
Novelas de illumi - WebNovel

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  • Tower of Biringan City

    Story started with Illumi the timd guy who loves to play the game Tower of Biringan City. One day a system breached creates a Portals from Biringan City to reality releasing monsters to the Philippines. Illumi is one of the hero of this Country.

    BaconPanCakes · Fantasía
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  • Love with the villainess

    A 27 year old band leader,Illumi AIHARA died in a plane crash,Reincarnated into a ABO novel "My beloved tyrant."

    Renpangshu · LGBT+
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  • The Chosen And The Fallen

    A galaxy , where billions of humans were humiliated , enslaved, by a banished religion , which is called " Sevan" . No one was there to save them , there was no hope for those humans. After millions of slavery years , it finally happened. A religion, send by god himself , appeared to change the present , to save tons of lives, and to slaughter the darkness itself , "Jilar". It has begun. A war for freedom , a war for peace , a war that will hopefully bring balance to the galaxy... But they were wrong. Shed blood, take another's life , that was not the feeling... the galaxy sank into the "pool" of pure darkness , chaos, and evil. War was not the key , that leads to freedom. The ongoing war scattered fear all over the galaxy. Humans , Sevans , Jilars , all of them... tools to achieve glory , yes , it's all gods plant. Omega , was the name, of that higher being which overfilled their home with fear. Korai , a young , sensitive boy who lives on a planet, which is called " Illum" , lives in a farm , together with his brother Ryu, his mother Karai , mysteriously his father disappeared years ago. Anakin wants an answer , an answer to all of this. He has got strong feelings, positive , and negative ones. If the decision has been made , all of them , humans , Jilars , Sevans , all of them will see a reveal, that brings balance and peace or even chaos and darkness. It's all a question,...it's all in the hand,...it is all a plan.

    Sergin · Fantasía
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