
Review Detail of Daoist85A8Mt in The Great Ruler

Detalle de revisión


I am not hating on the author or anything is just that why is xiao yan the weakest of the 3 mc. More like xiao yan and lin dong are like side or mob characters. As I recal xiao yan has the nihility devouring flame which should not be inferior to lin dong’s ancestrol devouring symbol, yet he doesn’t even use it like lin dong. Also at the final fight mu chen used his other 2 bodies to write his full name to the fragment thing, so Wht I don’t get is why xiao yan couldn’t do the same. When xiao yan’s reached di state spiritual he could summon another him which is as strong as him and would not die unless the real body dies, the same goes for the three thousand illusionary body. Xiao yan looks was made look so weak, at least lin dong still looked good compare to xiao yan. By the way this is just my opinion. I was expecting like the perfect word trilogy where the former mc’s are still badass like huang or shi hao.

The Great Ruler

Heavenly Silkworm Potato

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