

This is a story of a System in a forgotten dropped novel by a young author becoming true, ruining his listless life and stealing his sleep. [Notice. The creator has been found] Creator what? [Notice. Akashi Records initializing.] [Good to see you in good health Big_Boob_Loli.] Hey, my taste has long developed. [Congratulations [Origin Skill: Administrative Authority] has been acquired.] What's this? [Congratulations [Unique Skill: Phantasmal Fantasy] has been acquired.] I don't know what's going on? [Congratulations [Sloth] has been acquired.] [Congratulations [Empath] has been acquired.] [Notice. Your body will now begin its integration with the Akashi Records blessings.] Fuck that was painful. Can't you tone it down a bit. [Unfortunately not.] Damn- -----World Travel----- Main World/Country (Earth Philippines) ---Other Worlds--- - Danmachi - Demon Slayer - Black Clover - Fate - SAO - Tensura - Solo Leveling

Big_Boob_Loli · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Anya Forger?


Kent, who just sent off Mark and Jason, let out a tired sigh while clutching his forehead.

He headed back inside before slumping onto the sofa.

His omni parallel existence in its {Awaken State} appeared beside him before turning into molds of light particles that entered his body.

It's tiring to manage two different bodies at the same time.

Even with the help of [Supreme Intellect] managing two separate bodies at the same time is giving him a big headache.

Kent's [Omni Parallel Existence] is not a clone of sorts but a perfect copy of himself that he needed to manage manually using parallel thought.

The mental stress it gives him is beyond enormous.

It's not just trying to control two bodies at the same time.

He needs to adjust to two different view points, each one having [Universal Sense] of its own.

The amount of information being sent into his head just by merely existing is enough to overdrive any known advanced super computers in the world into exploding.

What's more if there's two of him.

Just by imagining the amount of information two bodies possessing [Universal Sense] could acquire.

[Universal Sense] is a powerful ability that allows him to perceive things in a wide range perfectly and what it means by perfectly is that it perceives everything.

From a simple ant on the ground, a strand of hair falling, water molecules and worse unseen microscopic organisms in the surroundings.

Let's put aside the fact that he can also sense energy signatures such as mana, spirit, emotions, and elements.

Trying to sort out such massive amount of information is enough to fry all the computers in the world at the same time.

Worse there are two of him.

This is too much of a pain just for desiring great power, I should have thought things through thoroughly, why didn't I think of drawbacks and negative effects.

It's probably the fault of my 17 year old self.

It sounded so cool and easy to manage in the novel.

I guess reality really did suck.

Or maybe the author did not bother going too deep into details.

Well, I still have my final free administrative reality altering ticket, I could just enhance my mental power or add great sage to my traits.

Having Rafael or Ceil sounded great as well, but that might be too much and Akashi-san clearly wouldn't allow that until I'm a bit stronger.

But that's my free reality altering ticket the next free one is at the start of the apocalypse.


Play safe or play with fate, I couldn't decide.

My reserves are too low to even think of using it to alter a part of me.

I guess I'll be sticking with my free reality altering ticket until I receive another one.


But despite such drawbacks Kent is satisfied with [Omni Parallel Existence] and [Universal Sense] because these traits are the real deal.

[Omni Parallel Existence] basically gives him some sort of escape route and doubles his power.

So long a parallel existence of his existed, regardless of what happens to him even if the main body dies he will still be able to live and tell the tale.

Existence erasure wouldn't work unless all Omni Parallel Existence are eliminated.

Moreover, every single parallel existence can use all of his powers without any limit.

The only downside is that his resource is the same source, and he couldn't use parallel existence as a loophole of sorts when it comes to his Administrative Creator.

It's sad, but it cannot be helped.

Imagining the things he could've had if such a loophole was available.

Becoming the strongest in a short time wouldn't be an issue.

Unfortunately, Akashi-san is far too efficient and perfect.

Loopholes did not exist in her dictionary.

Kent refers to Akashi Records as her because she sounded like a female monotone.




In the dining room 3 people can be seen eating.

"I heard that the pervert in your school is a major teacher of yours."

Asked by Kent's mother who goes by the name Edna.

She is a woman in her late 40s yet her appearance looks like that of someone in her early 30s.

