
Novelas de l'importanza di chiamarti amore - WebNovel


  • Cultivo en Línea

    Yuan nació con una enfermedad incurable que lo dejó ciego a temprana edad y lisiado unos años después, volviendo todo lo que estaba debajo de su cabeza inútil. Considerado sin esperanza e irredimible, sus padres rápidamente se rindieron con él, y el mundo lo ignoró. En este oscuro y todavía mundo, su hermana menor se convirtió en su única razón para vivir. Mira cómo este joven llega a la cima como un genio en Cultivo en Línea —el más reciente VRMMORPG—, convirtiéndose en una figura legendaria en ambos mundos.

    MyLittleBrother · Juegos
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  • O Amor de um Lican

    ``` COMPLETO! Trecho: Há um ano, Raine foi liberada da instituição mental e teve que viver no orfanato. Não era o melhor lugar. Pelo menos não para alguém como ela. Até que uma noite fiel ela o conheceu. *** Ele parou o carro. A apreensão na coberta aumentou enquanto Raine se perguntava se tinha feito algo errado. Ela podia sentir quando Torak estendeu a mão em direção a ela. Ele vai me bater? Raine estremeceu com esse pensamento. Torak puxou o capuz de sua cabeça e gentilmente ajeitou seu cabelo atrás da orelha. "Não." Ele disse firmemente, "Eu quero ver você, não se esconda…" ************** “O espírito do anjo da guarda dará nova vida à criança humana. Três anjos guardiões nascerão novamente no mundo terrestre e vocês três serão seus protetores.” “Protetores!!?” Jedrek estourou. No fim, ele parou de caminhar e virou-se de costas para olhar a deusa da lua a uma grande distância, seus olhos brilhando vermelhos de raiva. Seu lobo estava irado. “Por que você acha que vamos ajudar?” Kace perguntou enquanto estreitava seus olhos de obsidiana negra, seu lobo tinha tomado controle dele. Ele era o mais jovem entre os três e o menos temperamental entre eles. Os três foram amaldiçoados por Selene por suas ações ferozes para obter poder e autoridade supremos. A deusa da lua não os abençoou com uma parceira como punição de seus caminhos atrozes e os forçou a se envolverem nesta guerra mortal com os demônios. “Você vai nos transformar em escravos dessas criaturas doentias!?” Torak perguntou incrédulo. “Não tem medo que possamos quebrá-los ao meio?” O anjo da guarda era tão frágil e eles, como licantropos, não apreciavam as fraquezas. “Não, vocês não vão.” Selene disse pacientemente. “Vocês não serão escravos deles nem os machucarão, vocês irão valorizá-los de todas as formas possíveis.” Jedrek riu ameaçadoramente ao ouvir isso, eles não se importavam com a ressurreição da besta, uma vez que cruzassem seu território, com ou sem o anjo da guarda, ele rasgaria seus corpos ao meio. “Eu serei a última pessoa que eles verão, assim que eu os encontrar.” Ele estava se referindo tanto ao anjo da guarda quanto ao demônio. Mas, a próxima fala de Selene veio carregada de divertimento quando ela falou. “Vocês não machucarão suas parceiras.” ============================ Sessão 1 (capítulo 1 - 394) : Torak Donovan - Raine (concluído). Sessão 2 (capítulo 395 - 628) : Kace Donovan - Hope (concluído) Sessão 3 (capítulo 629 - 1083) : Jedrek Donovan - Lilac (concluído) Sessão 4 (capítulo 1084 - em andamento) : Histórias Paralelas ============================ Esta é uma história de lobisomem e, claro, uma fantasia! Já que todo mundo tem sua própria versão da vida sobrenatural, aqui estou eu tentando escrever a minha. Se você já leu outras histórias de lobisomens, estará ciente de que existem semelhanças e diferenças. ============================ ***Atenção! O inglês não é minha primeira língua, então há possibilidade de você encontrar erro gramatical (eu não o fiz de propósito, porém), se isso o deixar desconfortável, por favor me avise para que eu possa corrigir. *Você foi avisado ^^ Críticas construtivas são muito bem-vindas! .......................................................................................... ##Encontre-me no Instagram : jikan_yo_tomare ##Capa por: @Gisel.arts Confira minhas outras histórias: **ALVORECER PÚRPURA ATÉ O CREPÚSCULO: querido através do tempo **A HISTÓRIA DO CREPÚSCULO ```

    jikanyotomare · Fantasía
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  • Cœurs emmêlés - La maman bébé de l'Alpha

