
Review Detail of Dracmon13 in Dad's Comic Life

Detalle de revisión


Well, until chapter 3 I was able to read the rest, they started changing your name to a Chinese version, with that typical Chinese behavior in fanfics, doing what translates. This may give inspiration to other people, but continuing to read this doesn't work.

Dad's Comic Life


Le gusta a personas 22

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Um it looks like a translation. Even if it’s not, they’re in China. And either way it’s already good that the characters in the “comics” have their original names.


Yeah I agree. I quite dislike the decision to take away the Shinto part of Your Name, but I'm glad they kept the original names, if they didn't I was gonna rage. Still the story is good.

Itzpheng:Um it looks like a translation. Even if it’s not, they’re in China. And either way it’s already good that the characters in the “comics” have their original names.

Bueno dado las tensas relaciones que se pueden ver entre china y Japón especialmente es de china hacia Japón en sus manhuas, es natural que el prota cambie algunas cosas para que sus trabajos sean más hacia la cultura China.

KazutoT_ArtemisF:Yeah I agree. I quite dislike the decision to take away the Shinto part of Your Name, but I'm glad they kept the original names, if they didn't I was gonna rage. Still the story is good.