
Novelas de barbatos - WebNovel


  • Rebirth of the Saintblade

    In a world steeped in magic and mystery, the legendary Sword Saint Dainsleif, meets his final hour but is granted an extraordinary chance at rebirth. Reborn into the same mystical tapestry, he emerges anew as Yuito Barbatos—an orphan, but armed with memories and powers from a bygone era. Yuito, fueled by the echoes of his former self, endeavors to forge a different destiny this time around. Freed from the shackles of his past identity, he navigates the currents of a fresh existence. Yet, the lingering shadows of yesteryears, like wisps of an ancient spell, persistently haunt him. To carve out a destiny that transcends the eons and resonates through the storied chronicles of enchanted lore, Yuito must confront the spectral remnants of his own history.

    Longxingyu · Fantasía
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  • Leviathan's Love for a Tailor's Heart

    Hades, a devildom renowned for the beautiful silver-grey walls of its palace nestled in the mountainous terrain, unfolds its tale in the 18th century. The palace stands within walking distance of Lavender Town, a quaint human village, and a dense forested area. Ruled by the legendary-grade devil King Leviathan, the palace is adorned with loyal subordinates: Foras, Barbatos, and Glasyalabolas, all special-grade devils. Their unwavering loyalty is so profound that they are willing to sacrifice their lives if King Leviathan were to perish. One fateful night, a legendary-grade devil infiltrated Hades with the intention of killing King Leviathan to usurp his throne. Using his hypnotic abilities, he seized control of all the devils in the palace, leaving Leviathan unaffected. Faced with the dilemma of not wanting his devils to suffer, Leviathan surrendered and was beheaded. His body was discarded into the human village but he miraculously alive. But, where did his head go? He encountered Harumi, a skilled tailor who generously offered her home for him to stay and help him to find his head, so he could create a revenge strategy in proper body. In return, she wished for exceptionally expensive fabric from Hades. As partners in crime, they embarked on a perilous journey together and amidst the chaos. Romantic feelings began to form from one of them. Peace arrives, the question arises: Why did the evil force want to kill the ruler of Hades? Will they be together at the end of mission or separate ways? Will one of them be possessed, if yes? Which one of them? Is there a love triangle? The tale unfolds, revealing the destiny of these unlikely allies and bigger challenges to come. *I have wattpad too, @/ dreamLand45 Character of story is from "What In Hell is Bad" game. Cover page- https://pin.it/3NshkOT

    dreamLand45 · Fantasía
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  • Distant Abyss

    A anthology for the most part from a universe of my own, however events are separated by timeline not volume since it’s not a connecting story, most stories will only be 1 part but will still bear a ({Initials}.{Number}) just in case it gets more. There are only two currently timelines as of right now Sky Zero’s is a bunch of my older ideas which probably won’t see much light since I don’t remember a lot, and the Regent Timeline is for my newer ideas (Most characters I remember have been moved to this timeline). The actual story follows a young adult who’s seemingly forgotten most of his past including, a boy named Barbatos with powers from the markings of his clan, and Fenrir an agent of chaos who just so happens to be a detective for the people.

    ViCal · Fantasía
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  • The old Demon King

    David lived a hard life. From birth to death, nothing was easy. Downtrodden his entire life, he thought he would at least find happiness in his precious granddaughter… but he was wrong. As she grew older, she pushed him away. She used her beauty and growing influence to isolate David, and he eventually succumbed to the grief and struggle of his old age. He was someone you wouldn’t pay attention to on the streets, and if you did you’d feel sorry for him. Old, barely strong enough to walk around, and lonely. Even his wife left him. Death seemed to be the end, and it was. The end of his suffering, at least. Awaking in an unfamiliar room, David found out that he’s no longer named David, but rather.. Demon King Barbatos. Strength, money, influence.. “David” had it all.. except his youth back.

    IBO00 · Fantasía
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