
Review Detail of KingFischer in Versatile Mage

Detalle de revisión


For all of these five star reviews on this book, i guess i will have to be the equalizer; i read up to chapter 46 today, and let me tell you; my day was wasted on trash, don't read this book, don't waste your time, there are so many better books on qidian, i don't even understand how this is trending, but i will list a few issues so you can have a general idea of what you're getting into with this. 1. Science and magic is portrayed as complete opposites able to completely replace the other, this boils down to the world he lives in not even having math or physics, just magic. 2. There was mention of a cultivation technique with the old mans necklace ring, which would allow him to save the world, he promptly forgets about it and doesent remember within the next 40 chapters, idk if he ever remembers. Keep in mind that those 40 chapters span a time period of about 2 years. Yup. 3. The author mentions the characters ages etc. But forgets to mention their mental age, which is important because all of them seem about 5-10 years younger mentally than they should be; especially the 16 year olds. 4. The mc tries to lay low by being dismally bad at studying and almost getting expelled if he wasnt actually a crouching tiger hidden dragon, which he is, but hes dismal at that too; as under the examination he is measured to be better than everyone else... how to be low key: 1. Become the trash on the bottom of society, 2. Become the divine leader of the leaderboard within seconds, 3. Do it all in the presence of the whole school to be sure they notice and gossip about it, 4. Piss of the strongest existence in the whole city, because u have beef with him but u still wanna lay low... wait? The magic system is pretty pathetic aswell, though i didn't really see its potential during the 40 chapters, add onto a bunch of inconsistencies, some sexist remarks and an 'in general' scaredycat useless horndog mc what do we got? (btw the whole draw was the idea of a badass mage owning people within his own ranks, but i lost faith pretty quickly as he is basically op by virtue of deus ex machina ,or even worse; op by old man he paid respect to being hidden expert with tons of priceless treasures to help him along. There is no reason to root for him, atleast not as far as i saw, and he definitively isn't even slightly badass.) Apparently a trending story on qidian... what a joke. Lets see qidian delete this review, i'm curious if they actually do. Oh btw i rate it 1 out of 5 stars because i don't think the release rate matters when it comes to quality, in fact it might be in detriment to it. As for the writing quality, i don't only consider grammar, but overall enjoyment of the plot and characters and motivations. Cause the stuff connecting that stuff isnt air, u have to use writing to connect ****, unless you are making an encyclopedia, where its enough to put the information in alphabetical order.

Versatile Mage

Chaos (Fish's Sky)

Le gusta a personas 97

me gusta



Thanks for the LotM reccomendation, really enjoyed that book, though i wasn’t very fond of the mc.

Uncivilicized:First of all, thanks for the response it's always great to exchange titles! Regarding cultivation novels, it's just that I feel like most of this genre is occupied with stupidly overpowered and equally arrogant "young masters" who fight against braindead enemies. In other words its a stupid prejudgement from my side xD I've also tried reading Reverend Insanity once (only the first few chapters), but stopped because I found the mc a bit too inhuman. He feels so allknowing/allpowerful and almost devoid of all feelings. Also I quickly get confused by chinese names. However from your previous post I somewhat trust your judgement and try to seriously read it. Supreme Magus is one of my favorite novels tbh ^^. Although Lith seems a bit dull at the start his character progression is just amazing. He is ruthless, protective/possesive and without much arrogance or hypocracy. And the other characters are in no way inferior! Everyone has his own unique character, with some being nice and most being dicks. (just like in rl xD) Apart from Supreme Magus I don't think I know any of those you listed. Which is great! (more reading material hehe) I can't recommend you many novels since I'm quite new to the scene (two months by now I think) and most of my favorite novels were already mentioned by you ^^. The only thing that comes to my mind rn is Lord of the mysteries. It's pretty popular so you might know it, but if you don't it's definitely worth a shot. Although the mc isn't really evil or especially ruthless, he also isn't one to go around helping innocents just for the sake of helping them. Generally the world is rather evil and really damn interesting. It also has very unique and compelling organisation building. However if you don't swim in money or have loads of free passes I really wouldn't recommend reading it on webnovel. (1300 chaps) You included a "normal book" so I assume you read those as well. I am quite well versed on this aspect so i'll include a few of my favorites :) To find actual ruthless mc's in books is quite a hussle but i've got a few who get pretty close. 1. Alex Verus series. (10 books but ongoing) On the surface the mc seems like quite an easy going nice guy who owns a magic shop, but the further the story progresses, the more his powerhungry/selfish personality gets uncovered. This takes unfortunately a while and the first book is very tame. (classic mc to pretty ruthless mind****) The other great thing about that series are his powers. It's divination but not the classic dream divination/unclear bs but more like seeing all possibilitys and acting according to them. Not too op at first but when he finally breaches with morale he gets damn op. 2. Nightside series Again mc isn't very evil or ruthless but in no way nice either. The books are absolutely ****ed up. (Aliens, Magic, Hightech, Undead, gods and everything in between). It's quite over the top and you might not like it but I had to include it. From the same author "Ishmael jones" is also pretty good. It's supernatural mystery with the mc being an alien who works for a secret agency. It is less over the top and the mc is actually quite ruthless this time ^^ 3. Artemis fowl Thats a classic. A relatively boring supernatural world but a genius and ruthless mc. (If u have seen the sherlock tv series, that level of genius) 4. Demon Road The Mc is a girl and she isn't very remarkable tbh. However, the world is! One of the very very few books when I actually was scared to go to sleep. The author generally really writes high quality **** and I absolutely love his humor. 5. Stuff from Sergej Lukianenko He has lots of different **** and some of it really impressed me. Very well thought out books and amazing worlds. (Both sci-fi and fantasy) Okay I think I'm done for now ^^ At last I would like to apologize for all the grammer mistakes (I'm quite young and not a native english speaker xD). Oh and to avoid wasting your money I would reccomend to first check out the books on free sites and only buy them if you like them.

