
Review Detail of RVN_1998 in Dual Cultivation: Beasts and Women!

Detalle de revisión


So, it’s been a month since I started this novel and now I have a clearer picture of what’s happening. This is a story about a careful character. He won’t always take the best path, ‘cause we don’t always have that choice. But he’ll carefully consider each step. He knows exactly what he wants and what he needs to do, even if it means going through a tough path. There will be no NTR or any form of betrayal among the women in the MC’s harem, but understand that the harem won’t form instantly. It will take some time. However, there will be plenty of spicy chapters before that happens. We’ll slowly uncover some mysteries and explore the advantages of his reincarnation and past life memories as the story progresses. I suggest checking out the first 20 chapters before jumping to conclusions about this story. That’s the bare minimum to understand what this story is about, I think. If you have questions, feel free to ask them directly in the chapters or paragraphs of the novel. Additionally, if you need any representation of the characters or have any requests for representation, I encourage you to join our community on Disc*rd. You can find the invitation link on my profile.

Dual Cultivation: Beasts and Women!


Le gusta a personas 5

me gusta



yuri? pls say no


will this have one night stands like the black plain?or just simple s*gs without love?



animanic_0827:yuri? pls say no

answer the other question too pls


You see, the MC is a dual cultivator. If he's only going to be with the women in his harem, there will be so many names that you won't even remember the characters. So some of his partners will be casual and others, even if they're permanent, will barely appear.

animanic_0827:will this have one night stands like the black plain?or just simple s*gs without love?

sigh...well it was good that I asked, not my kind of thing...casual is just the worst and you said he is gonna neglect even the permanent members ? yeah not my thing good luck tho

RVN_1998:You see, the MC is a dual cultivator. If he's only going to be with the women in his harem, there will be so many names that you won't even remember the characters. So some of his partners will be casual and others, even if they're permanent, will barely appear.

Suppose there are 30 permanent partners. How will I manage to keep 30 permanent characters in the story? He won't neglect anyone, but there's no way to focus on so many characters. It's simply impossible.

animanic_0827:sigh...well it was good that I asked, not my kind of thing...casual is just the worst and you said he is gonna neglect even the permanent members ? yeah not my thing good luck tho

I mean why even have that many partners in the first place?if you can't commit to those you love,i don't see the point in becoming stronger at their cost

RVN_1998:Suppose there are 30 permanent partners. How will I manage to keep 30 permanent characters in the story? He won't neglect anyone, but there's no way to focus on so many characters. It's simply impossible.

He's a dual cultivator, do you know what that means? Have you ever read a novel like this before? He can literally get stronger by having s*x, why would he limit the number of female companions? Anyway, this novel is not for you. I just find it strange because it's very clear from the name of the novel and the synopsis what this novel is about. Have you read them?

animanic_0827:I mean why even have that many partners in the first place?if you can't commit to those you love,i don't see the point in becoming stronger at their cost

yeah I've read them...and in no way does it make it clear that he is gonna be a man wh*re

RVN_1998:He's a dual cultivator, do you know what that means? Have you ever read a novel like this before? He can literally get stronger by having s*x, why would he limit the number of female companions? Anyway, this novel is not for you. I just find it strange because it's very clear from the name of the novel and the synopsis what this novel is about. Have you read them?

Ehm.. i don't know about the DC concept here tbh.. There are plenty of novels where MC focuses on quality and getting proper wives, instead of a man hoe jumping from one to the next. It's a matter of perspective here.. rather than a way it has to happen. This style simply allows for easier developments, as you wouldn't need to focus on developing 5 girls and adding depth, but dropping one for another with shallow character. It kinda shows lack of effort, not a logical thought process. After all, permanent partners don't separate for countless chaps.


A comment from someone who hasn't read a minute and thinks they know something. I'm amazed at some people's inability to interpret. It's a story of doul cultivation, where the MC can get stronger with women. So why limit himself? That sounds stupid. But that doesn't mean that the text will have thousands of characters and there will be no focus on anyone. The MC will have plenty of cultivation partners, but only a few of them will actually follow him in the long run. And these characters will be very well developed. Read the novel if you want to have your say!

B0mbaCl0ck:Ehm.. i don't know about the DC concept here tbh.. There are plenty of novels where MC focuses on quality and getting proper wives, instead of a man hoe jumping from one to the next. It's a matter of perspective here.. rather than a way it has to happen. This style simply allows for easier developments, as you wouldn't need to focus on developing 5 girls and adding depth, but dropping one for another with shallow character. It kinda shows lack of effort, not a logical thought process. After all, permanent partners don't separate for countless chaps.


RVN_1998:A comment from someone who hasn't read a minute and thinks they know something. I'm amazed at some people's inability to interpret. It's a story of doul cultivation, where the MC can get stronger with women. So why limit himself? That sounds stupid. But that doesn't mean that the text will have thousands of characters and there will be no focus on anyone. The MC will have plenty of cultivation partners, but only a few of them will actually follow him in the long run. And these characters will be very well developed. Read the novel if you want to have your say!

I don't need to read to comment on the perspective you have. Basically, some will stay, some will be flings and prolly sleep with others or get left behind. This design is not for me. Just cause you say it's dual cultivation, doesn't mean MC needs to be a hoe. It's clear that your view is limited, so i'm not gonna waste my time reading just to see main girls get separated while MC sleeps around and hangs with women who will do their own thing. Read novels with Dual culti MC who had a single good woman, and novels where they were together, like Dual Culti G0d returns. There are various perspectives, not just your own, and I am saying that i dislike your perspective.

RVN_1998:A comment from someone who hasn't read a minute and thinks they know something. I'm amazed at some people's inability to interpret. It's a story of doul cultivation, where the MC can get stronger with women. So why limit himself? That sounds stupid. But that doesn't mean that the text will have thousands of characters and there will be no focus on anyone. The MC will have plenty of cultivation partners, but only a few of them will actually follow him in the long run. And these characters will be very well developed. Read the novel if you want to have your say!

The whole point of dual cultivation is to get stronger with this method. If I'm supposed to limit that, then why write about dual cultivation? For me, limiting it is simply incoherent. If you don't like the concept, just don't read it.

B0mbaCl0ck:I don't need to read to comment on the perspective you have. Basically, some will stay, some will be flings and prolly sleep with others or get left behind. This design is not for me. Just cause you say it's dual cultivation, doesn't mean MC needs to be a hoe. It's clear that your view is limited, so i'm not gonna waste my time reading just to see main girls get separated while MC sleeps around and hangs with women who will do their own thing. Read novels with Dual culti MC who had a single good woman, and novels where they were together, like Dual Culti G0d returns. There are various perspectives, not just your own, and I am saying that i dislike your perspective.

What you're saying is that the MC has a cheat (dual cultivation), but he shouldn't use it in the best possible way (with several partners). It doesn't make sense. You're asking for something contradictory. It's like asking for a car not to have wheels.


You’re right, with many women around him you can’t give details and all to every single one of them, or you will need a some thousands of chapters to do so. And count me in, since there’s no Yuri🤝

RVN_1998:Suppose there are 30 permanent partners. How will I manage to keep 30 permanent characters in the story? He won't neglect anyone, but there's no way to focus on so many characters. It's simply impossible.