
Review Detail of MirageKing in Baki: Martial System

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Kindly make it harem bcz martial artist without harem looks mid af.

Baki: Martial System


Le gusta a personas 6

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Why would a martial artist be interested in a harem realistically? It would just be a waste of time unironically


Never! But he will have multiple love interests who are interested in him, it'll just be a choice between them through a vote later on, hope that helps!


Yeah, I agree with what you're saying aswell, considering what type of martial artist the mc is. I would say it depends on the type of martial artist the mc is and their character. For instance on one hand it's a waste of time, while on the other I can see a man like Yujiro who has a lot of testosterone to need to have multiple side things, but I personally don't think a martial artist worth their weight can have both a peaceful harem where he cares about all of his women, while still being so dedicated to the martial arts. You can have only one or the other, or the third option of just using them as 'objects' and not caring about them. But I have too much respect for Kuzan's fighting path to do something like that, it's too big of a contradiction.

MeepsNewGroove:Why would a martial artist be interested in a harem realistically? It would just be a waste of time unironically


The_HonorableGhost:Never! But he will have multiple love interests who are interested in him, it'll just be a choice between them through a vote later on, hope that helps!

You're just blackballing us then

The_HonorableGhost:Never! But he will have multiple love interests who are interested in him, it'll just be a choice between them through a vote later on, hope that helps!

Kind off..., the thing is I want multiple female "mc's" interested in our mc since that's only realistic, but the thing is for a VERY important chapter wayyy later in the novel, I need him to "pick" one of them for it to work...that's all I can say....and if I do it right, it's gonna be an amazing chapter. That's why there are multiple girls despite it being no-harem since he does technically pick one, but he also isn't gonna "abondon" the other one, ur just gonna have to continue reading to find out what I mean....muhahahaha....

Hakujo:You're just blackballing us then

Your just making me fearful. what if my fav doesn't get pick🥺. But hope you at least give them children and stuff. Ni need to marry them. Pull the Yujiro move and tell them to raise the kid well to challenge him

The_HonorableGhost:Kind off..., the thing is I want multiple female "mc's" interested in our mc since that's only realistic, but the thing is for a VERY important chapter wayyy later in the novel, I need him to "pick" one of them for it to work...that's all I can say....and if I do it right, it's gonna be an amazing chapter. That's why there are multiple girls despite it being no-harem since he does technically pick one, but he also isn't gonna "abondon" the other one, ur just gonna have to continue reading to find out what I mean....muhahahaha....


Emmanuel_Capricorn:Your just making me fearful. what if my fav doesn't get pick🥺. But hope you at least give them children and stuff. Ni need to marry them. Pull the Yujiro move and tell them to raise the kid well to challenge him

he is just looking for an excuse for harem even if the harem makes ZERO sense in some stories

MeepsNewGroove:Why would a martial artist be interested in a harem realistically? It would just be a waste of time unironically

that harem is he doesn't abandon them and he doesn't need this he just need

The_HonorableGhost:Kind off..., the thing is I want multiple female "mc's" interested in our mc since that's only realistic, but the thing is for a VERY important chapter wayyy later in the novel, I need him to "pick" one of them for it to work...that's all I can say....and if I do it right, it's gonna be an amazing chapter. That's why there are multiple girls despite it being no-harem since he does technically pick one, but he also isn't gonna "abondon" the other one, ur just gonna have to continue reading to find out what I mean....muhahahaha....


The_HonorableGhost:Never! But he will have multiple love interests who are interested in him, it'll just be a choice between them through a vote later on, hope that helps!

Brother you're too late, the vote already happened my guy. ;3


who did he end up with?

The_HonorableGhost:Brother you're too late, the vote already happened my guy. ;3

None yet, the vote doesn't matter like that...

RyuSenju:who did he end up with?

oh alright

The_HonorableGhost:None yet, the vote doesn't matter like that...

I mean he could build his own clan like the Kure clan, this would need multiple wives in order to have many descendants. In martial arts worlds having sufficient and proficient martial artists under you makes you more powerful.

The_HonorableGhost:Yeah, I agree with what you're saying aswell, considering what type of martial artist the mc is. I would say it depends on the type of martial artist the mc is and their character. For instance on one hand it's a waste of time, while on the other I can see a man like Yujiro who has a lot of testosterone to need to have multiple side things, but I personally don't think a martial artist worth their weight can have both a peaceful harem where he cares about all of his women, while still being so dedicated to the martial arts. You can have only one or the other, or the third option of just using them as 'objects' and not caring about them. But I have too much respect for Kuzan's fighting path to do something like that, it's too big of a contradiction.

the cultivation trop ey, might think about it..., yeah true 👍

Solvado4566:I mean he could build his own clan like the Kure clan, this would need multiple wives in order to have many descendants. In martial arts worlds having sufficient and proficient martial artists under you makes you more powerful.