Thanks for your honest review


Watch Anime if you have difficulty in understanding initial plot. Or Comic. I have read up to 2500 Chapters, story only gets better and better.


There were a plethora of issues with this book and i tried the manga, i did not try the anime and i will not be trying it either, even if it gets better than this i can only imagine it going from trash to mediocre, either isn’t worth my time or effort. If an adaptation is neccesary to understand the source material, the source isn’t really up to standards now is it?

Adino:Watch Anime if you have difficulty in understanding initial plot. Or Comic. I have read up to 2500 Chapters, story only gets better and better.

Bro u won't get another magic related novel better than this..... I seriously recommend this novel

KingFischer:There were a plethora of issues with this book and i tried the manga, i did not try the anime and i will not be trying it either, even if it gets better than this i can only imagine it going from trash to mediocre, either isn’t worth my time or effort. If an adaptation is neccesary to understand the source material, the source isn’t really up to standards now is it?

WMW? Throne of magical arcana? Wizard world? Are you blind?

Lightning_user:Bro u won't get another magic related novel better than this..... I seriously recommend this novel

WMW? Throne of magical arcana? Wizard world? Are you blind?

Lightning_user:Bro u won't get another magic related novel better than this..... I seriously recommend this novel

... should i reccomend you some then? I have several that surpass this novel by a lot when it comes to writing quality, and overall enjoyment.

Lightning_user:Bro u won't get another magic related novel better than this..... I seriously recommend this novel

Wizard world is ****. I read about 60 or 70 chapters of it and its damn too boring that i slept in midway.. it's too slow And dont know about throne of magical arcana. What is WMW??

wryyyyy:WMW? Throne of magical arcana? Wizard world? Are you blind?

Wizard world is ****. I read about 60 or 70 chapters of it and its damn too boring that i slept in midway.. it's too slow And dont know about throne of magical arcana. What is WMW??

wryyyyy:WMW? Throne of magical arcana? Wizard world? Are you blind?

Tell me i will try..

KingFischer:... should i reccomend you some then? I have several that surpass this novel by a lot when it comes to writing quality, and overall enjoyment.

Tell me i will try..

KingFischer:... should i reccomend you some then? I have several that surpass this novel by a lot when it comes to writing quality, and overall enjoyment.

Warlock of the magus world. The first dozen chapters might be unappealing for the constant "!" sign but it turns into a masterpiece later on. MC is no pushover, he belongs to lawful evil alignment.

Lightning_user:Tell me i will try..