Edna is a mysterious woman even for Kent who's her child.

She was the one who taught him basic hand-to-hand combat.

And the same goes for his father.

He doesn't seem to be able to see through both of them.

Curious he decided to use [Administrative Creator] to appraise his mother and strangely enough it cost him big.

OE: 5,000

Almost halves of his reserves.


Name: Edna Santos

Race: Human

Title: [Bloody Rose]

Stigma: None

Alignment: [Chaotic Neutral]

Blessing: None

Status Parameters Lock (Unblessed)

Skills: [Teacher Lv.10] [Hunting Lv.10] [Investigator Lv.10] [Interrogator Lv.10] [Leader Lv.10] [Deceiver Lv.10] [Acrobatics Lv.10] [Elegance Lv. 10] [Mathematics Lv.10] [Biology Lv.10] [Alchemy Lv.10] [Reading Lv.10] [Analysis Lv.10] [Dancing Lv.10] [Cooking Lv.10] [Archeology Lv.5] [Parenting Lv.8]

Noble Skills: [Ancient Martial Arts Lv.10] [Advance Knife Arts Lv.10] [Ancient Sword Arts Lv.10] [Advance Marksmanship Lv.10] [Sorcery Lv.2] [Black Magic Lv.2] [Witchcraft Lv.1] [Exorcism Lv.1] [Holy Magic Lv.2]

[Unique Skill: Dream Foresight Lv.2]


[Dream Foresight]

Dream Foresight, the ability to foresee danger before it could come.

The holder of the ability is immune to Karmic judgement brought upon by Causality for interfering with Fate and Destiny of people.


Kent, after appraising his mother, spurt out the water from his mouth straight to the face of his father.

"I'm sorry."

His father just nods before leaving the dining room to get a towel upstairs in their bedroom.

His father is the silent type similar to Komi's father.

"Kent, is something the matter?"

"You know we're family and family must stick together."

His mother gave him a reassuring smile but instead of feeling relief he felt chills.

Damn who would have thought that my ever so gentle yet scary mother is a real monster in disguise.

I can only feel genuine love coming from her using my [Empath].

She is probably one of the strongest humans alive.

She literally has several noble skills and a single unique skill.

She can even use magic.

How can she lie to me.

I also want to use magic dammit.

Don't tell me father as well…

Kent's father goes by the name Harold.

Seeing him coming downstairs Kent used [Administrative Creator] again.

And similarly to his mother it cost big just to appraise him.


Name: Harold Santos

Race: Human

Title: [Phantom]

Stigma: None

Alignment: [Chaotic Neutral]

Blessing: None

Status Parameters Lock (Unblessed)

Skills: [Investigator Lv.10] [Interrogator Lv.10] [Deceiver Lv.10] [Mathematics Lv.10] [Biology Lv.10] [Astronomy Lv.10] [Alchemy Lv.10] [Analysis Lv.10] [Dancing Lv.10] [Reading Lv.10] [Crafting Lv.10] [Forging Lv.10] [Cooking Lv.10] [Parenting Lv.2]

Noble Skills: [Martial Master Lv.5] [Sword Master Lv.5] [Assassination Lv.10] [Multi Engineering Lv.5] [Star Magic Lv.2]

[Special Skill: Silence Lv.5]


Damn, am I the Anya Forger of this family?

Except I didn't know a thing or two.

Now I know where I inherited my aggressive personality.

These two probably have killed more than a hundred people each.

Yet strangely enough their alignment is [Chaotic Neutral].

I guess that's better it is bad if one of them is more to the side of Evil or to the side of Good.

Do they even know about each other's identity.

Father can also use magic and his [Star Magic] sounded cool.

Wait am I the weakest in this Family?

My only advantage is my superior stats?, traits, special skill, unique skill and origin skill without those I am nothing.

In terms of experience, mastery, and techniques I'm no better than a common mob to them.

Besides, in those advantages I master none.

I was too complacent.

I did not expect that there are people like mom and dad in this world.

There's probably more.

Worse is someone far stronger than them.

I underestimated this world.

I thought no strong individuals existed because of the miniscule amount of mana in the surroundings.

Well it cannot be helped.

I guess I need to begin training.


My precious listless life…