
Review Detail of reqrwq2 in My system allows me to copy talents

Detalle de revisión


Another trashy sports novel with one of the most useless stupid MC. MC has 2 cheats going on for him, 1) he is a regressor football player who starts again from being little kid 2) He has system. Any one of these would make a op footballer. but he has two. But this trash Mc struggle and wins National cup in one out of five or four chances. Even though he has future knowledge and repeatedly himself he would join best scchool/ Academy /club without being coward of fighting for starting line up. But guess what, all his school club players are useless trash. They struggles so hard against enemy team that without Mc that team should not even qualify for the tournament. Then why the fuck Mc joined this trash team with future knowledge. Or This stupid Mc makes everyone else in the team trash like him, but because of the two cheats he has Mc wins some match but loose the one that matters. Mc with adult mind and cheat should suicide after repeatedly loosing to little kids. If it was sport like weight lifting, 100 meter dash then i could somehow understand. But in football? Go on, Mc is just trash.

My system allows me to copy talents


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