

Anime et Bandes dessinées
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3 étiquettes
Chapter 1Prologue

"Where am I? If I remember, I am playing the newest Ultraman VR game." A young man said while rubbing his head which feels a bit dizzy.

But then he notices he is in an alley with him wearing a black shirt and a blue jean.

And there is a brown bag near him which he open to see books. And top of that high school textbooks that he already learns when he finishes his high school years ago.

But then his head felt like being torn apart as he started what truly happened to him.


My name is Daniel Ryden, a P.E teacher who teaches at the local high school at my place.

Many students feared me due to my appearance as my appearance give chills to anyone who looks at me as I have black hair with red eyes with my cold expression that made the students be afraid of me.

Of course, my body also played a role of it as I am an active member of the local boxing gym which made my body look like those UFC fighters.

My parent already died when I am still a child that made me live with my uncle who is very kind to give shelter to me and gives me money.

Of course, I repaid his kindness by giving him some of the money that I acquired.

But enough of that, I am now in my house waiting for the VR Gear that I purchased online on the Internet.

And which game will I be playing with this VR Head? Sword Art Online?

Nope. Rather I will be playing the first Ultraman VR Game in the world.

Of course, this VR Gear cost me to use a monthly salary which I did not care since I manage to our have the limited Ultraman VR Game Set.

The sound of knocking can be heard as I open the door with the movement that will make the Flash proud.

After saying thanks to the delivery guy, I look at the VR Set which looks like from those Sword Art Online Anime.

I will not die playing this game right?

Ignoring that lame thought, I set up the VR Game set with me laying my body on my bed with wearing the VR Game set.

Pressing the button to start the game, my vision soon filled with cuntless of stars as now it showed me a planet that every Ultraman fan knew.

Nebula M-78, the planet of Ultramen.

Soon I see I am on sort kind of platform.

"Please choose your Ultraman." The text stated as my mind already decided which Ultraman will I choose.

"Ultraman Geed" I speak with a familiar giant appeared in front of me.

Ultraman Geed, the Ultraman I liked very much due to his fusion transformation.

He is the son of Ultraman Belial, the dark Ultraman who wanted to conquer the universe.

Of course, Asakura Riku AKA Ultraman Geed is genetically made but he forges his way to become the Ultraman that protect the Earth many time and even defeated his father.

Of course, I spend money to buy all his figures eve. the fusion ones even Geed Riser with Capsule holder and Ultra Capsules.

I stared at Ultraman Geed.

But then Ultraman Geed turns into particles of light and entered my body but one thing freaked me out as my body felt like being burn alive.

If I remember, the only thing I should feel is when I will fight against Kaijus.

That is what I read on the book about this Ultraman VR game.

I scream loudly as I swear I can see a phantom image of Ultraman Geed nod at me.

Opening my eyes, I see I am in front of a blue portal with being in front of me.

Wait, why this guy looks like Zeno from Dragon Ball Super?

"Ah. So you are the lucky one." This Zeno look-alike said to me making me a bit confused.

"L-lucky one," I said in a confused tone making him grin.

"Yup. You are the luckiest person to be chosen to go to another world." He said to me making me blink my eyes.

"Eeehhhhhh!!! Seriously?" I asked him with him bidding his head.

Of course, I knew about this situation since I also read fanfiction, light novels and Webnovels after watching Ultraman series.

"Yup. For your information, I am sending you to DC Universe." Zeno look-alike said to me making my heart skip a beat hearing that.

"C-can I go to another except for that?" I ask this Zeno look-alike making him shake his head.

Oh man, and here I wanted to go to My Hero Academia.

"But there are many godlike being in that world where they can just one punch those Kaijus. I mean look at Superman, that guy moved planets easily and even Shazam can punch through a wormhole." Daniel said to Zeno look alike.

"Ah, they cannot kill Kaijus or Dark Ultras as the most damage they can inflict to them are making them bleed as only Ultraman can kill them. Those Kaijus have some sort of force field which made them invincible and can shake off any attacks from those heroes or other beings easily in that world but Ultraman can penetrate through that special force field."