    ``` "Tu croyais que me guérir me ferait t'aimer davantage ?" Il se moqua en saisissant mes cheveux pour me tirer vers la porte. "Tu me fais mal, Xavier," je pleurais en me débattant faiblement contre lui. Il n'y avait pas grand-chose que je pouvais faire. "Si jamais je te vois approcher à un pouce de moi," il me jeta contre le mur "je maudirai les conséquences et te tuerai,". *** Mon compagnon et moi étions destinés à nous haïr, seul un acte d'amour véritable ou de désintéressement de la part du compagnon le plus fort pouvait remettre nos destins sur le bon chemin mais pendant sept ans, j'ai dû supporter les abus de mon compagnon et son prétendu amour de sa vie jusqu'au jour où j'ai décidé de partir. Je suis partie, déterminée à rester cachée de lui pour toujours... mais quelques semaines plus tard, j'ai découvert que j'étais enceinte. ```

    Ejiofor_Dorcas · Fantasía
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  • L'héritier perdu depuis longtemps de l'Alpha

    SAUTER LES CHAPITRES NON NOMMÉS À CAUSE D'UN MÉLANGE... "Pourquoi as-tu dû te marier avec moi si tu savais que tu allais me jeter!" Elle cria. Il exhala doucement et la regarda, son visage neutre, ses yeux étonnamment calmes. "C'est parce que, je devais sauver ma couronne et mon trône. Maintenant, laisse-moi vivre ma vie." "Pourquoi ça devait être moi?" Elle porta sa main à son visage. "Tu sais qu'elle est mon âme sœur destinée et je ne peux rien y faire." Avec des larmes dans les yeux, elle se redressa lentement et acquiesça. "Je signerai les papiers du divorce." • • • Nyx est déchirée par le chagrin, lorsque Alpha Oberon, son mari décide de divorcer d'elle après avoir prétendu avoir trouvé son âme sœur destinée. Elle quitte la meute par peur de retourner chez ses parents abusifs et cruels et élève son enfant toute seule. Les années passent, la nouvelle Luna n'arrivant pas à produire d'héritier pour le royaume. Un voyant dit au roi qu'il existe un héritier qui a le sang du roi dans ses veines. Que se passe-t-il quand il réalise que l'enfant vient de la femme même qu'il avait autrefois offensée ? Que va-t-il faire pour la convaincre de revenir afin de sauver son trône et son royaume?

    Tessy_Writes · Fantasía
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  • Légende de l'Épéiste

    Jian Wushuang renaissait dans l'adversité. Pour accomplir sa vengeance, il commença à cultiver la Compétence de Création Céleste. Avec l'aide de la méthode de cultivation défiant les cieux, Jian Wushuang se transforma progressivement en un génie sans pareil à partir d'un pratiquant ordinaire. Épée en main, personne ne pouvait l'égaler. Utilisant son Principe de l'Épée extraordinaire, il tua tous ses adversaires et finit par devenir le Maître d'Épée numéro un de tous les temps.

