
12th standard board results are Out.

After two months, One good morning, I am sleeping , my mom shake me up and said there is a call from anshul, his results are out and he wants to thank you. I watch the alarm clock, its 10 am. I am still in my dreams, still half awaked, she again patted my head, this time I got conscious with that light stroke, she handed me the phone, (it is uncomfortable for me to speak a word without brushing up my teethes, because I wear braces, and when I wake up I have choked throat and until I clean it up, I cannot speak) but still I attended his call.


A cheerful voice came from the other side hello, its me anshul. 'm bhut acche number s paas hogya', thank you so much.

"Wow.. Congratulations then. How much did you scored in accounts?"

"78 marks and best four mein 80's mein hai."

"That's great, so I deserve a treat."

"Yeah anytime, I am all ready."

"Good then."

"So whenever you'll b free, just tell me."

"Ummm yeah okay, will see, bye then."

I am a reserved, introvert, shy, dumb, uncommunicative person, lacks confidence, socially timid, unable to associate with new people, as if the people outside has hostile intentions. And this thing is with me since childhood, I was a bashful child who used to hide in her room whenever there were visitors in the house. So I never called him to claim my pending treat from him. So for that day, that call ended there.

After a week or two…

I have got a new sim card, and I am texting all my contacts my new phone number. I texted anshul also because he is in my contact list.

"Hey there, Mr. busy, update my number in your contact list, this is my new num, old one is deactivated."

Within few seconds, he reply

"Who busy ?, me !!"

"Obviously, it's you":-P, I replied

"Ohh c'mon, I m never busy for friends, and there are certain friends for whom I am always available", he said.

"Okay okay, sorry, I didn't know."

"Yeah there is one more thing which u don't know, that, you are one of them"

"Ohh , y ?", I enquired.

"Because u taught me, u helped me when I was in need and that too without any consideration in return."

"No need to mention, it was my duty, my 'padosi dharam'. L-O-L."

"No its very generous of u that u r not taking the credit, but really people these days are really self centered, selfish, egoistic, doesn't care about the needs or feelings of other person, but I must say that you are not one of them, u are a good person, u r different, and I must thank u again."

"Thanks for the compliment"

"So when do u want me to give u treat?"

"Ohh that, I was kidding, I just said it, I don't want any treat"

"But why, u deserve it, and I want to give you one"

"No its okay, I don't want any"

"Please, u have done so much for me and I haven't given anything in return"

"That's very generous of you anshul, but I really don't want it."

That day we were becoming friends with each other, daily texting a good morning message, talking about ourselves, talking about our ambition, our goals in life (he don't have any), about our religious beliefs (he is a radha soami, I follow bible), talking about our family (he have an elder sister and a pretty mommy, I have a younger brother and mom & dad), our friends (his bestie raja and preet and his tharki radha soami uncle 'khanna uncle', my bff bhavika), talking about our past crushes, past relationships, etc, etc. He used to gym (because he is crazy about increasing his height ,he has good build up,5'10"), I do yoga (back asanas-chakarasana,setu bandhasana, some standing asanas like tadasana,vrikshasana,natrajasana,veerbhadrasana). He is crazy about video games, gym, and most importantly every other possible weekend he rushes to beas( beas is radha soami's dera in punjab state); I was crazy about my corporate career, my studies, most importantly I was crazy about going to church, I am baptized in the holy water, in the presence of holy ghost, a brahmin turned Christian.

He always used to be after me that please pray to Jesus to increase my height. I want to 6 feet tall, I am just 5.10.

On Sundays he used to ask me what I learn from church today ? and I used to ask him what you learn from satsang today ?

I was comfortable talking to him and one day I told him that today by mistake I saw something on internet which I should not have done, because this thing is prohibited in the eyes of law of Jesus. I was feeling guilty and repenting because internet pornography is sin in the eyes of Jesus. I was very disturbed that being a child of Jesus I didn't followed his commandment. At that time he consoled me and said realizing your mistake and not repeating in future is the only way of being forgiven. And he guided me not to repeat this in future.

I liked his thoughts, I liked the way he listened to my problem, I liked the way he consoled me, I like to talk to him, I like his sense of humor, because when I used to talk to him I automatically have a big smile on my face. Though it was effortless from his side because he was born this way. He never treated me as someone special, he treated me as an ordinary person, yet important for him..with no cheesy lines, with no proper importance, and I liked the way he is, no sweetness, no cheesiness, no fakeness, what he was was real, his words were not tailor-made, he was just so innocent to speak up whatever comes to his mind.

After text messages we were on face book.

Whenever we come across each other, he on street, I on my balcony; we both on road, or whenever we saw each other we used to pass a big smile looking at each other. His smile conveyed something, it conveys that he is happy to see me.

And in no time, hardly after a month of chit chat, he started giving me hints that he like me, same were from my side, I was liking this feeling.