
Review Detail of gamabunda4873 in Reborn as ben

Detalle de revisión


I know this is a knock off of another book but the other book isn't finished so my question is are you planning on finishing this are you going to change things and Secret Saturdays is technically in the same universe but I was wondering ...IF you're altering this book couldu add Jackie Chan's Adventures with an older Jade ........ ........ ........ if you don't know what Jackie Chan Adventures is and you plan on watching it be careful when you do watch it cuz a lot of the places that have it online are technically misordered.... but if you can find the right order it's so good and worth it and if it gets to the point where he Alters the Omnitrix the monkey Talisman would be amazing you could have a pet with the rat Talisman that he can fully make and customize himself use the rabbit on a speedster give strength to his mini guys so on so on

Reborn as ben


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