
Review Detail of UelUel in Just Another Day - Two Birds

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Just want to share this quote to those who find their everyday life as boring like the Male Lead MC"You can't get so hung up on where you'd rather be that you forget to make the most of where you are.Every cloud has a silver lining.You're not where you want to be. You feel like you're supposed to be somewhere else. Well, say you could snap your fingers and be wherever you wanted to be. I bet you'd still feel this way. Not in the right place. Point is, you can't get so hung up on where you'd rather be that you forget to make the most of where you are.Take a break from worrying what you can't control. Live a little.It's funny. We all have dreams. We plan our futures like we're the captain of our fates. But we're passengers. We go where fate takes us."And for the, I hope you can show more why is the ML MC is in that state? Why does he finds everything boring and monotonous? Why is he unhappy? I know everyone passes in that state at some point in their life but I still want to know why. With that, the readers would be able to sympathize with him.And I'm hoping to see more development about the Female Lead MC.

Just Another Day - Two Birds


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