replied, " Drop everything in your hand. A Rule is a Rule. And prepare to send the test back to the teacher"

( Shame on you, Syd Barrett. Shame on you...)

The teacher collects everybody's sheet. He brought it to his desk which is in front of the class and started checking.

" Do you feel that this semester is harder than previous?' The teacher asked.

Suddenly, Everyone in the class explodes complaining altogether.

" Sir! It's not just harder!!! This is beyond Human!! No man's on earth can get the full score on it! "

" Yeah! Math is fucking hard!!! "

" Biology either! "

" I missed it about 15 problems that I don't know how to even do it!"

And so on...

" Who did you think will get number 1 today?" The teacher asked.

At that, Everyone pointed their fingers to Jody.

" Jody as usual sir."

" She's beyond human."

" Yeah, This test must be too easy for her"

" Jody, How many problems you missed?"

" 2, sir." Jody shortly replied.

" WAHHHHH---?! JUST 2?!"

" JODY, YOU'RE GOING TO BE KIDDING ME!!! I thought you would have missed at 5 "

( Fucking annoying..) Jody thought.

" Even this time Jody has problems she can't solve, Now it's safe to say that we're all dead. Lol" The boy in front of the class says.

Now it's free time. Everybody was waiting for the results.

Jody noticed that The teacher's facial expression was stranger than usual. He always looking at Jody's spot then he looked back on a paper and keep staring at her spot again.

( what...? ) Jody was wondering. Suddenly, there's a group of the boys calling a person next to Jody.

" Oi, SYD! How was the test?! "

A boy behind Jody asked Syd, Jody knows that it was sarcastic. Because everybody in the class knew that Syd already fell asleep at the halfway of the period.

" Good... I guess?" Syd normally reply.

Suddenly, Everyone in the class explodes a laugh out loud. Jody also grinned in funny.

" What was that reply? Syd Barrett? that's a reply from someone who fell asleep while in the middle of the exam? " Jody asked.

"..." Syd did not reply anything. Instead, He brought out his phone and started playing a game inside.

Jody turned back and mind her own business.





" Alright, everyone. I've finally corrected the tests." The teacher said as he's holding a sheet of paper in front of the class.

" Wow. guys. I'm really.... really shocked at the results."

the teacher said as he sent the sheet back to the students.

Jody took the test result back, as she staring at all the red marks. She got an A+ in almost the subjects, except mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. which she only missed a few questions so she got an A-.

glaring to the others, Jody saw that the other got at least F on the result. Some were displeased. Some were like ' Duh, fuck it ' and some were really don't care about it anymore. which means Jody should be on the top as usual.

But then that thought in Jody's head had come to stop as The Teacher announced something after.

" This time. Is the first time We have 2 persons who got the same highest score!"

" ?! "

Jody twisted her eyebrows in shock.

( What?)

His word's surprised all the class involves Jody. The class started to murmur.

" Whaaattt???!!! "

" R..Really?! that's impossible! "

" wait...---?! someone who can stand next to Jody?! You're gonna be kidding me!"

The teacher cough to be a signal of requiring a silence. When The students heard it, they turned down their voices.

" First is Jody, as Usual, Good job Jody. You guys should take her as an example." Teacher says.

" Thank you, sir." Jody stood up, she bowed and sat down. at that moment, Jody felt a big jealous had glared on her. But she didn't care.

Now Jody was glancing all around her. She wanted to know. She wanted to know who was another one who got the same place as her. Actually, Jody didn't believe what she just heard. Since Jody had moved here, No one in the class could even come to touch the throne she's sitting on.

" Sir, who's another one??? " A student asked him.

" And another one is...."


As if the time was stopped. Everyone was concentrating on the teacher. But as he said that student's name. Everyone was shocked.

" Syd Barrett "

" !!!! "

" WHAT?! "

" What-the?!.. wait--S--S--Sir! what did... What did you just say???!!! "

( HUH???!!!...) Jody turned her face to Syd in surprised.

As she looked down on his paper, Jody found it. And Jody has just realized.

It's true that Syd Barrett didn't complete his Answer sheet of Literature, He got an E in it.

But the rest of the Subject, Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Philosophy.... they were all A+

Looking on Syd's answer sheet, those 5 subjects were all filled with the numbers, Alphabet, and equations.

( What the...?! ... T-that's Impossible... ) Jody staring in shocked.

ืNot only that, but this is also the first time that someone has surpassed Jody.

Syd got a full score while Jody missed a few questions.

This is unexpected.

( He....wait...D-D-Does he complete the 5 subjects in just only half an hour???!!! How???!!! that's impossible... )

If that's true, it would be Jody's greatest nightmare. Because now, the greatest enemy has been spawned. Jody took 60% of the period doing the pretest. But Syd just finished it in just only 30 minutes. And what Jody was really shocked was The 5 Subjects were all at the full score.

Jody does not know why Syd did not complete the Literature test. But if he could do it, the first place will be his, definitely.

" Syd Barrett. You really make me surprised."

" Thanks, sir." Syd bowed and sat down. Now he was a focus of everyone in the room.

" Unfortunately, Syd. but in the literature part, you didn't fill in any answers.so that's the only part you got an E." The teacher said.

"H-How?!--- There's no way he can finish those subjects in just half an hour!!! "

" Yeah! He must be cheating! "

" Sir! He's been sleeping for like 30 minutes! " The class starts to argue. some are confused, some are surprised. some are shocked like Jody.

Suddenly, The mood of Syd Barrett changed as He heard that someone was trying to accuse him.

No more friendly transfer student. Jody noticed that there's an Aura of threatening came out of Syd's eyes.

( W..what the fuck?... ) Jody still confused.

