
Review Detail of Aceion in Two Worlds: An Immortal’s Journey with a Villaness

Detalle de revisión


The novel by itself is a decent read with minium grammar issues. Though, it was somewhat difficult to follow the flow of the story at times. Unfortunately, the title is somewhat misleading, and it feels like I'm reading a completely different novel after around chapter 130. I was very much looking forward to how the romance would progress with the status of Master/Slave between our fl/ml. For the first 100 chapters, the author also seemed to address this issue. However, this all changed around chapter 130. Maybe the author gave into the pressure from some of the readers who were put off by the mcs status as a slave, but the novel completely fell of after the ml "died" and came back with the memories of his previous life and all that nonsense. The unusual romance I was looking forward to turned into the typical past life love story, and now even the master/slave dynamic is irrelevant to the plot. On top of that, the FL does not even feel like a villaness. Having a cold face and being unsocial does not fit that criteria. At most, she is a bit harsh and willing to kill, but that is still not enough. Maybe it was my fault for expecting a somewhat evil FL. Anyways, if you go into the story without certain expectations, then you will probably enjoy it, but I'll be dropping the novel here.

Two Worlds: An Immortal’s Journey with a Villaness


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I see your point and I'm sorry it derailed from your expectations. Thanks for reading 🙏

Aceion:I'm sure you have your reasons, but it would have been a lot better to hold off on such a big reveal. Nothing changes the fact that the ml now has memories from his previous life. He is no longer the same individual that we started off with. Whether the past life was from a "real" world or not does not matter. The memories are still their, and it will undoubtedly affect his behavior and relationship with the fl, which is honestly my biggest issue with it. Like I said previously, the master/slave dynamic exists only in name now, as the ml is aware of his feelings due to the new memories. Keeping this reveal for much later down the road while naturally developing the relationship between ml/fl would have been the better move, in my opinion.

Their last life wasn't in the true world! You guys are getting this all wrong. Both of them are living consciousness of their specific stars. Also, if you could endure a little bit you'll understand Xiu Ying and her real personality, I promise. Just a couple more chapters until it's out.


I'm sure you have your reasons, but it would have been a lot better to hold off on such a big reveal. Nothing changes the fact that the ml now has memories from his previous life. He is no longer the same individual that we started off with. Whether the past life was from a "real" world or not does not matter. The memories are still their, and it will undoubtedly affect his behavior and relationship with the fl, which is honestly my biggest issue with it. Like I said previously, the master/slave dynamic exists only in name now, as the ml is aware of his feelings due to the new memories. Keeping this reveal for much later down the road while naturally developing the relationship between ml/fl would have been the better move, in my opinion.