
Review Detail of PRAEEX in The Last Step To The End

Detalle de revisión


Hello everyone, this is the Author. This novella will be a starting point; I have finally wished for something and will strive to achieve it. With this novella, I aim to evoke a multitude of emotions, at the very least in myself, and at most in you. It is a story about people and their decisions, dreams, and regrets. I will try to make something good out of this work for myself in professional literature, to please you with it. This is a novella of adventure in a world of apocalypse, an adventure of my characters in my own world, this text is a world where people have found their place. I will learn and try to write something worthy of your time! To everyone reading this message, I wish you luck, in reading or in life. To those who decide to help me, thank you, and to those who passed by, thank you. This novella is just a step towards something, for some, it's an end, and the end is always a beginning in another place, and for others, it's that very beginning. So let's together witness these steps, steps in a world where we will have to make choices and know what our ancestors didn't! Let's dive into a world of space, mysteries, choice, war, love, tragedy, drama, and most importantly, people.

The Last Step To The End


Le gusta a personas 4

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No harem rii


Yep, there won't be any harem here

Unimwoshi_Ogbeche_7256:No harem rii