
Review Detail of MotivatedKatanaMan in Second Chance in Naruto World

Detalle de revisión


It was alright at first but when you made mc a pet of Danzo I lost all interest

Second Chance in Naruto World


Le gusta a personas 17

me gusta



He is not a pet.


danzo put the cursed seal on his tongue so it technically made him one

Hell_Dragon_Azavok:He is not a pet.

As you wish!

MotivatedKatanaMan:danzo put the cursed seal on his tongue so it technically made him one

Is he actually loyal to Danzo? Or was he forced to take the seal like I'm assuming it to be?

Hell_Dragon_Azavok:As you wish!

thanks for the warning


hijacked by root. what did you expect ?


It could've been avoided if the mc was a little smart and hide his true strength so danzo wouldn't lay his eyes on him

malinizgeldii:hijacked by root. what did you expect ?

he does what he's told he has the seal he's his pet

Hell_Dragon_Azavok:He is not a pet.

Same, I basically guess that this will happen since the MC practice chakra at 5…This IS Konoha…Danzo and Sarutobi have eyes everywhere. It’s like the MC never watch “Naruto” Sorry Author, I like your other novels but I’m dropping this one. I’m not saying it is bad, it’s just not for me.


Maybe not a pet but he’s a slave who acts like a pet LOL. Sure he’s acting when he praises danzo and root but that doesnt change the fact that for the foreseeable future your MC is a slave. That’s like saying that the Hyuga branch members aren’t slaves. Lol when you can’t disobey someone even if you want to on pain of death and torture, you’re a slave.

Hell_Dragon_Azavok:He is not a pet.

being in root he was trained in more things so he will be more op than he could have been if he didn't become danzo slave. I have nothing against it since i know that in few years sasuke will kill danzo so he is only slave got few yrs and he gains lots of strength(ninjutsu+fuinjutsu+kenjutsu+taijutsu+medijutsu etc )

Raptor2244:Maybe not a pet but he’s a slave who acts like a pet LOL. Sure he’s acting when he praises danzo and root but that doesnt change the fact that for the foreseeable future your MC is a slave. That’s like saying that the Hyuga branch members aren’t slaves. Lol when you can’t disobey someone even if you want to on pain of death and torture, you’re a slave.

You’re not exactly wrong. He will definitely be better trained than he would be otherwise. However if he excels in any practice to an astonishing degree it’s likely that he will be gotten rid of. Danzo wants tools that he can mold and use not powerful people with independent thought. More Than that though, chronologically sasuke only kills danzo a very short time before the end of the series. So while it may less than 10 years that MC is a slave, thats literally the whole story lol. Besides, it’s just completely uninteresting to watch MC grovel and bootlick. Why would anyone want to read about an MC who brown noses Danzo?

Kido_TO:being in root he was trained in more things so he will be more op than he could have been if he didn't become danzo slave. I have nothing against it since i know that in few years sasuke will kill danzo so he is only slave got few yrs and he gains lots of strength(ninjutsu+fuinjutsu+kenjutsu+taijutsu+medijutsu etc )

I agree but I think here is a bit of difference in our opinion ..there is nothing free in life, sometimes for long gain we can sacrifice our dignity to become slave and bootlick someone. I can read such stories if it makes sense that he is getting more benefits in exchange of that long period slavery. plus which master wouldn't want a loyal slave at kage or higher level? danzo wouldn't want to get rid of mc in this case And for all we know it might not be 10 years and for plot convenience author might make sure that gets rid of slavery earlier.

Raptor2244:You’re not exactly wrong. He will definitely be better trained than he would be otherwise. However if he excels in any practice to an astonishing degree it’s likely that he will be gotten rid of. Danzo wants tools that he can mold and use not powerful people with independent thought. More Than that though, chronologically sasuke only kills danzo a very short time before the end of the series. So while it may less than 10 years that MC is a slave, thats literally the whole story lol. Besides, it’s just completely uninteresting to watch MC grovel and bootlick. Why would anyone want to read about an MC who brown noses Danzo?

All of what you said is true. I just dislike reading about a slave. To me that’s boring. He’s going to have no real life beyond training. Being strong is the most important but if all the mc does is train train train that becomes boring very fast. Regardless, im not reading the novel any longer. Though this is more because the writing is just bad rather than the fact that he’s a slave.

Kido_TO:I agree but I think here is a bit of difference in our opinion ..there is nothing free in life, sometimes for long gain we can sacrifice our dignity to become slave and bootlick someone. I can read such stories if it makes sense that he is getting more benefits in exchange of that long period slavery. plus which master wouldn't want a loyal slave at kage or higher level? danzo wouldn't want to get rid of mc in this case And for all we know it might not be 10 years and for plot convenience author might make sure that gets rid of slavery earlier.

True enough. Have you read stuff like reaching for a dream and ice goddess reborn as narutos sister? Legacy is good too if you don’t mind bashing. I can’t think of a ton of genuinely good fanfiction for most franchises.