
Review Detail of EvilBlueCrystal in Rebirth: Super gene

Detalle de revisión


The opening phrase is generic, failing to provide any insight into the theme, plot, or protagonist. Unfortunately, the rest of the chapter is the same, so it's skipped entirely as it seems irrelevant. The protagonist, who lacks any discernible personality, exhibits a disappointingly casual and ordinary attitude throughout the narrative. Then it's followed by abrupt time skips in the early stages of the story, leaving the reader disoriented and disconnected from the plot. The storytelling style is not engaging, that leans heavily on telling you the events but never shows you anything. Furthermore, the protagonist's ability to acquire private information with mere inquiries seems implausible and unrealistic. It's baffling why we should care about a character who possesses no battle power, strength, abilities, or unique qualities. The dialogues between the protagonist and his so-called "friend" lacks depth, it's not at all interesting. The protagonist's family adds nothing of value to the plot, making their existence feel entirely unnecessary. The story should have started at chapter 3 when the protagonist uses the teleporter explaining his reincarnation, sparing readers from the tedious and uneventful beginning. By this point, all interest was lost. The importance of finding information and journeying to another shelter at the other side of the continent, arriving at the right time period without much explanation seemed contrived and unrealistic. The dealing with the merchant don't make sense. System messages are not in brackets. The lack of logical thinking and planning by the protagonist, combined with his inexplicable confidence, made him an unconvincing character. The absence of detailed environmental descriptions and scene transitions further hindered any immersion. In summary, this novel is a casual read, while the writing itself is decent, the story's flat and unimpactful.

Rebirth: Super gene


Le gusta a personas 21

me gusta



You just roasted this brother, there aren't that much Super Gene fanfictions anyways, now even this author has lost hope to update the chapters....


Thank you for the honest feedback. My first time writing a novel, honestly just wanted to get all the ideas off my chest.I would appreciate more feedback especially from the latest chapters


is this a harem??

toniloba_:Thank you for the honest feedback. My first time writing a novel, honestly just wanted to get all the ideas off my chest.I would appreciate more feedback especially from the latest chapters


Azathoth2:is this a harem??

will there be a heroine and will he be evil like fang Yuan or the generic righteous?


Excelente comentário, simplesmente tirou palavras que eu tinha o sentimento mas não sabia descrever. Parabéns


So... why did it get four stars?


most likely was his review something like this Writing Quality 5, Stability of Updates 5, Story Development 3, Character Design 3, World Background 3, average 3.8, round it up 4, this happened when I was writing my review on different fanfic and I had to lower the score so it would not round it up.

WaitWhoWhat:So... why did it get four stars?