

THIS BOOK IS PURE FANTASY; IF THERE'S A NAME OR INSTANCES THAT HAPPENED IN THE HISTORY IT'S JUST A COINCIDENCE ONLY. [There's a legend or myths about creatures that can transform into human beings. And one of them are gumihos or those creatures with fox figures with 9 tails but this one is different our protagonist had a 12 tails and he lives a millennium. Although God created all creatures with different characteristic. Those immortals and mythical creatures are created by those fallen angels as a stepping stone into the Earth that God created for humans to live. They spread them to the humanity and give them a power to disguise as like as humans too make a chaos. But one of them are different he protects the human beings to avoid the chaos but war is unavoidable plot because even human beings kill each other to make advantages to those weaker than them. Eventhough he is a gumiho, he had a heart for them and loved them how God loves them that's why God gave a title to him as a God of War. His name is Daehan. Appearance known by people... 500 A.D Daeham 1000 A.D Daenam But in reality he not died but shape shifting to fox or human... For a first time he shape shifting as a soul into the body of dead prince. No one knows his real Appearance though.] Daehan real form is a very huge red Gumiho. His tail is 12, he had a red eyes also and red nail as red as blood. His fang is like a pearl it's shiny pure white. As a human, he looked extremely handsome and everyone who saw him can fall for his beauty. But he always hide it through shape shifting as a commoner. He made his skin darker, and had freckles with crooked teeth and etc. that's why no one knows.

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In the Kingdom of Dal Yong(Moon Dragon) year 1000...

In the midst of the night a silent and an innocent night on a town of Sunghee become a nightmare with a full of body of all dead people. It's far on the capital but near at the perry.

A man without expression killed a demon pack of wolves who attacked and ate all human being on the town after killing them all he got anything he can used specially money, gold, silver, clothes, a carriage and jewelries then burned everything and leave the town.

The news spread like a fire easily...

According to them a mysterious survivor killed those demon wolves after killing he burned everything in the town then they never heard about him anymore.

A woman storyteller said...

She is beautiful as a sun and vibrant like a jewel that reflects on the sun.

Tell us more, we will pay you as much as you want...

Yeah right!

Ah...sorry guys buy as a storyteller the limit of the story is according to what I heard that's maybe a rumor or legend. But this is another thing that I'll add but pay me first for more...then smile crazily.

They pay her then...after she received she speak... "According to what I heard the man is maybe the reincarnation of God of War from year 500 AD that shown. According to them he is not a human but a Gumiho with 12 tails. Even he was good to humans, humans decieve him that makes him disappeared and then lately at year 1000 a mysterious man killed demons for killing the whole town. According to what I reached may he is the reincarnation or the God of War itself because no one found his body in anywhere. Their speculation maybe he died or hide somewhere. And also according to what I heard he can disguise or change his appearance according to his wants.

Oh, really?

That's so scary!


That's all and thank you.

She run quickly...

Oh, no it's already a sunset can I need to go home. See you next time!

Ah, wait...!

At the Gyeolseok Palace...

Look, every single place here in the palace...I need to talk to her! The King said angrily. If you didn't see her everyone's life will be pawn.

"My gosh my dear daughter where are you, I'm really worried for you!" King said behind his mind...

Throwback Memory...

My dear, I had a nightmare...oneday our daughter will die at the carriage go to Sobyeong before she gets the blessings of God and angels...be careful, take care of her, please my darling! Do it for me because no time left for me now. Good bye, I love you! See you in next life, I hope you become my husband again and be her mother again. After she kiss her baby and husband she died!

Back to reality...

While he was crying, someone hugged him.


Oh, my lovely daughter...

Father, happy birthday! Look, I buy you a lamb meat from your favorite restaurant.

Ah, what a thoughtful daughter! Then "sigh".

Ah, later at night go to banquet ha!

No, I don't want to dressed.

No way, please as a birthday gift!

Fine as you wish anyway its your birthday!