
Review Detail of AllMightyGodOfCats in The Quest for Meru

Detalle de revisión


You generally write in a good way, it's just that you don't let the characters show enough emotions. In the beginning, all of the characters felt quite similar, but they are starting to become more unique. The world building while not much has been shown or explained, the things shown are really cool. But in these paragraph comments, I already showed some bad things. Also, the thing with the third-eyed guy seemed weird. First of all, the MC didn't show any plan like he said, but just used some incarnation. Also, that guy just gave something out, without any apparent reason. Then again from all I could read, it seemed like the MC lived a normal life, then how is he supposed to know about that guy or his summoning words? Especially if he doesn't seem to know much about the world of mysticism. Some scenes were also confusing, but I can't exactly remember them perfectly. Other than that in 9 chapters almost nothing happened. A lot of potential but a lot of things to take better care of. **Recommended because I thought faster than I wrote.

The Quest for Meru


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