
Review Detail of temose46 in Warlock of the Magus World

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Qidian has the rights of the original novel, but it still hurts a little bit that so many novels are here, i know its convenient but it hurts as hell

Warlock of the Magus World

The Plagiarist

Le gusta a personas 255

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Novels are life? Then read mine, it's a breath of fresh air…

NineHeavens:I am also not on Qidian's side but you guys have to stop being hyprocritical. If you really dislike the way they do things then stop reading altogether instead of lurking around and giving your opinions. Just sit back and really enjoy all the efforts that people have put in to provide you these for FREE.

They only have rights for the original novel. Not for the translated works. This is illegal as hell. Don't support this.

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Qidian have the rights of Chinese Novel being hosted at their own chinese site. but the International one *webnovel* does not have rights from translator to steal their work and publish it as their own for marketing purpose.

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they also have the rights for the translations. since WuxiaWorld sold out their translators for a permission to translate Qidian novels. what qidian does is really ****ty, but they have the Law on their side. soon, when Qidian fully assimilates all the novels from our community, they will put a bigass PayWall, since they will have the monopoly on qindian novels, we would have to pay up or resort to pirating.

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They don't have the right if you followed ren said that the negociations were not going well, he didn't say that they sold the translations Just to say , no they don't have the right and this is illegal.

Positive_Lullaby:they also have the rights for the translations. since WuxiaWorld sold out their translators for a permission to translate Qidian novels. what qidian does is really ****ty, but they have the Law on their side. soon, when Qidian fully assimilates all the novels from our community, they will put a bigass PayWall, since they will have the monopoly on qindian novels, we would have to pay up or resort to pirating.

This is not how it works. As Ren himself posted they never gave their consent to Qidian to host the translations here. This is blatant stealing and infringment of copyright.

Positive_Lullaby:they also have the rights for the translations. since WuxiaWorld sold out their translators for a permission to translate Qidian novels. what qidian does is really ****ty, but they have the Law on their side. soon, when Qidian fully assimilates all the novels from our community, they will put a bigass PayWall, since they will have the monopoly on qindian novels, we would have to pay up or resort to pirating.

What happens if the translators say screw it and start translating a non Qidian novel? Then no 1 will translate it.

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Wuxiaworld never sold their translator. Its the translator that move on Qidian. that like saying Desolate Era Qidian have rights for it? they dont have permission from author + translator..but look what happen they still steal em.

Positive_Lullaby:they also have the rights for the translations. since WuxiaWorld sold out their translators for a permission to translate Qidian novels. what qidian does is really ****ty, but they have the Law on their side. soon, when Qidian fully assimilates all the novels from our community, they will put a bigass PayWall, since they will have the monopoly on qindian novels, we would have to pay up or resort to pirating.

Remember rule no. 14 boy...

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Ok so yeah i must admit its better here to read at least lel wuxia needs an app like qidan ... And even though they have the rights the still signed an agrement but they fu up the translator that allmost finished translating wow...

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I think you guys do not understand that the original novels belong to the authors and any translations should first go through the authors, so technically Qidian is not wrong here since they own the novels in the first place. Dont get me wrong, I appreciate the translators alot but take a step back. Don't let your assumptions form wrong judgements.

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I am also not on Qidian's side but you guys have to stop being hyprocritical. If you really dislike the way they do things then stop reading altogether instead of lurking around and giving your opinions. Just sit back and really enjoy all the efforts that people have put in to provide you these for FREE.

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It's not about that though, they went through legalities. They have a contract with **********, although for only a few of the novels, ********** has the rights to the translations. It a really weird situation and we can't see their contract, so most of what we know is what each source tells us 😩😅

NineHeavens:I am also not on Qidian's side but you guys have to stop being hyprocritical. If you really dislike the way they do things then stop reading altogether instead of lurking around and giving your opinions. Just sit back and really enjoy all the efforts that people have put in to provide you these for FREE.

Wow WW can't be written out without it being censored... That's some bad blood

TrickeryFool:It's not about that though, they went through legalities. They have a contract with **********, although for only a few of the novels, ********** has the rights to the translations. It a really weird situation and we can't see their contract, so most of what we know is what each source tells us 😩😅

Well fact is we don't know, they are not obliged to let us know, and fact is so what if we know? Nothing changes and we can't do anything about it. I guess my point is that ultimately what everyone likes are the stories themselves and most people appreciates the hard work various translators brings for us. There are many ways to show support and actions are a better way to speak louder than words (instead of complaining this and that, and afterwards continuing to browse using their appliction, just stop using their app entirely if it is really important to you.). Otherwise, stop acting all self-righteous and talk about something which you don't even know the full picture of (not referring to you btw), just enjoy what you are originally here for, which are the novels and translations

TrickeryFool:Wow WW can't be written out without it being censored... That's some bad blood

I couldn't agree more

NineHeavens:Well fact is we don't know, they are not obliged to let us know, and fact is so what if we know? Nothing changes and we can't do anything about it. I guess my point is that ultimately what everyone likes are the stories themselves and most people appreciates the hard work various translators brings for us. There are many ways to show support and actions are a better way to speak louder than words (instead of complaining this and that, and afterwards continuing to browse using their appliction, just stop using their app entirely if it is really important to you.). Otherwise, stop acting all self-righteous and talk about something which you don't even know the full picture of (not referring to you btw), just enjoy what you are originally here for, which are the novels and translations

I don't mind the qidian ****** this site as sometimes it is good to have the ability to read new novels in offline mode. Something typical translators on other sites never offer.

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To me it doesnt matter where i read, never been picky

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They worked out a deal actually.

Totoy:Qidian have the rights of Chinese Novel being hosted at their own chinese site. but the International one *webnovel* does not have rights from translator to steal their work and publish it as their own for marketing purpose.

Actually only Qi said they work it out with a deal. But Ren posted the email and contract stuff on NU and they never actually sign any agreement on papers..It was all Verbal which is not any legit agreement because there was no contract has been sign with signature between both party. Also there was zero rights of Dual Hosting as it was not even stated in the contract between Ren which he did not even sign in the first place.

Rnegoro:They worked out a deal actually.