
Review Detail of Jaxmaa in Blood Fiend Vampire

Detalle de revisión


Tale of a teenager called Maximus. Being forced into becoming a Vampire Slave by Lucas, on the same night that he was betrayed by his girlfriend, he did something atrocious to his dear mother which if she should die because of it, he has no reason to forgive himself and, for sure, no one has any reason to forgive him as well. Imagine living in regret day after day, waiting to see your mother die because of you... Max did it. Imagine killing the family of an innocent five year old girl, making her an orphan for life... Max did it. If he can save his mom's life, do you think anything can stop him? But if he swears to protect Evelyn for life, can anything dare harm even a strand of her hair? No. World building is checked, believably fun to read, assumingly characters are alive as human beings, and hopefully the narration pace is quite a well done job. Furthermore, every volume to come can be a story you can read and then keep the book for some while all satisfied, unless you are hooked by the inevitable suspense currently charging up. Sorry, but humane errors are to be found once in a while, and maybe there might be a plot hole somewhere around despite how hard I tried to avoid them. Help me tackle them, mate. It is believed that the story shouldn't be anything boring. It is believed that the setting of the story is loveable and would be improved, how it'll carefully treat sensitive societal issues would be rarely seen, and the last battle between Max and... I recommend you try reading Blood Fiend Vampire because it is not going to be a boring short story, wouldn't be dropped as far as the author being alive is concerned, and there would be daily chapters update as far as you keep supporting it except under unfavorable conditions.

Blood Fiend Vampire


Le gusta a personas 3

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You are welcome. I hope you will enjoy my story.

Sea_Of_Deads:thanks bro I prefer no harem but if the harem is written well I might read it. I love novels that have well written stories so I will surely read yours.

is it harem or not?? author.


Harem or not ?


Nope. I don't write harems. Not my taste.

Sea_Of_Deads:is it harem or not?? author.

There is no harem tag, so... it means no 🥂

theSeeker:Harem or not ?

thanks bro I prefer no harem but if the harem is written well I might read it. I love novels that have well written stories so I will surely read yours.

Jaxmaa:There is no harem tag, so... it means no 🥂