
Review Detail of MasterlessSword in Kingdom's Bloodline

Detalle de revisión


Long time no see, this is the author. Just to let you know, the writing process is going well ( at least to some extents) except for occasional pauses( which is normal). Btw I create an Instagram account recent ly, to post some of my writing process updates. Feel free to contact me there if u like. Wish you all good! Yours, Masterless Sword, from China, 2021.02.01

Kingdom's Bloodline

Masterless Sword

Le gusta a personas 20

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Excuse me Master, it has come to my attention that your latest side story is only at your WeChat. So I'd like to ask if you can put it in your AO3(archive of our own) as well, so that those of us who doesn't have or can't use WeChat may find it. (ps: I'm not sure how you do your side stories policies so if it's not possible it's understandable, but either way thank you for your work)


Hello, Master. very happy that you are continuing your work! I regularly re-read your work and I must acclaim you for the side story 2 (Embrassing Power), what a crazy atmosphere! Je garde l'oeil sur vos New. Bien a vous.


You're a great writer, I could see your novels selling very well in the west if you had an edition house. Kingdom's Bloodline is far above the average printed novel quality. It's also very rare that a Chinese author understand western society to this degree. It's often all about Chinese social interactions slapped with implausible western names. It's clear to me that you have educated yourself on European feudalism. I really think you could be a bestselling author here in Canada and also in America. I was often reminded of the Sun King Louis XIV in the latest translated chapters, where everyone watched the King and everything was to be imitated. I can't wait to read more of Thale's adventures!




Thanks!Your words means a lot to me and I really appreciate it!

Bored_Raccoon:You're a great writer, I could see your novels selling very well in the west if you had an edition house. Kingdom's Bloodline is far above the average printed novel quality. It's also very rare that a Chinese author understand western society to this degree. It's often all about Chinese social interactions slapped with implausible western names. It's clear to me that you have educated yourself on European feudalism. I really think you could be a bestselling author here in Canada and also in America. I was often reminded of the Sun King Louis XIV in the latest translated chapters, where everyone watched the King and everything was to be imitated. I can't wait to read more of Thale's adventures!



Thanks for reminding, I have just posted the side story 8 (Nikolai's view) on my AO3 (author ID: masterlesssword). Wish u good luck!

JustJeremy:Excuse me Master, it has come to my attention that your latest side story is only at your WeChat. So I'd like to ask if you can put it in your AO3(archive of our own) as well, so that those of us who doesn't have or can't use WeChat may find it. (ps: I'm not sure how you do your side stories policies so if it's not possible it's understandable, but either way thank you for your work)