
Review Detail of Arata_San in Honkai: The Reincarnated One

Detalle de revisión


As the author of this book, I would undoubtedly give it a five-star rating. This fanfiction will feature army building and kingdoms, as the main character (MC) will have numerous subordinates, primarily from Rimuru and Makoto Misumi's factions. Additionally, if you notice any peculiar or unusual verbs, I simply want to clarify that I've utilized ChatGPT to enhance the grammar and prose of this fanfiction.

Honkai: The Reincarnated One


Le gusta a personas 2

me gusta



whent are gonna update transcend journey in another world


Hope this does not get dropped. Also will their be yuri? Just curious


Also hope the mc saves other characters from their tragic fate even the minor ones (Asakura Mizuki [Herrscher of Lust], Yuna [Herrscher of Poison], Wendy [Herrscher of Wind], and Ana Schariach [Herrscher of Ice]). Also love your work, cant wait for more.


Will you update your other fics?


please dont drop it again like your other works


Welp... After pondering for a while and reading some reviews here, I’ve decided to completely rewrite this novel. After all, there are many flaws in this fanfic, such as rushed development and, most importantly, a plot that moves too quickly. I also decided to change the concept of the Chat Group into something different, like World Travel once a month. In this rewritten version, I'll use the original concept of the MC’s cheat, which is very different from the Rapid Growth cheat, and hopefully you guys liked with the new cheat in rewrite version.

Cyro_13:please dont drop it again like your other works

if you think so then i'll be waiting

Arata_San:Welp... After pondering for a while and reading some reviews here, I’ve decided to completely rewrite this novel. After all, there are many flaws in this fanfic, such as rushed development and, most importantly, a plot that moves too quickly. I also decided to change the concept of the Chat Group into something different, like World Travel once a month. In this rewritten version, I'll use the original concept of the MC’s cheat, which is very different from the Rapid Growth cheat, and hopefully you guys liked with the new cheat in rewrite version.