" Me? cheat the test, you say? "

Syd walked to the boy's desk. he took up the boy's marker and walked directly to the board.

" Sir, Am i allow to prove to the class that i did not cheat? " Syd asked the teacher.

" Yes, Syd. I want to know either."

" Thank you, sir."

Syd started to write the equations on the board.

" So started with this problems. what did i just do was ... "







A minute passed.

Now the board was filled with numbers and many of equations. Syd hadn't stopped speaking since he started to show to the class how he solves the problems.

" And you put this over there. then moved that to here. Then use the Co-functions, then boom."

Syd finished explaining the last problems. he put down the marker.

" Now, You still suspected that I cheated the test? "

Syd asked everyone in the classroom. but no one answers him.

Because they're still shocked at him. Even the teacher also surprised at Syd's Solutions.

Everyone feels like they just being slapped in the face by this transfer students.

They underestimated Syd too much. and now they all just realized. That Syd Barrett, a person they all looked down to him is really stands above their head.

No one can argue with Syd's explanation.

" Dang, who is this guy? "

" Yeah, he can surpass Jody. Even in the end, their scores were equal, but he can do the part that Jody can't."

" Shit. I think Jody has met her equal! "

Jody heard the students whispering.

(... Syd Barrett... I see.... so that's why the teacher keeps staring over here. he did not stare at me... but he stared at Syd....)

Jody's hand has turned in to a fist.

This is the first time Jody felt like there's someone stepped a foot on her head.

She bites her lips. Staring at Syd in frustrated.

( Syd Barrett.... I will never forget this time...)

Jody thought.

Syd walked back from the board and sat down to his desk next to Jody.

Sure that every eyesights were following Syd right now. It just like he became popular some how.

Jody heard Syd complains to himself.

" Fuck this Literature shit ass. I still can't figure out these useless sack of danky yanky doodle shitty poems. I won't care anymore."

" You are not satisfied with your results yet? "

Syd Barrett startled as he heard that Jody was talking to him.

He turned his face to Jody, and he turned his face around.

" I'm talking to you. Syd Barrett."

" Oh?... You're talking to me?..."

( This....woman.... she just shouted and looked down on me like an hour ago and now she's trying to talk to me?.... Tch-- I don't like this. All these people in the class are terrible... )

" Seems like i have underestimated you. Syd Barrett. You've--."

" Hey, listen, cracker. I have beared it since i sat here. but I'm not going to keep it with myself anymore. ( I'm not such a calmly, guy, Ya'know? ) But I felt that you have looked down on me since I stepped in this room. Now.I do not care if you're a queen, king, ace, top of the class or any god damn authority shit. okay? I don't want to talk to you."

Syd separated his desk, he moved far from Jody.

" And don't come near me, i dare you." Syd said.

As if Syd's word is some trigger. Jody emotion was being lit with fire.

" Are you threatening me?" Jody asked.

" And you just call me Cracker? Syd Barrett? "

Jody's voice started to cool down.

On the other hand, her anger is rising.

Cracker is a racist word for white people like her.

" Yes, I said that. Look, I'm not stupid enough for not knowing that you don't like me at first sight. Okay? even when I'm taking the test. I know that you kept insulting me inside your mind. I know that easily by your eyes sight that lays on me. To be fair, this is equal for what you've done to me." Syd said.

Jody anger rises even more. The same as Syd. Now, these 2 are staring at each other in frustrated.

" Syd Barrett.. i know that you're smart. No doubt for what you've shown to us. but you do not respect me. I give you a chance to say sorry " Jody and Syd both moving closer to each other.

" Says by the one who doesn't pay respect to others first. Nice joke, Yanky."

Syd now insults Jody's dressing style.

" Syd Barrett. Come meet me at the roof of the building this afternoon." Jody said.

" No. I do not have time for a yanky, gitgut girls like you" Syd answered immediately.

" Oh? ... are you afraid?? Are you a chicken? Syd Barrett?" Jody grinned.

" No... I'm not a chicken.this is 2019 and i can identify myself as whatever i want. I identify myself as T-14 Amarta with 2 mark-R cannons."

Suddenly, Syd's collar has been pulled hardly by Jody.

Even he's taller than her. but an unexpected pulling forces Syd's body to follow Jody's yanking.

" You!!!----"

Jody was very angry at this point, the same as Syd.

" Sure, Syd If you won't come... don't ever think that you will ever get out of this room" Jody said, but suddenly, She heard of something.

**** Quackkkkkk--------- ******

Sound like a paper was being torned or cut.

Jody glared down and she found that it was her arms!

Her 'arms' which are pulling Syd's collar were being 'torned' apart like a peice of 'paper'.

" ?!?! " Jody shocked at what happened.

Her arms were ripped. But there were no blood coming out. it was like her arms were a paper.

" What--the??!! "

Jody released Syd in order to hold up her arms.

" See, I told you. don't come near me."

Syd shows Jody that he's holding a ' Bank note ' in his left hand. It's a 1 dollar banknote.

" Now, if you don't want your arms to fall off your body. Stepped back. and don't come near me. and i will turn it back to normal."

" What the---?! what is this??? M-My arms!! may 'Arms' are feeling like they are like a 'Banknote' !?--- "

" I'll tell you in case that you would do as i say. I just 'swapped' the chracteristics of 'Your arm's flesh' with this 1 dollar 'Bank note'."

" ??!?! " Jody shocked.

But suddenly, her arms were coming back to normal as Syd stepped back to his desk.

" We're in the middle of the class. If anyone notice it. It will cause me a trouble." Syd said,

" Now you have known what will happen to you if you come closer to me, Cracker. Stay away. and don't come near me. Or in the case you want more clear message. I don't like you"

Syd said.

Chapitre suivant