Rebirth of a broken demoness; this is a swords and magic kinda novel with a cunning mc and a magic system based off of philosophies, i really reccomend it if you like selfish/anti-hero mcs. Super Gene; this is a futuristic sci-fi kinda cultivate to become immortal novel, it is very long and the general quality of it remains pretty consistent with few plotholes, though the mc is very lucky. King of Gods; same as Super Gene kinda but not based in a futuristic world and the cultivation is more traditional in comparison to the one written in super gene. These two are novels i wouldn’t reccomend if youre looking for quality though, i reccomend them because they are like this book, quantity, except the overall quality doesen’t leave inconsistencies that break immersion. If you want GOOD quality novelsthat last long/semi long then read on; Daoist gu/ Immortal Revenant; my favourite cultivation novel, the mc isnt lucky, he fails at times, and is really not perfect, however he is a genius and works way harder than anyone else, he is also very selfish and ruthless and not particularily into romance/women. Doesent mean hes into men though, it just means he keeps to himself if he can help it. Its name on this site is immortal revenant, but i wrote daoist gu incase you wanted to read the mtl, even though its horrendous and barely readable, as the novel itself made me want to for the first time brave such a horrendous experience. By the way the cultivation system in this world is a bit special. And the mc’s goal is eternal life. There is also Dark King, its not being translated anymore but the mtl isnt horrendous, and the story is kinda similar to daoist gu, except its in a post-apocalyptic world with zombies and monsters, there is romance, but the plot is based around the mc’s harsh mentality/genius so the romance is kindof a device to harden the mc’s mind, so expect a lot of betrayals etc. Two.point.o ; this novel isnt very long and its kind of a magic and swords world/trapped in a game world but the personalities and emotions described make the novel feel like a movie, it’ll raise your heartbeat at the very least if you care about the mc. Immortal mortal; this book is decent and finished, kinda like king of gods, except the guy rebirthed from earth. God of Slaughter; similar to earlier cultivation novels but the mc is unusually ruthless, though there are love interests(the only harem book ive written so far in this list.) but he isnt romantically into them, only sexually. Similar to the cultivation novels but a bit more scientific in its approach is «warlock in a magic world» the novel is finished and one of my alltime favourites, though the mc is very ruthless/selfish. Maybe you see a pattern by now; yes i like ruthless/selfish/cunning mcs though some(like two.point.o and super gene and king of gods) isnt super cunning/kinda evil) By now this should be enough to occupy you for a long time, if you have any specific requests in relation to genre/type of story i can come back and give you more reccomendations within it.

Lightning_user:Tell me i will try..

Ah, i should also mention that book, release the witch, its a rebirth from earth into a worlds prince that hiddenly recruits witches and fights the church in order to develop science, its a pretty good magic/ kingdombuilding novel if you havent read it yet

Lightning_user:Tell me i will try..

I wrote WMW’s title wrong, refer to wryyyy’s comment if you cant find it Wrong title; warlock in a magic world Correct title; warlock in the magus world Its been a while since i read it as it was the novel that pulled me into these kinds of novels

KingFischer:Rebirth of a broken demoness; this is a swords and magic kinda novel with a cunning mc and a magic system based off of philosophies, i really reccomend it if you like selfish/anti-hero mcs. Super Gene; this is a futuristic sci-fi kinda cultivate to become immortal novel, it is very long and the general quality of it remains pretty consistent with few plotholes, though the mc is very lucky. King of Gods; same as Super Gene kinda but not based in a futuristic world and the cultivation is more traditional in comparison to the one written in super gene. These two are novels i wouldn’t reccomend if youre looking for quality though, i reccomend them because they are like this book, quantity, except the overall quality doesen’t leave inconsistencies that break immersion. If you want GOOD quality novelsthat last long/semi long then read on; Daoist gu/ Immortal Revenant; my favourite cultivation novel, the mc isnt lucky, he fails at times, and is really not perfect, however he is a genius and works way harder than anyone else, he is also very selfish and ruthless and not particularily into romance/women. Doesent mean hes into men though, it just means he keeps to himself if he can help it. Its name on this site is immortal revenant, but i wrote daoist gu incase you wanted to read the mtl, even though its horrendous and barely readable, as the novel itself made me want to for the first time brave such a horrendous experience. By the way the cultivation system in this world is a bit special. And the mc’s goal is eternal life. There is also Dark King, its not being translated anymore but the mtl isnt horrendous, and the story is kinda similar to daoist gu, except its in a post-apocalyptic world with zombies and monsters, there is romance, but the plot is based around the mc’s harsh mentality/genius so the romance is kindof a device to harden the mc’s mind, so expect a lot of betrayals etc. Two.point.o ; this novel isnt very long and its kind of a magic and swords world/trapped in a game world but the personalities and emotions described make the novel feel like a movie, it’ll raise your heartbeat at the very least if you care about the mc. Immortal mortal; this book is decent and finished, kinda like king of gods, except the guy rebirthed from earth. God of Slaughter; similar to earlier cultivation novels but the mc is unusually ruthless, though there are love interests(the only harem book ive written so far in this list.) but he isnt romantically into them, only sexually. Similar to the cultivation novels but a bit more scientific in its approach is «warlock in a magic world» the novel is finished and one of my alltime favourites, though the mc is very ruthless/selfish. Maybe you see a pattern by now; yes i like ruthless/selfish/cunning mcs though some(like two.point.o and super gene and king of gods) isnt super cunning/kinda evil) By now this should be enough to occupy you for a long time, if you have any specific requests in relation to genre/type of story i can come back and give you more reccomendations within it.

