
Review Detail of Blazzing18 in What Do You Mean I'm The Captain Of A Yandere Mercenary Company?

Detalle de revisión


Can more chapters be put out a week please because I really really like this book and I really want it to go all the way to the end and I mean in like hundreds and hundreds of chapters or in the thousands of chapters!!!! I still really want the MC to get all the mods she can to make her faster and not be. asitting duck when someone is faster then her and she cant more or protect herself and she should have the cat girl be part of her crew and get a bunch of updates on the ship so it can sell for better price or steal from all of the guys with boths that r shady and take all of there inventory and money and afterwards sell all the stuff they dont want or need and then go get themselves the ship that they want and they should have a cream of gold ranks mercs or better and with more then 2 ships so they can take down pirates and even go back to the station where they had to go through the staircase to get away from the gang trying to kill them and take all of there money and weapons and inventory and everything so they can make up for paying for the ship or they can use that money as well to by the ship!!! And I really hope the author looks at these posts and takes them into consideration.... not saying have to use them but use it as a bade and build off it because half of the things would be badass and they would definitely help u fill pages!!

What Do You Mean I'm The Captain Of A Yandere Mercenary Company?


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