"So what are my cheats?" I asked Zeno, look-alike, making him grin.

"Look at your waist." Zeno look-alike said to me and my eyes go below to see what is on my waist.

There are Geed Riser, Loading Knuckle and the Capsule holder on my waist.

Grabbing hold of the Geed Riser, it felt heavy, unlike the toy that I bought. It also felt metallic rather felt like plastic.

And there is no batteries slot in this device.

Opening the Capsule Holder, I can see all the Ultramen capsules but they are colourless except 3 capsules.

"Ah. They are colourless since they have " terms" for you to be fulfilled for them to be used by you to do the fusion transformation." Zeno told me making me a bit slump.

"Did I not get wishes since you know, Ultraman's power is not exactly powerful in that world since a baby can defeat me in a single punch with his warping reality power," I said to him.

"That is where you wrong. You will be stronger in that world since every universe, there are limitations to Ultraman Power and I simply moved the limiter meaning you will be more powerful than the original Geed

Also, your blue crystal will blink to red when you are badly injured and your stamina has fallen down by a large margin. The same applies to your fusion transformation.

And in order for you to be at least did not get killed easily in that world, I will make your body a bit like Asakura Riku except you will be super strong, super durability, telekinesis, light manipulation, flight and a healing capability that is the same level as Wolverine.

As for the wishes, I will instead grant you these following powers.

1st. Erasure. This power is similar to Eraserhead from My Hero Academia where you can erase any power, mutant power, energy source and anything.

But you will be able to nullify and erase them for about 30 seconds when you first try it. In order for you to increase the time of the nullification, you must train this by keeping using this power.

There is a drawback which is your stamina and your eyes will slightly become drowsy when you overuse this ability.

2nd. Absorbing Force. This grant you to absorb any kind of Force from DC into your body that let you able to use the force you acquired.

3rd. I will let you decided any powers do you want to have. You can only choose 2." Zeno told

" Really? Then I wish for me to have the power of vibration manipulation and darkness manipulation.

Daniel told Zeno who nodded his head.

"Granted. Now be prepared for your journey in that new world. You will be replacing the " you" in that world. Oh, before I forget, you will have a barrier that protects your mind since I did not want anyone to read your mind which holds the knowledge of that world. And you also can use your powers in Ultraman Form but it will cost your time in Ultraman Form be lessen. You also can use other Ultraman capsule that you acquired. You also can hide your transformation device so the others cannot see your transformation devices. Also, your own Ultra suit will be available in that clause holder. That capsule holder and the capsule holder also will be like a storage bag which act like an inventory which a limitless space." He told me making me nodded my head.

Without me noticing, I got sucked into a portal that made my eyes closed.



Now I remembered what happened, as I quickly look at my waist and see Geed Riser with the capsule holder.

Wait a minute. How can I transform into Ultraman Geed when I have all Ultra cards colourless?

Wait a minute. 2 of them are not colourless.

Taking out 2 Ultra capsules, I notice they are Ultraman's capsule and Ultraman Belial's capsule.

"Ah. At least I can transform into Ultraman Geed: Primitive right now." Muttered me as I put back both Ultra Capsule into the Capsule holder.

But first, he reviews his new memory where he found it was slightly unpleasant as he is a student at New York Academy with him is an orphan.

And the reason he is an orphan is that his parent died due to Joker poisonous toxin as his parent is in a bank when Joker bragged in and spread the poisonous gain which robbed his parent life.

Releasing a sigh, he tried to calm himself when his parent died due to Joker.

As his parents left him 10 million since they used to open many gadgets stores for a decade and then the previous "him" sell those shop to someone who is interested to take over those gadgets stores.

"But still Superman is super strong, I bet he can just one punch the Kaiju alone if those Kaiju did not have a special force which made them have some sort of absolute defence. And how the heck am I going to find those Kaijus?" But then

something shield in his pocket as he takes out his phone.

This phone looks like Pokedex Kalos and now time to find out what this phone function until it then showed a map.

