
Review Detail of _leonid_ in Marvel: Tech System

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nah it's dumb, as always mc use his programing skills to program something op when he can use it for bug checking of Apple OS and Android OS to have some money, or use it to program something like MTL but no he need to use it for firewall... fml...

Marvel: Tech System


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... if a regular person transmigrate in Marvel Universe first thing that he will be doing is stay f low, so no organization kill him or use as a rat labe, so it's against logic that MC will be using something as A f self learning firewall.. .. it's dumb and stupid

KetchupChilli:... if mc find bugs for other OS and "sell" them the fix... the price is decided by those companies? if they do not want to buy after mc showing them the fix... what can the mc do about that? nothing. it is better to use programming to create his own stuff

Why is using his programming skills for a firewall bad


Cause it promotes the use of digital protection of course! God forbid anybody even mentions those evil anti-viruses either!

Helia_King:Why is using his programming skills for a firewall bad

Dude, you're criticizing just for the sake of it. What's bad about the situation you're talking about?


bc it's forced plot, author rewrites ff bc it was too bad, and still have same mistakes as his first ff.

ReaderCat:Dude, you're criticizing just for the sake of it. What's bad about the situation you're talking about?

It’s his first ff as you said of course it’s gonna have some problems. Not everyone can make a ff without problems the first time so you’re just complaining for no reason at this point

_leonid_:bc it's forced plot, author rewrites ff bc it was too bad, and still have same mistakes as his first ff.

Man it's about not being consistent and logical in ff ,u can't expect me to believe that someone who studied in uni as a programmer , don't know what software is good for quick money.

Helia_King:It’s his first ff as you said of course it’s gonna have some problems. Not everyone can make a ff without problems the first time so you’re just complaining for no reason at this point

Just because someone studied in uni as a programmer doesn’t automatically mean they know certain things. And what does writing a ff have to do with programming since they are two completely different things. And as you said it’s there first ff so of course there will be problems but you seem to just ignore that and keep complaining.

_leonid_:Man it's about not being consistent and logical in ff ,u can't expect me to believe that someone who studied in uni as a programmer , don't know what software is good for quick money.

Being good at coding or being a genius savant doesn't necessarily translate into having a good business sense. Many great minds have died impoverished and penniless. Besides, his current business model ain't that bad either, seeing as that's how cyber security firms operate IRL. Furthermore, your entire comment reads like your just making up a paper thin excuse for trolling....


... if mc find bugs for other OS and "sell" them the fix... the price is decided by those companies? if they do not want to buy after mc showing them the fix... what can the mc do about that? nothing. it is better to use programming to create his own stuff


No organization in marvel uses smart people or geniuses as lab rats they would rather keep and eye on that person to either recruit them or kill them the moment they go against them so the lab rat thing is not viable. They might even buy something mc made. My point is that no organization is that stupid and if mc is smart enough they would make failsafes.

_leonid_:... if a regular person transmigrate in Marvel Universe first thing that he will be doing is stay f low, so no organization kill him or use as a rat labe, so it's against logic that MC will be using something as A f self learning firewall.. .. it's dumb and stupid

Respectfully your spouting nonsense


bro seriously I don't understand if these author make that he will having his first money by programming then why they don't make at least a program that at least protect their identity,.........bro mean you have memory of programming world ahead of this time of earth at least this you can make right.....or he can make a program that show different identity if they want to him.


respectfully, your opinions have no mert, making his own firewall is better, seeing how he is able to set his own prices, even allowing him to use it to keep his information protected and earn money at the same time.


yeah, but his information is not protected, he have a f company with his name on it. and yeah he can just spam games like angry birds, candy crasher, and others. Going full with f self learning firewall is just dumb.

DeejaeSutherland:respectfully, your opinions have no mert, making his own firewall is better, seeing how he is able to set his own prices, even allowing him to use it to keep his information protected and earn money at the same time.

It seem you read to many mtl novel to saved. Hmmm......... Another man down to the Chinese brainwashing

_leonid_:bc it's forced plot, author rewrites ff bc it was too bad, and still have same mistakes as his first ff.

man MTL literally means Machine translation... not a Chinese novels or ff, and if he used his program skills for ideal translation program, he will be billioner in minutes

Borednigga101:It seem you read to many mtl novel to saved. Hmmm......... Another man down to the Chinese brainwashing

Bro stating the truth.. lots of idiots getting triggered..


It's so funny how many of this morons getting triggered by this comments.. Guess truths really hurts them.... They actually enjoying this kind of brain dead fanfic..


Another idiot said: Chinese Brainwashing.. Just because of 'MTL'..? Hahaha lol😂