
Review Detail of Daoist2ndArcher in The Immortal in Star Wars

Detalle de revisión


The protagonist is unlikable and another one of those kinds of Immortals without ambitions or personality who live a miserable life and where no matter what happens you can tell from the start that the ending will probably be very bad, not to mention the overall development. Also there's way too much being told and nothing happening.

The Immortal in Star Wars


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Sorry to disappoint you dude, but likability is relative. I liked the MC a lot .If you want over ambitious MCs, there are thousands of Fics out there. I liked this fic so far, it was well written. I even like this narrative mode of story. I think real scenes would be happening as the story proceeds and I hope it happens soon.


Of all the things you could have said about my review, yours is literally the most useless and you literally start by refuting yourself, so what's the point?

TheGeekWhoLived:Sorry to disappoint you dude, but likability is relative. I liked the MC a lot .If you want over ambitious MCs, there are thousands of Fics out there. I liked this fic so far, it was well written. I even like this narrative mode of story. I think real scenes would be happening as the story proceeds and I hope it happens soon.

Nah his had relevence

Daoist2ndArcher:Of all the things you could have said about my review, yours is literally the most useless and you literally start by refuting yourself, so what's the point?

did we read the same story? when did you drop? because im 15 chapters in and loving it


20 people beg to differ just in this review, I'm pretty sure that there are two or three more enlightened reviews so, yeah, we did, you just like trash and that's okay. It's not like you can't read it because it isn't good. I will just put you into the category of MGA fans in my heart, which is synonymous to braindead for me.

TheDudeThatReads:did we read the same story? when did you drop? because im 15 chapters in and loving it

How far did you even read this story because from your review I can tell you just dropped the story in like the first few chapters and did not read them fully.

Daoist2ndArcher:20 people beg to differ just in this review, I'm pretty sure that there are two or three more enlightened reviews so, yeah, we did, you just like trash and that's okay. It's not like you can't read it because it isn't good. I will just put you into the category of MGA fans in my heart, which is synonymous to braindead for me.

All the way till the last chapter before I dropped this trash

Mrnoob5089:How far did you even read this story because from your review I can tell you just dropped the story in like the first few chapters and did not read them fully.

Now I just feel like you're one of those people who like trash harem books and say they're good when they're really not. Because you keep calling this book trash when it's actually good, and it's really hard to find books that are good and keep your interest. So I don't get why you're calling it trash even though clearly other people like it, and I also like it, and if you read till the end and say it's trash then you're just lying to yourself. Because if it was truly bad you would have dropped it without reading to the end of the book, but you did.

Daoist2ndArcher:All the way till the last chapter before I dropped this trash

He is unlikeable to some (me too) because the author is trying to write him as not human, or more like not a living being, like he left all the things that will interest us behind. Which is dumb because we are human, we will be interested and reading about a cardboard is boring. My main issue is that the author either completely ignores known information about Star Wars, made this an AU (without telling us) or has severe lack of knowledge of SW. Information I could confirm after 5 minutes of research "By 100,000 BBY, they shared the galaxy with a number of other races, including the Celestials, Gree, Sharu, Columi, Killiks, Taung, and Humans." Yet the MC is around 57k BBY and somehow he DIED connecting to the Force because he was the first to do it.....


Thats subjective to him its trash to you its good, not that hard to understand.

Mrnoob5089:Now I just feel like you're one of those people who like trash harem books and say they're good when they're really not. Because you keep calling this book trash when it's actually good, and it's really hard to find books that are good and keep your interest. So I don't get why you're calling it trash even though clearly other people like it, and I also like it, and if you read till the end and say it's trash then you're just lying to yourself. Because if it was truly bad you would have dropped it without reading to the end of the book, but you did.

really? getting personal? but i guess, seing as you are incapable of discussing things in a civil way, having a normal conversation with you will be difficult. thus i will simply say: taste is subjective and denouncing the taste of others just shows how narrow minded you are. try some introspection.

Daoist2ndArcher:20 people beg to differ just in this review, I'm pretty sure that there are two or three more enlightened reviews so, yeah, we did, you just like trash and that's okay. It's not like you can't read it because it isn't good. I will just put you into the category of MGA fans in my heart, which is synonymous to braindead for me.

you immediately go to talking smack.... you're pathetic man and it shows.

Daoist2ndArcher:20 people beg to differ just in this review, I'm pretty sure that there are two or three more enlightened reviews so, yeah, we did, you just like trash and that's okay. It's not like you can't read it because it isn't good. I will just put you into the category of MGA fans in my heart, which is synonymous to braindead for me.