
Review Detail of nablethenoble in Ice Release: I Become the New God of Shinobi

Detalle de revisión


Giving myself a review. Liking what I wrote so far. the MC personality is not catered to readers who likes typical OP arrogant young master flexing wants to be protagonist of the world kind of MC. Not your typical overpowered MC. not arrogant, does not have sociopathic tendencies, and does not seek attention to be protagonist or become the main lead of the story just because he's reincarnated. Especially because HE KNOWS the world will be peaceful without any of his intervention. He does enjoy feeling powerful but it's not his main priority. I hate to microexplain things that shouldn't have to be explained like I am not going to dive deep into the psychological reasoning on why a character does or doesn't do what they did or haven't done because in my view that's a waste of my time to write something that should have been interpreted by the circumstances. The characters are meant to be human beings.

Ice Release: I Become the New God of Shinobi


Liked it!

me gusta



Hey I like this story it's been awhile it's not abandoned is it?