
Novelas de whatthefuck - WebNovel


  • Sign in to godhood

    You know the drill our mc dies he gets reincarnated by a text let's see if he is relatable or not _____________________________________________________ Hello every one some of you guys are new or all of you so let me introduce myself my name is... Let's just say my name is embarrassing but anyways I have written 2 fanfics one that is trash and one that is mediocre now this time the Mc will get a sign in system a godly one at that so let's see it's functions 1. You can sign in to get rewards for example he signs in a a school he gets all knowledge required to ace all his exam up to university 2. He sign in once a day those come in the form of tickets and he can stack them for later he can get 3 types of tickets dayly, weekly, yearly these tickets a better than the last 3. He get multiple rewards every time he checks in Got it so get this a try mabey you will like it

    omega_1295 · Fantasía
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