
Review Detail of Genesis_you in Naruto: Shadows Of Perfection

Detalle de revisión


The author is the personification of a person who follows an idea, he is a miracle worker and a magician. He creates very meaningful chapters and there is almost no water in them, the idea of the work is great, it goes like this: there is no limit to perfection, this idea touched me very deeply, because since childhood I also wanted to reach perfection, but always fell into despondency when I realized that it is basically impossible, but this book gave me hope again, even though we can't reach perfection, but we can do everything in our power to reach almost perfection, each chapter contains meaningful quotes that make you think and slowly get into it. This is the best fanfic I've read in the last year, I want to reread it in a year. Author be sure to finish your fanfic and do not stop, put all your strength into it, because it makes the reader dream and go to your goal step by step, realizing that behind the high mountain there is always a higher peak, you just need to see it. And remember that there is no limit to perfection and to bring good to the world is the most effective way to perfection, cunning and greed, enrichment at the expense of others can bring you only short-term benefits, but in the long term the best way is to bring good to everyone and everything . Author the best ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️💪💪💪💪💪💪💪🌋💪💪😋🥞

Naruto: Shadows Of Perfection


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