And one thing that I noticed is a red dot that is moving very fast coming from the forest into this city.

Until I take notices many birds are flying from the east with a black blur jumping after the birds until it landed on the ground making the ground shook.

A giant wolf who has black fur with blue veins can he see from its body.

This Kaiju looks like that Giant Wolf from that movie I watch, Rampage.

Of course, many citizens ran when that gun at wolf landed near them but then the giant wolf grabbed a man and eat him making the cutinizes become more afraid.

Shit! I need to act fast.

Then many information enters my body as my body now shined as time freeze for a second.

I am now in a blue space like the one Asakura Riku in when he does his transformation to become Ultraman Geed.

My Geed Riser and Loading Knuckle appeared with the capsule case appeared.

Taking out a capsule from the capsule, I take a deep breath as the feeling of becoming Ultraman made me slightly become excited.

It's been my dream when I first watched Ultraman Tiga. Taking out Ultraman and Ultraman Belial's Capsules to scan them to do a Fusion Rise.

"You go!" I announced and turned on Ultraman's capsule and an afterimage of him appeared to my right with him extending his hand upwards.

"I go!" I do the same thing with Belial's capsule with the same thing happen again and do the same pose as Ultraman does.

"Here we go!"

I scanned them with the Geed Riser after loading them into the Loading Knuckle and finally declared:

"Time to get ready!" I press the Riser's trigger and:

"Geed!" I began to glow white.

"Ultraman! Ultraman Belial! Ultraman Geed! Primitive!" Geed Riser declared.

[Insert Ultraman Geed Primitive's rising scene]


"What the hell is that giant wolf?" A policeman asked an inspector who is currently shooting at that got a wolf who did not even get hurt after being hit by that bullet.

"Like the heck I knew. Just keep shooting that damn wolf!" The inspector said but then the wolf smacks a truck to them with them jump aside to avoid the truck.

But one policeman got grabbed by the wolf and is about to become its food before a white ball crash to the wolf relaxing the policeman who fell on top of the police car.

The wolf crash into a building as a figure emerged from that white ball.

A humanoid giant that is height 51 meters with his 2 blue coloured curved eyes can be seen by the citizens of New York City.

They see that humanoid giant has a black, grey and red colour overall it's a body with a blue crystal on his chest with two metallic pieces of smaller protectors on his chest.

"Incredible. I really become Ultraman Geed." Daniel commented admiring his new body which did not feel like a costume rather it feels like his skin.

"Schuwaa!" Taking a fighting stance, I charged to the giant wolf who also leapt towards him.

Grabbing hold his mouth from biting me, I used my finger to poke its right eye making ut howl in pain with his right claw scratch my chest which made wince in pain.

Unleashing a kick to its stomach that made him fly to the air for a second.

I leap over him and step his head many time making it annoyed.

His tail then hit my body sending me backwards felling to the ground.

"Awooooo!" The wolf roar and jumped over me to bite my face which I had to hold.

But it's claw now started to hurt me as I gritted my teeth.

"Wait! This is the perfect time to do " that".Daniel thought in his head as his blue eyes shined.

My red parts of my body begin to shine strongly along with my eyes as crimson sparks energy started to gather around my arms.

Unleashing the burst of energy that made the giant wolf fly on the air above me, I put my head in a "+" position, as I executed Ultraman Heed's signature movement, Wrecking Burst.

A beam made of blue energy with some black and red sparks around it blasted from my arm that was vertically positioned. It hit the giant wolf who roared in pain after my attack hit him.

Its body exploded as it's body completely got turned into dust courtesy of my attack.

I then stand up while feeling a bit relieved that not so many buildings got destroyed but still many people died due to that giant wolf.

Crossing my arms, I disappeared instantly with me appearing back in the same alley I first regained my conscious.

"That was the first Kaiju I defeated. I hope the next one will give me challenges and made me able to unlock one of the Ultra Capsule." Muttered me as I walked back to my apartment.

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Table des matières
Volume 1