I wrote WMW’s title wrong, refer to wryyyy’s comment if you cant find it Wrong title; warlock in a magic world Correct title; warlock in the magus world Its been a while since i read it as it was the novel that pulled me into these kinds of novels

KingFischer:Rebirth of a broken demoness; this is a swords and magic kinda novel with a cunning mc and a magic system based off of philosophies, i really reccomend it if you like selfish/anti-hero mcs. Super Gene; this is a futuristic sci-fi kinda cultivate to become immortal novel, it is very long and the general quality of it remains pretty consistent with few plotholes, though the mc is very lucky. King of Gods; same as Super Gene kinda but not based in a futuristic world and the cultivation is more traditional in comparison to the one written in super gene. These two are novels i wouldn’t reccomend if youre looking for quality though, i reccomend them because they are like this book, quantity, except the overall quality doesen’t leave inconsistencies that break immersion. If you want GOOD quality novelsthat last long/semi long then read on; Daoist gu/ Immortal Revenant; my favourite cultivation novel, the mc isnt lucky, he fails at times, and is really not perfect, however he is a genius and works way harder than anyone else, he is also very selfish and ruthless and not particularily into romance/women. Doesent mean hes into men though, it just means he keeps to himself if he can help it. Its name on this site is immortal revenant, but i wrote daoist gu incase you wanted to read the mtl, even though its horrendous and barely readable, as the novel itself made me want to for the first time brave such a horrendous experience. By the way the cultivation system in this world is a bit special. And the mc’s goal is eternal life. There is also Dark King, its not being translated anymore but the mtl isnt horrendous, and the story is kinda similar to daoist gu, except its in a post-apocalyptic world with zombies and monsters, there is romance, but the plot is based around the mc’s harsh mentality/genius so the romance is kindof a device to harden the mc’s mind, so expect a lot of betrayals etc. Two.point.o ; this novel isnt very long and its kind of a magic and swords world/trapped in a game world but the personalities and emotions described make the novel feel like a movie, it’ll raise your heartbeat at the very least if you care about the mc. Immortal mortal; this book is decent and finished, kinda like king of gods, except the guy rebirthed from earth. God of Slaughter; similar to earlier cultivation novels but the mc is unusually ruthless, though there are love interests(the only harem book ive written so far in this list.) but he isnt romantically into them, only sexually. Similar to the cultivation novels but a bit more scientific in its approach is «warlock in a magic world» the novel is finished and one of my alltime favourites, though the mc is very ruthless/selfish. Maybe you see a pattern by now; yes i like ruthless/selfish/cunning mcs though some(like two.point.o and super gene and king of gods) isnt super cunning/kinda evil) By now this should be enough to occupy you for a long time, if you have any specific requests in relation to genre/type of story i can come back and give you more reccomendations within it.

I should mention, the short original stories i mentioned like rebirth of the broken demoness, these books cannot be read casually, as they will require a bit of thought/an emotional reaction every now and then(by require i dont mean the novel forces it, but rather that you most likely will feel it if you read the novel), read in public at your own discretion.

Lightning_user:Tell me i will try..

Damn just how many titles did i remember wrong; its not immortal revenant but «Reverend insanity».

Lightning_user:Tell me i will try..

Indeed WMW is good, but its too damn repetitive. He starts anew 3 or 4 times in his cultivation powers and life cause of diferent magical systems. It is indd very good but its just the same plot over and over only changing the places it happens.... although it all fits together to form a super ultra powerful MC in the end. Even though i'd still recommend ppl reading it, as much as i'd recommend reading Versatille mage, Ive read 2100 chapters of it elsewhere and its really really good.

wryyyyy:Warlock of the magus world. The first dozen chapters might be unappealing for the constant "!" sign but it turns into a masterpiece later on. MC is no pushover, he belongs to lawful evil alignment.

yeah its good for the newbies who just got into wuxia otherwise