
Review Detail of Nieton in Utopian System

Detalle de revisión


Just finished what seems to be the first volume, and since the author asked for feedback, I figured I'd renew mine. The climax felt pretty satisfying and things see m to have calmed down a bit after episode 122, and I'm honestly relieved not to be stressing over what's going to happen next. It was a nice break after all the craziness at the end, and I really enjoyed it definitely different from other novels I’ve read. I've been reading for free, so I’m dropping a positive review to show support. I hope volume 2 is just as good as the first! Also I saw lots of ads so I hope that helps in some way Thanks!

Utopian System


Le gusta a personas 1

me gusta



Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion, even… 3 times. Unfortunately for me, only one seems to count toward the average rating. I don't mind you reading for free, honestly, I’ve been broke my whole life and even used to pirate stuff myself, so I can't complain. The people who go above and beyond to support and even pay are the rare ones… beautiful rare angels. So, thanks for the high rating! I’m still new to the platform, so I don’t know much about the ads, but I haven’t heard of any ads payments from them, just the 20 something % I get from the coins, so I guess they keep those for themselves, haha... ha... orz But anyway, thanks again for reading all of volume one, although 120 is just the climax, so you’ve still got a few resolution chapters left until chapter 128! Hope you enjoy the second volume even more than the first! Thank you so much for reading and reviewing! (∿°○°)∿ ︵ ︵ ︵ ︵ ︵ ǝʌol