    Mr. Money · Oriental
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  • Her Young Amorous Husband

    Many say love is a fleeting emotion. But to them, love is an amorous devotion. … Cassandra Qin, a woman of grace and feminine perfection. Renowned as a charismatic and regal chairwoman, a prime woman in her late thirties whom all could only yearn in their most beautiful dream. Seen as a woman who has it all; exquisite beauty, success and outstanding daughter. She is revered by all, yet little do they know that behind her veneer of perfection, she has to nurse her own wound in darkness of night when no one is around. A woman whose heart is encased frozen to the heat of intimacy is what she believed she is, or so she thought until she meets him, the younger man who melts her coldness and ignites a flicker of passion within her into a storming inferno. A wet dream dressed in a hot suit, the finest womanizer. Her sweetest mistake. Him, whose presence sets her body aflame and whose smile features upon her dirtiest fantasies. Heir to the dark household. A man with whom she should have no contact with, yet the maddening temptation is just as irresistible as his vixen smile. Their passionate romance is like an exquisite painting, a captivating blend of raw passion and intimacy. Two dominant man and woman who get very lost in their amorous yet loveless affair, neither is able for fall for the other. Their coupling is one of unbridled passion, wrapped in the shroud of secrecy and danger. Will they end in timeless devotion or be consumed by the flames of their alluring affair? ... Sensuous fingertips traced down the lines of masculine perfection and up rippling pectorals. Hot and wet tongues locked together as silken thighs straddled with sinuous motion. Inhalations whisper of passion and desire. Their breaths mingled while fingers orchestrated an exhaled symphony of amorous moans. "Dance for me." The lady demanded, biting his neck as she pinned him down against the soft velvet sheets. "My pleasure." The man rasped, swallowing down, as he caressed the silhouette of smooth, contrasting thighs. "Anything you desire, my dear Queen."

    BlaccLotus · Ciudad
  • Esclave de l'Ombre

    Grandissant dans la pauvreté, Sunny ne s'attendait jamais à quelque chose de bon dans la vie. Cependant, même lui n'aurait pas anticipé d'être choisi par le Sortilège du Cauchemar et devenir un des Éveillés - un groupe d'élite de personnes dotées de pouvoirs surnaturels. Transporté dans un monde magique en ruine, il se retrouva confronté à de terribles monstres - et à d'autres Éveillés - dans une bataille mortelle pour la survie. Pire encore, le pouvoir divin qu'il a reçu s'est avéré posséder un petit, mais potentiellement fatal effet secondaire...

    Guiltythree · Fantasía
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  • Inevitably Trapped With The Amorous Husband

    Song Xiulan's parents doted on her so much that they would even find the best bachelor out there to be her husband. They were eyeing Xing Hongqi, a very respectable man and the most powerful in S and T city. But he is also a notorious player and womanizer. Xiulan's parents believed that their impeccable daughter can change a man like Hongqi. Xiulan was willing to follow whatever her parents planned for her. But marrying a womanizer seemed too extreme. Now that she met the man and people around her seem to worship him and talk about his dirty laundries like it was fine. Xiulan is now conflicted about whether she should obey her parents or this time follow her common sense that marrying a womanizer is not fine! But she suddenly finds out a secret that hinders her from not marrying him. Story and cover by redroui https://ko-fi.com/redroui

    redroui · Integral
  • V.I.R.A.L

    In a world full of superhumans with fantastical abilities the idea of superheroes is seen as nothing more than childish dreams. The superheroes are instead streamers, people stream their crime-fighting ordeals for the world with the whole reason of getting rich and famous, nothing more, nothing less. The concept of great power means great responsibility is thrown out the window for a new era of supers. Alton Brantley is one such person. Working two part-time jobs to make ends meet he keeps his powers a secret not wanting the burdens of his past to define him. This changes however when he is met by a larger than life girl Zinnia, she dreams of being a real-life superhero like the ones of old. Forming Team Rhapsody they begin to climb the ranks gaining new allies in order to become the most famous streamers the world has ever seen.

