
Review Detail of Slik_lvl in Jujutsu Kaisen: I have Rinne-Sharingan

Detalle de revisión


I'll write briefly because I stopped reading after the third chapter because I realized that this was a regular porn story. I was expecting an interesting introduction or development, but the first lines of the fanfic immediately destroyed my expectations... after reading 2 chapters, I realized that the author’s love for little boys and how he tries to have sex with what is considered his own blood (incest), that’s all better than any prefaces or plot development, the author literally sets the pace of the work from the first line in the form of fucking with everything that can move, if only he had a mother or a direct sister, they would also be in the harem. What can we say about the story itself, honestly, it hooked me for exactly 3 chapters, then if there is a plot, it will circle around sex and descriptions of sex. typical fanfic work of a virgin guy who has only seen sex on the Internet. It’s hard to describe the emotional state when transitioning to another world, a very dangerous world, if you can squeeze your tits... I read normal harem books, works where the emphasis was on sex, but at least there was an introduction, plot, development, and not half-sex of a 6 year old child with teenager...

Jujutsu Kaisen: I have Rinne-Sharingan


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