
Review Detail of Raphis in From Stage to Saga

Detalle de revisión


"You're very good in terms of writing style. The way you introduce the world is smooth and orderly, and your creation of Oliver's character is quite eccentric. About the mindset, conflicts, events, and tension, they're quite good, although I find it slightly lacking excitement. But overall, it's very good, almost like it has no flaws."

From Stage to Saga


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Thanks. About the excitement factor, this novel is actually not centred around action, but more of romance and drama. But yea I'II keep it in mind. Hopefully you'll enjoy it when it gets to that point. btw what novel are you writing?


"WHISPERS OF FATE: A QUEST FOR PURPOSE" is the title of my novel, as you can also check in my bio. Please provide your honest review. 👌

Apostle9380:Thanks. About the excitement factor, this novel is actually not centred around action, but more of romance and drama. But yea I'II keep it in mind. Hopefully you'll enjoy it when it gets to that point. btw what novel are you writing?