    Nightfall_Protocol · Fantasía

    Apa yang akan kamu lakukan seandainya kamu menemukan sebuah mesin waktu dan melihat masa depanmu bukanlah seperti yang kamu harapkan? Zie, seorang mahasiswi fakultas keperawatan tingkat akhir, ia sudah bertunangan dengan kekasihnya Harsya dan berencana untuk menikah beberapa bulan lagi setelah Zie diwisuda. Zie sangat mencintai kekasihnya dan impian terbesarnya adalah jadi istri dan menmenghabiskan seluruh hidupnya bersama Harsya, dan menjadi istri serta ibu dari anak-anak kekasihnya. Sebuah Keluarga bahagia. dan menua bersama Harsya. Sayangnya semua impiannya hancur begitu saja ketika suatu malam, sebuah peristiwa misterius terjadi. Dia mendapati kenyataan kalau suaminya di masa depan bukanlah Harsya tapi Ali, orang yang sangat dibencinya sekaligus musuh bebuyutannya. Malam itu seorang perempuan paruh baya yang mengaku berasal dari masa depan yang juga merupakan anak mereka. Dia datang untuk menyatukan cinta Zie dan Ali. Kepada siapa Zie kan melabuhkan cintanya? Harsya, sang kekasih yang sangat dicintainya atau Ali, si musuh bebuyutan yang perlahan tapi pasti memasuki kehidupannya? https://www.facebook.com/alanylove.alanylove Instagram @alany828

    AlanyLove · Integral
  • l'amore Tra Di Noi

    Rasa cinta yang hadir begitu saja. Menghadirkan sebuah konflik tanpa ujung. Akan kah cinta itu bersemi ataukah layu ? Dapatkah tercapai sebuah pasangan yang bahagia antara tiga hati yang berlabuh.

    dianamahr_ · Fantasía
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  • L'AMORE NON ESISTE (Tidak Ada Cinta)

    "Lo marah karena omongan gue tadi kan? Jawab gue Sheina." Tanya Vincent sambil terus menatap wajah Sheina.       Sheina memberontak dan hendak menjauhkan tubuhnya dari Vincent namun segera ditahan oleh Vincent. Vincent langsung menarik pinggan Sheina agar semakin mendekat dan kini tubuh mereka sudah saling menempel.     "Lep.. Ahhh lepasin kak. Nanti bibik bisa liat." Ucap Sheina berusaha menurunkan tangan Vincent dari pinggannya.     "Gue ngak peduli, yang penting sekarang lo jujur, lo marah karena ucapan gue yang tadi kan?" Vincent kembali bertanya namun tetap tidak ada jawaban dari Sheina.     "Jawab Sheina." Ucap Vincent kali ini dengan suara yang lebih keras dari yang tadi. Sheina yang sudah mulai kesal melihat sikap Vincent langsung memberanikan diri menatap mata Vincent tajam.     "Mau lo apa sih kak? Lo ngapain sih masih deket- deket gue hah? Lo ngapain masih susul gue ke sini. Lo ngak mau kan kalo gue suka sama lo? Iya kan? Dan satu- satunya cara agar gue ngak suka sama lo ya gue ngak sering- sering lagi ketemu sama lo." Jeda Sheina, lalu melepaskan tangan Vincent dengan sepenuh tenaga.     "Lo ngak usah ketemu gue lagi, gue ngak mau ketemu sama lo lagi kak." Ucap Sheina yang membuat Vincent terdiam sejenak.     "Emang harus ya lo jauhin gue? Gue bukan ngak suka kalo lo cinta sama gue, tapi gue cuman ngak mau lo sakit hati Sheina, dan lo ngak harus jauhin gue. Lo harus selalu ada di samping gue, ngak boleh ada orang lain yang jadi pelindung lo selain gue." Ucap Vincent yang membuat Sheina tertawa.     "HAHAHHAAAHAHA, hebat.. hebat.. hebat banget lo kak. Emang lo siapa gue makanya lo bisa ngatur- ngatur gue sampai gue ngak boleh deket sama orang lain selain lo? Emang lo siapa gue hah? Jawab gue, jawab gue Vincent" Teriak Sheina tanpa memanggil Vincent dengan embel- embel kakak lagi, emosi Sheina semakin menjadi- jadi akibat ucapan Vincent tadi.     "Gue emang bukan siapa- siapa lo, tapi lo penting buat gue, dan gue ngak mau kalau lo harus deket sama orang lain selain gue."     "Munafik, brengsek, egois lo bener- bener egois kak. Lo bukan siapa siapa gue tapi lo ngatur- ngatur hidup gue. Urus aja hidup lo, gue bisa urus hidup gue sendiri kok, lo ngak perlu ikut campur sama hidup gue."     "Gue berhak ikut campur sama hidup lo." Ucap Vincent.

    Mega_Dream · Fantasía
  • L'Aubergiste

    Au fond d'un univers nouvellement né, un cultivateur profite de l'énergie abondante pour se raffiner un trésor. Mais après 14 milliards d'années de raffinement et encore pas mal de temps à attendre, il décide de se divertir en libérant d'innombrables systèmes et en observant comment les créatures de cet univers naissant les gèrent. Sur Terre, un jeune homme perdu et confus sur la direction à donner à sa vie, est assis dans un parc et lève les yeux vers le ciel nocturne. Une étoile filante, un vœu et un fracas. Lorsque le garçon se réveille enfin, il entend un son, "assimilation terminée. Lancement du Système. Bienvenue à l'Auberge de Minuit. Désignation de l'Hôte : L'Aubergiste." Discord : https://discord.gg/yqCkHedcUP Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551387105778 Instagram : https://instagram.com/theinnkeepernovel?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

    lifesketcher · Fantasía
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  • Monster di Batavia

    Berakhir dalam 11 - 12 Chapter terakhir. Kisah ini, adalah kisah dari sebuah harapan. Kisah ini juga kisah dari sebuah perjuangan. Kisah dari sebuah cita, kisah dari sebuah asa. Kisah dari seorang gadis bernama Anna, yang kehilangan ingatannya di tengah para penjajah VOC yang bisa merubah wujud mereka. Terbagi dalam tiga babak besar, dimana pada awal tiap babaknya akan di gambarkan keseluruhan alurnya dalam satu puisi singkat. Kisah ini mengangkat catatan sejarah bangsa dalam genre cerita fantasi yang mendebarkan. Mengambil setting di tiga masa berbeda, kisah ini akan membawa pembaca untuk bertualang dan menyaksikan koneksi dari perjuangan para pahlawan Nusantara. Cuplikan : "Di mana ini!?" kata pikirannya mengacau. ... Blap! Blap! ... tiba-tiba dua lampu pijar bersinar. "... Het feest!! ... kita sambut bersama ... ANNA!!" Kemudian ... desahan makhluk yang belum pernah ia dengar ... Slurrpp!! "... AAAAA!!!" "Jangan takut gadis manis, tulangmu tak akan kami sisakan sedikit pun"  "Tidak!" " ... mari kita lihat seperti apa rasa yang dimiliki daging lembutmu ... " "HHYYAAAAAAAA ... TIDAK TIDAK! ...  JANGAN ... JANGAN MENDEKAT! SANA PERGI ...  TIDDAAAAAKKKKKK!!!" Batavia 1628, sebagai salah satu wilayah jajahan VOC kota bergaya eropa ini berubah menjadi tempat yang sangat mencekam. Kemudian tepat di suatu bangunan megah yang berada di tengah kota, digelarlah suatu pesta dansa tepat saat pertengahan malam. Bulan bersinar bulat, tarian dan musik klasik pun mulai diputar, dan seketika lampu ruangan itu dimatikan. Saat itulah panggung mencekam Batavia dibuka....

    Tom_Ardy · Historia
  • l'amore indefeso

    The title of this book means " unblessed love". A girl who is lucky enough to get everything she wishes other than her want to have a family, landed in the part of her life where she will be caught by the magical blessing and feeling of being in love . Fate or luck.. but the boss of cops department and the underworld will fall in love with each other and it is unknown what will happen in the future. But the question is will she be blessed so easily ,or, just leave about getting, will she be able to feel that magical feelings? There are many questions but the answer will be received once you go through this work of mine. It will be full of emotions , drama and of course love. Hope you readers like my first work and encourage me to write more. ------ Iraxyz

    Iraxyz · Adolescente
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